Auckland Council Mooring Dragging Update. Our Cruise, Video Link - TopicsExpress


Auckland Council Mooring Dragging Update. Our Cruise, Video Link for Seeing, Signing & Sharing Petition - maritimenz/AnnulConvictionGainedByAbuseOfCourtProcess Classique dragged her Auckland Council heavy duty mooring in June’14 & ended up aground, against the Auckland Harbour Bridge & Shoal Bay Boat Grid. Auckland Council has been dragging its heels regarding the acceptance of liability for their extreme negligence in not laying mooring equipment to a standard fit for purpose. A High Court Action is being prepared. The Specialist Adviser to the Legal Aid office responded recently with the request that a mooring expert with appropriate credentials send in his fee for the writing of a report along with provision of his list of qualifications for approval. An expert with a Lloyds of London certificate has been found. This qualification has probably the highest status amongst certified mooring contractors in Auckland. An additional question will be included for the Expert to answer – was Bolton entitled to rely on the skill & judgment of the Auckland Council as to the mooring’s fitness for purpose? The Expert is in the process of preparing information for the Legal Aid office but for the writing of his report he has requested that he be provided with copies of the original certification of the mooring & the bi-annual certificates the contractor would issue after he’s lifted to inspect the state of the mooring. No doubt this will be available from the Auckland Council Insurers in due course & it will reveal exactly what’s been going on between those responsible for the approval of the original equipment & its subsequent repairs & maintenance. The original certificate will specify the type of equipment, its weight, strength, holding capacity, length, depth of water & perhaps how it is to be laid. It will be a revelation regarding approval of an inappropriate 1 fluke, 1 directional anchor, which to make matters worse was laid upside down with the fluke pointing skywards. As to its bi-annual inspection, answers might be found as to why the contractor used dis-similar metals in the construction of the chain disregarding the regional guidelines warning about electrolysis weakening its links which would have broken if the anchor had held. Link for Seeing, Signing & Sharing Petition - maritimenz/AnnulConvictionGainedByAbuseOfCourtProcess
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 08:24:51 +0000

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