Attracting Love-Activating Your Amber Energy: Love is life energy - TopicsExpress


Attracting Love-Activating Your Amber Energy: Love is life energy and if we dont have it our life, we are living in darkness. This exercise is intended to do more than attract the perfect mate, you will learn to radiate love from your soul level to attract a romantic partner, wonderful friendships, a rewarding career...a life full of happiness and joy! To turn on the Amber Energy within, we must learn what it is, to feel its vibration, and learn to emit it in all we do 24/7. The group 311 released a song a few years ago, Amber, that pinpoints this energy of attraction. Listen closely to the lyrics and feel the vibration of the music, it is the perfect combination to ignite the flame of love in your heart:( youtube/watch?v=SUFSB2plwzM ) 1. Smile! Have you ever tried to feel sad when you are smiling? Try it...Stand in front of a mirror and think of something sad...and Smile! Its impossible to feel sad when you smile. Walk around town smiling, People will start to freak out a bit, but in time, they will start smiling too....its contagious! 2. Do things that make you happy...that bring a smile to your face. Watch comedy movies, Take your children to a park and watch them play, take your dog to the dog park and watch him play. Join a social group that is positively based and fun. Do entertaining things. Volunteer for a good cause...whatever brings you joy, go out and do it! Now that weve gotten our minds off being lonely, its time to turn on that Amber Energy! 3. Find a quiet place and Center yourself as mentioned in the Centering Exercise. 4. Close your eyes and draw your Power Symbol above and in front of you. Send it up toward the heavens. 5. Draw the Distant Healing Symbol and do the same followed with the power symbol again. 6. Say a Prayer stating that you are now ready to welcome Romantic Love into your life and ask for guidance to find the right person for you. Give thanks...and this is important- Give thanks in a way that you are acknowledging your prayer has been answered. 7. Draw all your attuned symbols in your hands and place your Right hand over your heart and your Left hand over your Right. 8. Trigger the emotion of being happily in love. Play a romantic song in the background, remember a seen from a movie or from a previous romantic episode in your life. Find something that activates the romance within. Hold this emotion, let it radiate all around you. 9. Write down a description of the person you want in your life, cut out pictures from magazines and scatter them all around your home where you are always in constant view of your dream person. Draw your symbols on it. For levels 1-3, use the Emotion Symbol, For Level 4 on, use the heart symbol...the one with the cross(Names are Sacred) 10. Visualize-dream of being with this person you desire. See yourself doing all the activities you would do in a relationship with this person while feeling the romantic emotion of love. The stronger the emotion you can generate, the faster and more accurate your power of manifestation will be. 11. Let go! Walk away from this exercise with extreme positivity knowing that your wish has been granted...and it will! Keep your Amber Energy Glowing everywhere you go...the right person will see it!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 12:27:22 +0000

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