August 16 Horoscope August 16 Birthdays August 16 - TopicsExpress


August 16 Horoscope August 16 Birthdays August 16 Zodiac Being a Leo born on August 16th, you are known for your stubbornness, ambition and honesty. You prefer to do things your way and sometimes meet others with great opposition when this preference is challenged. You meet your goals with the same determination and as a result, you are highly driven towards success. In dealing with others, you are brutally honest at times. Although they may feel you are a bit too straightforward and blunt at times, your honestly is still valued by your family and friends. Fire August 16 Element Your signs paired element is fire and as a Leo, you have the most fundamental connection with the element. When you make a goal, the influence of fire causes you to take on a goal-oriented path with enthusiasm and passion. Likewise, the undying flame inside you is also responsible for your general confidence and fortitude. These qualities of fire are key to many of your strengths, but fires influence can become a weakness, if you become to impulsive or impatient. August 16 Planetary Influence The Sun is the Leos planetary ruler, but because you were born in the third Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also subject to the planetary influence of Mars. The Suns power manifests in your creative and individualistic nature, but the Mars power is reflected in your highly assertive and active qualities. The Sun and Mars pair to make you for more ambitious than other Leo Decans. You have the tools to creatively accomplish your goals. Your greatest challenge may be the dark qualities of your planetary influence, which includes the aggression, violence and restlessness of Mars. Stay positive and optimistic in your dealings, and you will continue to propel yourself on a successful path. August 16 Career Picking a specific career path is always a challenge, but your personality makes multiple careers open for success. You are a natural determined leader, so a career in business would bring you excitement. If you find a worthwhile cause, you may find a career in the non-profit sector rewarding. The world of entertainment may also appeal to you. If this is the case, the let the groundbreaking careers of Madonna and Steve Carell, who were both born on August 16th, serve as inspiration. August 16 Sabian Symbol The Sabian Symbol is a large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert. In order to achieve true independence in life, one must also be completely self-reliant. In order to obtain this goal, you must have a combination of spiritual strength and mental control. With these qualities, you can overcome any obstacle in your path. Celebrity Relationships Here are a few Leo celebrities born on August 16th and their romantic connections and associated sign: James Cameron (Leo) and Suzy Amis (Capricorn) Madonna (Leo) and Guy Ritchie (Virgo) Leo Relationship Compatibility
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 05:49:43 +0000

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