August 21st. 2013 Philip Pai-Pin Chen Third - TopicsExpress


August 21st. 2013 Philip Pai-Pin Chen Third issued-08212013. Please note: The materials shown below NOT for any purposes. Draft: Revised and updated required. Main subject: The tile listed here for tempory only:”New York, Atlanta & USA, 08212013!?” Key One I: The location of New York City & The place of Atlanta City in USA. 1. New York City located in the North-East or USA, Next to New York State, New Jerky, and the neighbor states: Maryland, Connectcut, etc... New York City just next to the Atlantic Ocean. Across the Atlantic Ocean, the neighbors’ countries are: England, & European countries. 2. Atlanta City located in Georgia State, South-East USA approx four hundred miles from the east coast, Atlantic Ocean. The states around the Atlanta are: Mississippi State, Alabama State, Tennessee State, Texas State, Louisiana State, Florida State etc. we call the southern states : The back-yards of USA !!. 3. More to be listed – I do need more clearly mind to say what I want to express. Cool myself-priority for me!-Philip Pai-Pin Chen. Key Two II: News true or false! 1. News is just news, last only a few seconds and will be replace by nr News and the coming news and all the news are same only last with few seconds. 2. News updated and News correction for false news yesterday and ten days ago. (1). false news reported approx. ten days ago: 200 meters tall building, 47 floors high, people forgot to build elevators. (2). True news: Yes, they are elevators installed as the builders and the newsman confirmed, this building- twin –towers located in “SP, Euro.” (3). Thank you so much! as I said my times to myself: you , I got to be patience to myself, be patience to all things in this world!- God saves! Hey Three III: 1. Feasibility studied and legalized procedures done and acceptable to the government and news said and published and the words presented to my eyes from the T.Times on August 19, 2013. (1) The News said: THE NYSX worth 2 billion or 8 billion US$ for sale? (2) Near to this The Facility NYSX located on the Wall Street, next to Broad Street, there is a church a few blocks from NYSx Facilities. This church a “Cathedral Church”,300 hundred years old, to the left side of church, on the ground next and in the backyard, there are few tombs, see & say “8- 11 more or less tombs “ stayed lived in the business place next to it !, due the rains, water, , air and wind wash-off, rust in the last three hundred years, “The stones of and with name of the tombs, the rock-stone –plate “ almost wash-off and left less than ,half ,50% less, of the stones-rock- stands. No-body could tell whose tombs belong too! Any one today!, Anyway any one now!, Who care this is the landmarks ?, Tombs, or The Beautiful Old Classical Roman- English style Church located in the almost the Center of Business district in Downtown, Manhattan, New York City, USA . I do believe you care, we all care only someone money-profit –always first in mind, may not pay attention or care? (3). NYSx should the landmark of NY, due this facility last and stand more than 120-150 Years old? Worldwide people know and knew NYSX, NYC USA. (4). Atlanta, the Capital of Georgia? am I right!. I visited this city several times. 1979, I design the electrical system with 8500 kW for Tech. facility and 9000 kW electrical services for Office tower. These two building belong to C-C USA & International company which sell “ Cola-Drinks” National & Worldwide, in China too. Of course. (5). News said , the company, cal Int.Con.xxxHighTechcompany, might be the one to take care the future of NYSx NYC, New York State USA ???. Key Four IV: News is news only last a few seconds, Breaking News too! Key Five V: I got to take care my face now. 1. I do get tension inside of my body and mind. I let my face “twisted and toward to a little bit rightward. I tighten my mouth and lip up-ward and looks –too serious- I forgot how to smile since year 2004 accidents. Ten years after, I should smile, and at least don’t shown my face in tension! all I wish1, and I hope for now, next and then. Good days NY, Atlanta USA, Local, Nation & worldwide. Thank you so much-Philip Pai-Pin Chen Filed: ieeemobippcpeNYATLANTANYSEASIA>com, Keep smiling, 08212013, ok999-2nd issued-updated required-ppc. August 21st. 2013 Philip Pai-Pin Chen Third issued-08212013. Please note: The materials shown below NOT for any purposes. Draft: Revised and updated required. Main subject: The tile listed here for tempory only:”New York, Atlanta & USA, 08212013!?” Key One I: The location of New York City & The place of Atlanta City in USA. 1. New York City located in the North-East or USA, Next to New York State, New Jerky, and the neighbor states: Maryland, Connectcut, etc... New York City just next to the Atlantic Ocean. Across the Atlantic Ocean, the neighbors’ countries are: England, & European countries. 