Attn Dog Owners: HELP! If you or anyone you know has ever adopted - TopicsExpress


Attn Dog Owners: HELP! If you or anyone you know has ever adopted a dog from JR Kennels in Glenmore (likely husky type dogs or shepherds) Please PM Me. This is a notorious Puppy Mill thats needs to be shut down As a member of a local dog rescue aswell a dog business owner over the last few years I and friends have talked to people who have gotten dogs or puppies from this kennel, most of which admit to buying the puppy simply to get them out of the awful conditions. Last year I was able to go to the place and see how awful it is and I was only allowed on the outside. You can hear dog fights breaking out and seeing pictures of the inside, walls are covered in feces, dogs are emaciated and the place is a mess. SPCA will not/cannot shut them down even tho he doesnt have a license to operate they say he hits the minimal requirements for care. I call BS. So i plan to gather as much evidence as possible to help shut this place down. I plan to speak to dog control and SPCA to see what they need, But for us to successfully shut him down we need the community to come together, We need as much evidence as possible. So if ANYONE knows anything about this place, has an experiences, pictures or contacts that could help, Please get them to PM me on Facebook or email me at [email protected] Im only posting in private groups, as I dont want public posts that he could possibly come across. Lets ban together and shut down this awful place, Ive attached an article about the kennel from the past. ADMIN; If not allowed on this page, you can delete
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:50:07 +0000

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