Attitude of Gratitude As you therefore have received Christ - TopicsExpress


Attitude of Gratitude As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. (Colossians 2:6-7) Gratitude is having an attitude of being thankful even when you dont see what you have been blessed with. It is having a right understanding of the goodness of God. Even in times of stress or strain, gratitude is shown by being able to look to the Heavens and being truly thankful to God for everything He has done for you. What Jesus suffered at the cross to give us eternal life is monumental compared to the agitation and suffering that I go through. If nothing else, I just need to wake up with praise on my lips and heart for that alone. What He has given me is so much and if I just took the time to count all the things He has blessed me with, it would take forever. If you have to have an attitude, let it be one of gratitude. Dont let anything rob you of joy peace and contentment. The enemy wants you to believe in lack. He wants you to compare yourself with others. He wants to see you embittered and separated from peace and love. When you go through life with a victim mindset, it separates you from what God has called you to do and be. You become hardened to the needs of others and self centered because you are thinking about your own needs or lack thereof. The good news is that we can choose today to do some little things to remind us of the blessings of the Lord upon our lives. First, we could greet the day with praise and thanksgiving for seeing another day. We can thank Him for our families and ask for His guidance in looking for ways to just be happy and not complain or be disapproving. We can be grateful for the job that we go to everyday, knowing that you can affect change through your perception and thankful attitude. We can practice just saying thank you to people who do nice things for us. And when the weight of circumstances feel heaviest, you can just thank God by offering Him praise that He has given you the strength to still stand. Thank Him for the maturation that is taking place in your life to bring you out of falling so easily in the victim mindset to a victorious one in Christ Jesus.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:46:55 +0000

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