Attention to the Populace of Bloodwyrm Haven: You have been fed - TopicsExpress


Attention to the Populace of Bloodwyrm Haven: You have been fed a clever pack of lies. The “Battle of Five Armies” is a ruse to distract you from the true nature of the fight that will be joined at Endreign/Coronation. Five armies they say. This is false. What we face is ONE army consisting of four corps of fighters who are bent on the assassination of our illustrious Queen before she even has a chance to ascend to the throne. Who could be behind this dastardly ploy? The Vikings, that is who. They have terrorized the peasantry into being the fodder. They have tricked the nobles into believing that all noble lands will be spared any further raiding. Worst of all, they have recruited foul monsters and demons to help them succeed because the know that we have Right on our side and the support of the majority of the populace. Do not be fooled by these traitorous tactics. Join together under the banner of Queen Limbo. Join and help strike the death blow to tyranny. Join and secure democracy in the Kingdom as well as your own parks. Together we can, and will, overcome this sinister force that kicks puppies, steals candy from babies, and roots for the Grinch to destroy Christmas. Together we shall prevail. By My Hand, Hawklynn Stormcloak, Esq.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:31:53 +0000

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