August 24, 1963 With the brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem - TopicsExpress


August 24, 1963 With the brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem reported in power, anti-American feeling and student unrest prevailed yesterday in-South Vietnam. Sources in Saigon said that Ngo Dinh Nhu, the Presidents brother, was the power in his country, having advocated the attacks on Buddhist pagodas. The State Department said help for Saigon against the Vietcong would continue. In Paris, the chance that the Government might fall caused Buddhist exiles to step up activity by giving the U.S. Embassy a petition calling for withdrawal of Washington support of the present regime. Britain said she had warned the Soviet Union that a breakdown was near in the Geneva peace accord on Laos. Londons Foreign Office said with regret that Moscow apparently was not ready to intervene against the pro-Communist faction. U. Thant, the United Nations Secretary General, told the Security Council that Israel and Syria had accepted a U.N. cease fire. Haitis Legislature suspended all individual rights and eve President Francois Duvalier new powers for six months. The House cut more than half a billion dollars from the revised foreign aid bill. The action brought from President Kennedy a charge of a shocking and thoughtless partisan attack. A compromise space authorization by a Senate-House conference committee would thus give the Space Agency $36,179,600 less than the White House request. The Senate Commerce Committee approved a bill to place the rail dispute under consideration of a seven-member arbitration board. To go before the full Senate on Monday, the bill will have only three days in the House before the strike deadline on Wednesday midnight. Plans for a nationwide all-Negro political party for 1964 Congressional and local elections got under way with the opening of offices in Harlem. A formal announcement of the Freedom Now party will be made at the march on Washington. Moscow likens Chinese to Hitler and Napoleon. Thurmond calls McNamara deceptive on treaty. Kennedy and Nigerian talk by Syncom II.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:40:25 +0000

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