Attraction Marketing is Super Easy and We all actually have - TopicsExpress


Attraction Marketing is Super Easy and We all actually have friends around us who are professional in attracting people towards them even in their own personal life. did you notice there are people who easily attracts other people into their circle... have you ever notice what are some characteristic this person have? and why are guys always attracted to a cute, beautiful, hot girls fb profile or whenever they walk by? yes... some neurons are probably firing and ideas are connecting... we are attracted to people we like. Why do some people love Tony Anthony Robbins ? (I am Too) thats cause the things that comes out from his mouth is inspirational, motivational, knowledgeable, wisdom words that going to save me from doing the wrong things, experience that will bring me closer to the level i want to achieve in life or business. So if you trying to figure out how to attract people, towards you do the things that attracted you in the first place to those people u fell in love with, people who u follow on facebook, people who have more success than you... analysis their profiles, what they say... and borrow those words, one-liners, absorb those knowledge... and add your own flavor and turn it into your own. just like this very post im doing... youre reading this because you like what i write, you are attractted to the things i think about, you find value in the post i share with you. for those people who are doing internet marketing, network marketing. you dont need to push a sale... and there is the oldest of all saying. people join people, not people join business... stop talking about how great ur business is... how great ur complan is. how much benefit ur product or service can give... in the end the key player, the most important part of this equation is YOU!!!!! tell the people about who you are and what you do for a living...(it doesnt mean you need to tell them about ur business life) talk about your hobbies where did you go recently. what did you do recently... because these are the type of things people like to read... thats why millions of millions of people follow celebrities... because they like to see whats happneing in their lives... and that attracts them towards them. hopefully you found tremendous amount of value i shared here. Share this with a friend you guys could be making your first sale by attracting the same type of people towards you.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 02:14:46 +0000

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