August, 21, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland [Is there anyone in the - TopicsExpress


August, 21, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland [Is there anyone in the Company of Heaven who would like to speak with me today? Please identify yourself. Thank you.] “Yes. It is I, Isis. Today I would like to talk about fidelity. Fidelity, in your culture, has come to mean “faithfulness”, “loyalty”, “support” – such as that which is often characterized as a “monogamous relationship”. We do think however, that, Dear Humans, that this is a very narrow view. Let us be clear. We, in the Company of Heaven absolutely respect that two people choose to pair up and be only with each other for a specified period of time. We see that this allows people to feel secure and to know what to expect, so far as with whom they can except to spend their time relative to matters of the heart, matters of practicality, and in many cases (for better or worse), even economics. But the problem we perceive with having “paired monogamy” as the ONLY standard with which we believe we can achieve fidelity, and thus the only one with which we will engage another with our whole heart, is that this that leaves little chance to define fidelity any other way – as it was also intended: “the degree at which something can be reproduced”. You have heard the Earth terminology “hi-fidelity”, or “hi-fi”, have you not? You may understand that frame of reference from your Earth decade called the 1970s when it was often used to describe stereo systems which were able to reproduce the music played upon them with quality that sounded very close to the original production of the music. This is the type of resonance that is a worthwhile goal to pursue – and not just in stereo equipment. So, what does this explanation of fidelity, or “hi-fi” have to do with relationships you might ask? Dear Ones, you do not have to wait until you are in the relationship with whom you term “THE ONE” to experience hi-fidelity as we have defined it. For you to fully understand this, we would like to first explain to you what fidelity looks and feels like in a relationship. ANY RELATIONSHIP. (Remember the definition of fidelity is being able to reproduce something nearly exactly.) Well, now. We are getting somewhere with this concept. Aren’t we? We think so. Still confused? We ask that you try to see this matter of fidelity, which so many long for and erroneously think can only come with a monogamous partner in a romantic relationship, as a new way for you to understand the Law of Attraction – a very real physics principle of the Universe. That is to say, you attract the sorts of relationships which duplicate the way your see yourself – even if on an unconscious level. Does this make sense Dear Humans? The depth or level at which you love and accept yourself completely, is the level at which you will attract an individual or a partner – for an hour, a day, a night or for a lifetime. And in that way – ALL relationships may be characterized by fidelity can they not? So perhaps what you have been waiting for has been with you all along! How joyous should that be for you to now discover! Simply put, this is reminder - with decades old stereophonic references for comparison - which reminds you that what you call into your life can ONLY be that which you put out. Now, we know that alot of you who are in relationships that are unsatisfying and even, dare we say, even abusive, know that you have not “asked for that”. And Dear Ones, we do not in any way we suggest that you deserve or asked on a conscious level for these unsatisfying and even dangerous situations – of course you did not! NO ONE asks to be treated poorly, HOWEVER, we do state that the vibratory field – the Akasha which reads your frequency and responds accordingly, does not understand the nuances of the level of any given vibration – only its overall signature. Thus, while no one ASKS to be mistreated, mistreatment may occur as the result of your putting out a frequency that you are not worthy of love, respect, joy; maybe someone told you along the way that, say for instance, “marriage is difficult”, “everyone cheats” or perhaps you learned from other loved ones or parents that violence was part of a relationship. Thus paradigm is then communicated to the Universe and experiences are called to you which respond in kind. THIS is how powerful your thoughts and belief systems are! Do you see how these “programs”, so to speak, can be running in the background, much like hidden malware on your computing devices, calling into your field those experiences which meet your unconscious expectations? Again, we do not say that this is your fault, we understand the impact that millennia of the Dark Ones infiltrating you with their agenda made it difficult for you to understand these concepts, but the Dark Ones have been contained now, many banished off planet and still others converted to the side of Light, and thus there is much less dense energy on your planet which much more easily allows you to overcome the programming and false paradigms that had been running in the background – and sometimes foreground – of humanity for so long. Therefore, we ask that you now take up the mantle of discarding those old, destructive paradigms once and of all – starting with those about yourself – and understand and exhibit your true value as a human and spiritual being. This begins with unconditional self-love. Can you see Beloveds how this relates to being in relationships which exhibit the sort of fidelity you want, rather than that which you do not want? And we must remind your that there is no need to wait for a singular person to be “in fidelity” with – since as we define it – the fidelity experienced in relationships is simply a mirror of that which you yourself feel and exhibit. You can be in fidelity with your pet, your boss, your friend, your lover, as well as your spouse (we think that is a funny word) or THE ONE you are “waiting” for (and we do not wish to wait – but to live in the moment of Now and only in that moment you call to you experiences you have been seeking. Do you see who governs this process, Beloveds? YOU DO! Therefore as you improve your love of Self and express the value and very existence of your own Divinity – you shall call into your field of being those experiences and others which are much more pleasant to you because of the very concept of fidelity – the experience of a reproducing that which is most similar to the original production. That is to say – how you view and see and feel about yourself is what you attract to you! Are we making more sense now? We are getting some in our midst “over here” who are lovingly and teasingly giving us the “gong” for the stereo reference – but it sounded good to us at the moment and we think it should stay [laughter]. So, Dear Ones, we in the Company of Heaven do not fully understand waiting for what you have outpictured as the “perfect” experience, person, or relationship to drop into your life like a parachuted package, insofar as waiting does not allow you to live in the moment – and this is the place in time (as you so call it) where that which you call to you can occur. You are the Creator race! Master Manifestors! How could you not be – having come, from ….wait for it …. CREATOR! Create the life you want by changing your thoughts about yourself, what you deserve, what you are capable of, what gives you joy, peace an harmony – and so it shall be! So very many of you lament that you are not partnered with someone, that you have never been married, etc. And the fact is – that one does NOT have to wait for those states of being to experience the fidelity that you think can only occur with those who are “permanently” paired. Can you not experience feelings of love, joy, harmony, happiness with another who is not a “declared” partner? Surely you can – in fact, if it is a partner you are looking for, it cannot be any other way – since you can only attract what you vibrate! So, we ask you Dear Humans, that you do not be in sorrow over your state of paired-ness or lack thereof, because that only sends your Dear Universe a message of LACK – and then of course, that is exactly what you receive! So, we hope that you will broaden your vision of what love, joy, peace harmony, fulfillment, satisfaction and fidelity is – since you must first vibrate within that frequency in order to call it to you. Like a good stereo – you would logically wish to re-produce the that which you are, as closely to the original as possible, would you not? So we ask you Now, what is your current frequency and is it something you would wish to reproduce with fidelity? We, in the Company of Heaven, Love You To the Moon and Back – and Far Beyond That I Am Your Ascended Master, the Mighty Isis via Aleasha Lewis, EarthTouch Healing Arts
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:53:09 +0000

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