Audhu billahi mina shaytaani rajeem, Bismillahi-Rahmani-Raheem. - TopicsExpress


Audhu billahi mina shaytaani rajeem, Bismillahi-Rahmani-Raheem. Alhamdulillahil Azeem Wassalatu Wassalamu Alaa Nabiyyil Kareem. Wa aalihi wasahbihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihil Azeem. We thank Allah for this gathering. A gathering on the foundation of having good thoughts towards one another. HAVING GOOD THOUGHTS TOWARDS ONE ANOTHER. The Prophet s.a.w said; There are two characters that no character is better than them; to think good of Allah (husnu zanni billah), and to think good of Allahs servants (husnu zanni bi ibaadillah); and there are two characters that there is no worst character than them; to think bad of Allah (suuu zanni billah) and to think bad of Allahs servants (suuu zanni bi ibaadillah). Your thinking good of your brother, if what you are thinking good about him is true about him, then you will be rewarded for it. I once heard Sayyida Fatima Niasse may Allah illuminate her face saying; whenever I see a servant of Allah becomes successful, I rejoice with him thanking Allah (for him). And even if what you think about your brother is not true but is good thoughts, it will not harm you to think good of him. As for your bad thinking towards your brother, if it is true about him, you will not gain anything from it. and if it is not true about him, then you have committed a sin. Therefore we should think good of our brothers because if we have husnu zanni i.e good thoughts towards each other, we will not have all this religious wars with each other. This is because even if you are to think bad of someone, it has to be only one person and that is yourself. Think good of everybody and think bad of only yourself. That is Islam and by this the slave goes higher in Allahs presence! A good Muslim should therefore think good of his brother. Just as we heard about the Shaykh of the Qadiriya Sufi order who gained what he gained because of his good thoughts towards everybody. It is mentioned that there was a gawth who use to appear and hide sometimes in the city of Baghdad. Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Jilani rta in his youth days had two friends Ibnu Saqqa and Abdullahi. They went to visit this gawth that appeared. Ibnu Saqqa said I will ask him a question that he wouldnt know the answer to it. Abdullahi said I will ask him a question well just to see the kind of answer he will give to it. As for Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Jilani rta he said I will not ask him any question. I will not test him with anything. I believe he is a Wali and I I will just visit him for the sake of Allah. So they all set off for the gawths place. When they got there, the Wali looked at them and he already knew what their intentions were. He said O Ibnu Saqqa you wanted to ask me questions that I didnt have answer to. well, these are your questions and these are the answer to them And if I (shall) see you (in the future), you will be wearing the cross. As for Abdullahi who was less disrespectful that said that he will ask a question just to see what the Wali will say, the gawth said to him; You wanted to ask me questions to hear my answers. These are your questions and these are the answers. And if I (shall) see you in the future, I see that you will become so rich that the dunya will occupy your head (you will forget Allah). Then he looked at Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Jilani rta and said, You young man, you came to visit just for Allah and not to ask me any question. I see you in this city of Baghdad in your maqam (rank) saying; my feet are on the necks of every Wali. So this is the result of Shaykh Jilani rta for having good thoughts towards Allahs servants. As for ibnu saqqa the first man, he became a big learned shaykh in the future so the king of his place sent him to negotiate with the Christians in Rome. When he got to Rome and entered the Palace, he saw the emperors daughter and fell in love with her. He proposed to marry her and the emperor says he will marry her if only he becomes a Christian. He was so tempted by the woman that he renounced Islam and put on the cross and became a Christian to marry the woman. He became sick after marrying the woman with a very dangerous disease. The princess then denied him and threw him out. The people who knew the prophecy of the Gawth about Ibn saqqa started to see him carrying cross walking about the streets of Rome denying Islam. And that was the end of him for his bad thoughts of Allahs servants. As for the second man Abdullah be became a very big learned man also. The king took him and made him a minister and he became so so rich that he was surrounded by dunya all the time and no longer has time for Islam at all... As for Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Jilani rta, he continued on his journey to Allah, until he reached his promised maqam of the Gawth and he said what he said, that so much so that he reached the level of the greatest Wali of his time and he said my feet are on the necks of everybody on the face of this earth, the great Shaykh Abu Madyan was in Morocco that time and he heard Shaykh Abdul-Qadir rta saying that in Baghdad while he (Shaykh Abu Madyan) was in Morocco. That time his daughter was busy shaving his head for him. He stopped her that he need to bow down his head, in obedience to what Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Jilani rta has just said in Baghdad. Therefore we should always think good towards one another. All of us are one. Be it Tariqa Qadiriya, Shadhiliya, Naqshbandiya, Tijaniya, all of them their goal (muraad) is Muhammadu Rasulullahi SAW. Because Rasulullah s.a.w is like an ocean and an ocean - many rivers link to it. some of the rivers are very long and some are very short. May Allah grant us the love of Rasulullah s.a.w. May Allah grant us unity and love for one another as well as understanding. I will use this medium to now say, if you have bad thoughts of anybody because they offend you in one way or the other especially ME, please forgive them and rather replace the thoughts with good ones. Jazakumullahu khayran wassalam.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:52:05 +0000

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