August 18, 2009 Its crazy how in so little time somebody can - TopicsExpress


August 18, 2009 Its crazy how in so little time somebody can mean so much to you.. We spent a short amount of days together yet nobody ever put a smile on my face yhe way you had. No things werent always fairytale perfect but I didnt need them to be. We talked day & night, till wed fall asleep to being the first person we talked to in the morning. The way things ended it was pretty ugly, but let me just tell this tiny short little story. "This is Michael, Michael this is Desiree. Were busy can you please show her around and more or less how to do prep". Your mother said. I was excited, my first job. We joked about it, got little things done talked for a while then it was time to go home. So my mom & I got into our car as you and your mom got into yours. On our way home I told my mom, that guy Michael he was a sweetheart.. Lol we didnt even do anything besides talk really. She thought it was funny so called your mom they talked for hours it seemed about this and that.. Then I recieved a text, soo how are you? Me thinking who the hell is this.. I replied with a simple oh im fine how are you? It was funny.. Cause i never gave my number to anyone... I always was afraid of was right befor my sophomore year & we both still had school shopping to do, sooo our first "Date" was to the mall for school shoes. You bought your shoes then to the bookstore we went, I fell inlove with more then half of everything in there (it was all twilight & you learned about my love for a fictional charactor & made fun of me) gazing over everything I looked at, picking up a puzzle & paying for it I laughed.. We walked through JC pennys & upstairs to the college stuff we went.. Looking at little things to dorm room things you told me "ohhh look I need yhis for when I go to college" Picked it up & handed it to me. "Dorm room checklist" I laughed home furnishings was the next place we went, why? I have noo idea.. You grabbed my hand and we were standing there staring into eachothers eyes for what seemed a very long time. Then you gave me a kiss & quickly pulled away, you told me you were sorry & didnt mean to do that I smiled & told you it was okay! We met back up with my mom & brothers, she laughed, she picked on us & told you "you bought her a puzzle? I hope you know your helping her cause thats a big puzzle". I smiled and you looked at me and said "yes, itll be our little project".. On the way back to my house we sat in the back,you on the left my baby sister in the middle and me on the right. Playing with my hair.. Never once throughout the night did you or I so much as attempt to take our phones out of our pocket. We got to the house & ran to my moms room.. Puzzle on the floor and sitting there working together.. We put a little bit of it together then my mom called us to the kitchen to eat so we went, tacos. "this is legit mexican food" you told my mom. We talked and we laughed my mom made fun of us... For everylittle thing. It was time to drop you off so there we went to meet your mom & dad.. I guess you could say we were at an advantage cause we had already known one anothers mom.. I didnt have a father figure for you to be scared of meeting and well your dad was a bigo teddy bear.. We sayd bye and you gave me a hug, I smiled and of back home we went our own ways. As soon as we got into our seperated cars my phone rang & it was you. Both our parents laughing "yall just spent all day together what could yall simply be talking about". We got home & you told me okay im going to take a shower and lay down ill call you back, I said okay me to!! So I ran to the shower and took a quick shower then as I finished dressing myself my phone rang, it was you. I told my mom goodnight & we talked alllll night long, befor you said "Lets take this slow lets not make any mistakes lets agree to always talk to eachother okay? Your an amazing, beautiful girl & if you just tell me okay or a simple ill think about it ill be happy? My heart was beating sooo fast my tears were.running down my face.. Will you be my girlfriend? I laughed a little befor telling you yes! A sigh sigh of relief came out of your stomach. everything was going good or atleast thats what I thought, lets take a break.. Maybe were moving foward a lityle fast maybe this isnt supposed to be us was a text I recieved from you one day. i cried i hated myself, I locked myself in the room & I didnt want To talk to anyone..thinking to myself what did I do wrong why is he being like this.. All I text you back was "why". I guess you sat there & you thought about it, cause not even 8 hours later my phone rang & our song started playing "Beautiful girls, all over the world I could be chasin but my time would be waisted....." I picked up my phone "hello" & all you kepy saying was im sorry, i didnt mean it. I miss you! Then I cried more. Our next date was olive garden, this time it your your mom & dad. You & I! We talked we laughed.. I loved them, like they were blood then came picked me up & off your house we went.gave your mom her present & went to your aunts & had wrapped your gift & gave it to you in the car.. When you opened it and you smiled, my heart smiled. I asked you not to buy me anything cause I had everything I ever wanted when I looked at you.. So you did exactly that.. Little did I know you had something planned..we spent time with your family & then on the road there we were. Getting lost was something we always did, nomatter what! I nevere really cared as long as we were together. Downtown we went, christmas lights & the biiigo christmas tree.. Then my favorite tree all lit up with blue lights.. We sat there just holding eachother staring at the tree & we could of that momeny forever.. It was perfect. It was also the best christmas that I ever had & for you to give that to me was the best... A couple of weeks went by & there you had another surprise.. We drove around for hours it seemed and at the top looking ay the lights, talking about little.things taking picture after picture..we were in our moment again..then we went down to the bottom watching & feeling all the different things in texas with the 4d showing they held. It was amazing... On the road we were again just going and going, olive garden is where you finally stopped, are you ready? I laughed.. Yeah lets go im starving.. So we went inside & we were seated.. Siting there laughing, we both got sweet tea we both ate chicken Alfredo & salad of corse. We talked about little things about life, about our future & we shared memories nobody could take away... It was getting late and we both worked the next day soo off on our journey home we went.. You pulled in to drive way, walked me to my front door gave me a kiss on the cheek & walked back to the car... As I walked inside you called & said "I miss you already" i was already all smiled but my smile was bigger then you said I have something to tell you & If you dont feel the same.way its okay.. I ran to my mom & I was scared,... "I love you" you said.. As tears ran from my eyes "I love you too" came out of my mouth... My mom smiled and she gave me a hug. Anything I did with you it made things better.. Im going to end thing with, our time was cut short due to dishonesty & unloyalty.. We were young we never should have been where we were. Im old enough to know this now. Ive been hurt enough to know better next time around. Michael Anthony Felan. You were a great friend, and amazing boyfriend & you were my bestfriend. One day youll make a girl really happy & youll be an amazing husband but an even more amazing dad. Until that day comes dont you EVER let anyone hurt you & dont you ever settle for less then you deserve, and thats the world. (this wasnt even half of the time we spent togeyher but it was getting reallly long & it was getting really hard to share it all, some memories are my memories & im not ready to let them go yet". Enjoy life now, yoy have a whole new one ahead of you. Make the best of it & stay strong.(:
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 01:57:41 +0000

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