August 13, 2014 True Religion is based on Intellect and - TopicsExpress


August 13, 2014 True Religion is based on Intellect and Conscience The intellect attains the truth of the reality (cognition) and the conscience analyses and achieves the correctness of every thought, word and deed. Most religions have encompassed the roles of these, but also have added the notion of a personal God to educate people at a very early commencement stage. The expectation was that in the course of continuous education and instructions both the teachers of religion and the followers will further probe matters and acquire knowledge of the prime importance of intellect and conscience, and the core reality of the Universe. The conscience of the human being is specifically and awesomely explained in the Gita, whereas it is ingeniously and holistically blended in the Buddhi of Buddhism and the Holy Spirit of Jesus’ teaching. The term ‘dust’ generally used in religious texts stands for ‘matter’ in the Gita, and the term ‘emptiness’ or ‘nothingness’ represents the unseen colossal cluster of particles which mediate in between and among themselves to become mass and energy. Thus we all human beings are the processed products of the universal reality, transitory in present living forms, and permanent in terms of the originating indestructible, infinite, and eternal matter. There is no God in heaven, other than the UR which is omnipresent, irrespective of whether there are or will be or not any sentient being to see and perceive it. God, with this name, or in any other name, and his abode named heaven, are fictions in the minds chiefly of Christians, and more indelibly copied in the minds of rival Muslims. The Universal Reality, by virtue of its pristine and infinite composition, and eternal evolutionary function, is utterly impersonal, innocent, and unbiased. Belief in God is opium, poison, and mental infirmity, which can easily be removed by reason, grandly applied in rationalism. In this context, I apply or reaffirm the title of ‘Periyar’ (meaning The Great) to serious thinkers like Marx, Einstein, Ingersoll, Ambedkar, EVR, and Gora, the founder of the Atheist Center in India, whose speeches or utterances greatly and at all times assist in the understanding of the reality. The incursion of Islamic radicalism and terror bearing various names, and notoriously varying in degrees of venomousness and brutality is the unholy and submissive association arising from the so called Holy God. It must be mercilessly driven out or destroyed by horror methods justified by reason and conscience. And not surprisingly so is the peevishness and imbecility of anti-Semitism, which is anti-Christ, anti-humanity, anti-reason, and ghastly Pro-Islamism calling for stern measures! Jagatguru
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:18:15 +0000

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