Attorney John Stemberger, President of the Florida Family Policy - TopicsExpress


Attorney John Stemberger, President of the Florida Family Policy Council gives ten reasons to vote NO on Amendment 2 which will be on the November 4 ballot. Heres reason number 10. VIRTUALLY EVERY MAJOR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN FLORIDA HAS COME OUT IN OPPOSITION TO AMENDMENT 2 IN ADDITION TO THE FLORIDA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, AND SEVEN FORMER FLORIDA SUPREME COURT JUSTICES. Some of the most liberal newspapers in the state like the Tampa Bay Times have taken official positions against this dangerous Amendment and are encouraging a NO VOTE because they know this is really not a medical marijuana amendment but an attempt to allow the full blown legalization of marijuana for recreational use. The Orlando Sentinel has said politics is coloring the debate, and to vote No. The Tampa Tribune says its a Trojan Horse. The Jacksonville Times Union said its a Stalking Horse for recreational use. The Lakeland Ledger and the Bradenton Herald also recommended a No Vote on 2. The bottom line is that everything about Amendment 2 is deceptive. And, if we are able to tell enough of our friends and family about this in the days we have left before the election, we can defeat this effort and save our state, our communities and our children a lot of heartache and problems that would not be easily reversed for years to come. Please - do not let Florida go to pot! For further information go to BEWARE, the John Morgan video below contains very RAW language. Read more:
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:44:15 +0000

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