2. Atlanta City located in Georgia State, South-East USA approx four hundred miles from the east coast, Atlantic Ocean. The states around the Atlanta are: Mississippi State, Alabama State, Tennessee State, Texas State, Louisiana State, Florida State etc. we call the southern states : The back-yards of USA !!. 3. More to be listed – I do need more clearly mind to say what I want to express. Cool myself-priority for me!-Philip Pai-Pin Chen. Key Two II: News true or false! 1. News is just news, last only a few seconds and will be replace by nr News and the coming news and all the news are same only last with few seconds. 2. News updated and News correction for false news yesterday and ten days ago. (1). false news reported approx. ten days ago: 200 meters tall building, 47 floors high, people forgot to build elevators. (2). True news: Yes, they are elevators installed as the builders and the newsman confirmed, this building- twin –towers located in “SP, Euro.” (3). Thank you so much! as I said my times to myself: you , I got to be patience to myself, be patience to all things in this world!- God saves! Hey Three III: 1. Feasibility studied and legalized procedures done and acceptable to the government and news said and published and the words presented to my eyes from the T.Times on August 19, 2013. (1) The News said: THE NYSX worth 2 billion or 8 billion US$ for sale? (2) Near to this The Facility NYSX located on the Wall Street, next to Broad Street, there is a church a few blocks from NYSx Facilities. This church a “Cathedral Church”,300 hundred years old, to the left side of church, on the ground next and in the backyard, there are few tombs, see & say “8- 11 more or less tombs “ stayed lived in the business place next to it !, due the rains, water, , air and wind wash-off, rust in the last three hundred years, “The stones of and with name of the tombs, the rock-stone –plate “ almost wash-off and left less than ,half ,50% less, of the stones-rock- stands. No-body could tell whose tombs belong too! Any one today!, Anyway any one now!, Who care this is the landmarks ?, Tombs, or The Beautiful Old Classical Roman- English style Church located in the almost the Center of Business district in Downtown, Manhattan, New York City, USA . I do believe you care, we all care only someone money-profit –always first in mind, may not pay attention or care? (3). NYSx should the landmark of NY, due this facility last and stand more than 120-150 Years old? Worldwide people know and knew NYSX, NYC USA. (4). Atlanta, the Capital of Georgia? am I right!. I visited this city several times. 1979, I design the electrical system with 8500 kW for Tech. facility and 9000 kW electrical services for Office tower. These two building belong to C-C USA & International company which sell “ Cola-Drinks” National & Worldwide, in China too. Of course. (5). News said , the company, cal Int.Con.xxxHighTechcompany, might be the one to take care the future of NYSx NYC, New York State USA ???. Key Four IV: News is news only last a few seconds, Breaking News too! Key Five V: I got to take care my face now. 1. I do get tension inside of my body and mind. I let my face “twisted and toward to a little bit rightward. I tighten my mouth and lip up-ward and looks –too serious- I forgot how to smile since year 2004 accidents. Ten years after, I should smile, and at least don’t shown my face in tension! all I wish1, and I hope for now, next and then. Good days NY, Atlanta USA, Local, Nation & worldwide. Thank you so much-Philip Pai-Pin Chen Filed: ieeemobippcpeNYATLANTANYSEASIA>com, Keep smiling, 08212013, ok999-2nd issued-updated required-ppc.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:34:50 +0000

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