August 19, 2013 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New - TopicsExpress


August 19, 2013 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Rev Colleen Etana - An Unconditional Relationship God Through Messiah Rev Colleen Etana with The Holy Spirit: Begin with a Definition: One that is always there for you no matter what. Where you treat like you want to be treated and can expect the same in return. A mutual relationship where both like to give as well as to receive, and neither runs up a tab or keeps tabs on the other unless they want to. (Of course neither of you are all that nosy anyway right?) You both share as generously as you are able to, without taking advantage or assuming entitlement over the other and without keeping track as you both have boundaries due to respect. You keep your privacy when you need it, but you can call all hours of the day and night, even if you cant sleep due to a bad dream or something equally as serious. Maybe you get upset with each other sometimes, but you dont take it out on each other. You both discuss things assertively and faithfully balance each other out using as much kindness as needed, never holding any grudges (neither sooner, now or later). Where you can both agree to disagree. In other words, no offense is taken and none is intended either, its just an acceptance of other ideas although they may be very different. Someone you can always lean on, if or when there is a moment of weakness or a need. Someone you can wrap your wing around and are grateful for at all times, even if they just fell in the mud. Where you are loved without being judged for what you have done, and this goes both ways for sure. This relationship lets you be you, in all your glory, or not, and cherishs that about you too, whichever the case may be, on any given day, keeping the law of reciprocation in mind. One that shall never leave you nor forsake you, although one may walk away for a moment, yet always comes back in forgiveness, which is a two way street in Life. One that always has each others best interests at heart. One who lifts you up when youre feeling blue, with encouraging words and not discouraging tones, now how about you? Where you can turn for help if you need to be guided away from something that might harm you, gently or even adamantly at that, but only if necessary and especially when asked. One which gives you positive feedback, listens when you need to talk, or just sits in the silence being One with you. Appreciates the other for who they are and not just what they do for you. Never binding, but setting each other free to be, living and let living. Which serves to only make you both want to give more love and support to each other without reservation by the way. One where you can talk about anything, but without treating the other like a dumping ground all the time, and likewise Im sure. One where you can just hang out, because you honestly want to spend time together for you enjoy the company. One that can make you laugh and laughs with you, not at you. Where you never get tired of being together and you feel exactly the same way about most things for you have much in common, not being unequally yoked. One where you can meet each other on any level. Where you both say what you mean, and mean what you say, so there is no confusion or misunderstanding, but without being rude. To do or not to do unto each other. Maybe you could even call this a Divinely Connected Relationship? To be or not to be a true friend? That is the question. You already know the answer. And so it is. And ever shall be. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/1740/unconditional-relationship#ixzz3FikHreI4
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 06:25:51 +0000

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