August 16, 2013 Believe, Receive, Become. Adekunle Akinleye - TopicsExpress


August 16, 2013 Believe, Receive, Become. Adekunle Akinleye The Word: But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. (John 1:12) The Gist: Have you ever believed God for something, (Who Hasn’t?), prayed about it, seen your pastor about it and you’ve decreed, declared, demanded and every de- you can possibly de!!! Well you get my gist don’t you? Now haven’t you sometimes or most times also doubted that what you’re believing for might or will not come to pass even though you’ve done everything you know to as stated in Scripture, by your pastor, from testimonies of others, books of anointed men of God, to mention a few? Those kinds of doubts come momentarily but what we decide to do with them determine what becomes of our prayer requests afterwards. Let us get some things straight, God is NOT a liar. He means what He says and He says what He means. The bible is the Word of God and every single word in it is true, they are not exaggerated, nor where they put in there as fiction to motivate us, IT ALL HAPPENED. If we can first begin to meditate on and let these truths sink into our being, we are on our way to a better Christian life. A life of victory over every issues of life. So why do we find it hard believing God will do it? I have come to realize that most people have a mental assent attitude towards God. They believe God is…well, God. “He created the heavens and the earth and everything in between, it’s true it’s been said He can do all things, He even parted the red sea for the Israelites (as the story goes).” They believe in God as the Supreme Being in charge of the affairs of the world but find it hard to believe He’s in charge or should I say giving Him Charge of their lives. Someone once said the longest journey in life is the journey from the head to the heart. Most of us still want to direct the affairs of our lives when we should surrender to the Master. We still have that urge to help ourselves. Sayings like “heaven helps those who help themselves” have eaten into our beings and have set themselves as our default thoughts. Reality check: YOU CAN NOT HELP YOURSELF. Everything in the kingdom of God operates by principles. It’s like aerodynamics, pilots don’t pray for a plane to take off, they simply fly it by doing what they’re supposed to (whatever that is…). Likewise us, if we have fulfilled every requirement of the kingdom, as pertaining to our request, it must work. And the basic requirements are for us to believe, then receive, thereby become. Who do we believe? Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Believe He is the Son of God, the way the truth and the life, that He was born, He lived and died, He rose up and went to heaven and that He’s coming back again. Most of all, believe He has taken your place for all the sins you’ve committed. Believe!!! Next you need to receive. And note that in receiving you become. To receive takes humility. Only the humble can accept a gift. You can’t give someone something until he accepts it. And when you accept is when you become a recipient. So you accept to become. That is what Jesus has been trying to get us to do since He came to replace us and offer us grace. Accept this gift and become children of God. The grace of God through Jesus is a gift that can only be received and not earned. But as many as RECEIVED Him, to them He gave the right to BECOME children of God, to those who BELIEVE in His name. (John 1:12) Have you been blessed? Please write us because we’ll like to hear from you, graceplatform@yahoo Follow us on twitter; @Graceplatform
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 06:26:27 +0000

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