Aug 20, 2014 God Forgives Our Sin By Dr. Charles Stanley Read - TopicsExpress


Aug 20, 2014 God Forgives Our Sin By Dr. Charles Stanley Read | Ephesians 1:3-8 The Bible is a guidebook mapping the route to our eternal home. But travelers must read and follow the directions. Some people claim they will get to heaven because of their morality, their religious observances, or even their belief that God exists. But those paths lead to death. The only road that leads to the Lord’s eternal home is faith in Jesus (John 14:6). Scripture gives us three landmarks along the route—points when there is an awareness of Christ and our need for Him. Landmark 1: I am a sinner. Everyone has done wrong (Isa. 53:6; Rom. 3:23). But only someone under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit recognizes that sin is what separates us from our holy God (John 9:31). When the spiritual seeker has this awareness about iniquity, he is accountable for his response. Landmark 2: Jesus is perfect. Christ’s sinless sacrifice on the cross is what spans the chasm between the Father and His creation. Our Savior paid all past, present, and future sin debt. Landmark 3: I need Jesus. The defining moment on the journey is the point when the traveler believes Jesus is who He claimed to be. Belief is accompanied by repentance—a turning away from old sins. The pilgrim is given a brand-new nature and is welcomed into God’s family (2 Cor. 5:17; John 1:12). Are you on the road to discovering the Lord? Here is a peek at what is ahead if you stay the course: redemption (Rom. 3:24), eternal life (John 3:15), and a great adventure walking with Jesus. Trust in the Savior, and thank Him for His mercy and grace.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 13:30:58 +0000

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