Attention to everybody, we have posted a matter/letter head - TopicsExpress


Attention to everybody, we have posted a matter/letter head regarding what should be sent to GOI against bifurcation. Please let us know if any pts or any important discussion is left out. Please send us any supporting docs you may have. Please read below:- To, GOI and MHA and its GOM, Delhi, India, Subject:- Against the bifurcation of AP. I here by as an Indian citizen formulated my fundamental duty conferred to me by article 51 A to uphold and protect the sovereignty,unity and integrity. Which by itself implies that India is an example of unity in diversity. So living by this example for 60 yrs of independence makes me think why would a state be bifurcated on petty issues like region,religion,self rule and governance. To elaborate a few lines, why should we repeat the past which has made an easy way for external aggregation like a foreign country ruling us and divide and rule policy. What example are we setting for other countries. Why should any state not be divided. 1. It depletes the nation further hampering the very foundation of India. This gives rise to more and more states honoring for state hoods, which may turn ugly and start by conferring for separate countries. This gives an imbalance politically, geographically and various other forms like terrorism. 2. To divide the state for mere governance is a failed experiment in many ways. As we stand today smaller states which have been divided like Punjab, Haryana,UP dont stand any where regarding development, growth rate,literacy rate. 3. It a burden to the tax payer since his/her money is not used wisely by giving it away for developing new states which new huge infrastructure from the very scratch, so in this way the countrys Consolidated fund, depletes further creates more chaos among states asking for grants. The GOI therefore seem to misuse the money by announcing packages to the newly created states. 4. Disputes arsing from water flow would become one of the biggest problems in due course. The already exsting disputes, 1. Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal 2. Hogenakkal Falls water dispute 3. Kaveri River water dispute 4. Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal 5. River water disputes in Telangana state(rising) These have detrimental potential to ruin its agriculture sector. In regard to AP The GOI knowingly seem to play a political game, which would be creating more chaos and un-repairable damage at this juncture, then expected. The GOI which seem to be elected by the majority doesnt seem to be exercising the same duty. It seems to be reacting to the minority which claim for false attributes. The T-leaders seem to ask for self rule and self recognition. May I ask the GOI whether this credibility seems rather important then the people who pay tax for you. This way the GOI has opened the Pandora Box of troubles, which would be harming the very fabrication of India. The GOI has wasted only time by creating different committees and using none of them as a reference to what the GOI has decided today as of 12-oct-2013. The main example is the SKC(Sri krishna commitee) who has spend cores of rupees(peoples money) in giving different views by going across the entire state. The GOI has just thrashed the views in the dustbin. Why has the GOI not tabled the SKC in the parliment is the big question that must be answered. GOI option:- Bifurcation of the State into Telangana and Seemandhrâ as per existing boundaries with Hyderabad as the capital of Telangana and Seemandhra to have a new capital. This was the second most preferred option according to the report. Only with the reconciliation of other regions(which GOI has deliberately ignored). SKC committe:- Keeping the State united and providing for creation of a statutorily empowered Telangana Regional Council for socio­-economic development and political development of Telangana region. This was the most preferred option When the GOI had an option to keep the unity of AP, why has it not exercised the same fundamental duty as mentioned in the very constitution. The very fundamental aspect of democracy has be snatched by the GOI.For the People, By the People and To the People. GOI has gone forward and only acts stubborn inspite of massive revolt against bifurcation from the public( the tax payers). GOI seem to make ridiculous remarks saying it cannot go back on the T-note, how was the same possible in the recent ordinance drama. I urge the GOI to abide by the people or could issue a referendum by its people and keep the state United. Note:- I hope you dont just throw it in the dustbin/delete like its been done at the past. I hope you behave human. Thanking you sincerely, Indian Citizen Note:- I would co-ordinate with admin and add more pts if i have 4gotten. Any comments from the ppl who read would be appreciated. I have just taken an initiative. This would be mailed to [email protected]
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:59:39 +0000

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