August 24 The Holy Spirit at Work The apostle Paul made it - TopicsExpress


August 24 The Holy Spirit at Work The apostle Paul made it very clear that we need the aid of the Holy Spirit in our prayer. Ephesians 6:18 says, “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” Now, notice what Jude the Lord’s half-brother says in Jude 20, “But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,” Satan, as we find in Scripture is called the accuser of the brethren and as such, Jesus serves as our Attorney who represents us in heaven. The Holy Spirit serves us or works in us in a different way. What the Holy Spirit does, is that He is at work in us to pray so that we might come into agreement with God. So, in the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and in Father God, we find a harmony of purpose. Yet, if we are honest, we must confess that many times and especially early in our walk of faith we are not in agreement with God in our prayers. We have for the most part a selfishness in our prayers as we’re able to see and understand the power of God Almighty. We think of what He is able to do to help us in our wants and desires and we think very little of what He wants. On the other hand or side of what we want or desire is God’s will for not just us but for the world around us. We do not see all of that which is somewhat like working or putting together a jig-saw puzzle. God has the picture and knows where all the pieces are, we on the other hand are a piece in the puzzle that is able to be used to complete the plan of God, but we don’t know how and where we fit into God’s plan. Yet, as we as believer’s pray, seek the face of God by the leadership and power of the Holy Spirit we’re able to see and experience God’s leading. Amazingly the Holy Spirit begins a work in us through prayer that will begin to shape and change the way we had been praying. So, what we must remember is that the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are One as They work in unity. The Holy Spirit’s intercession for us, is according to the will of God for our lives. God wants us to know and do the will of God, therefore He sends to us the Holy Spirit who is called the “paraclete,” He is the one who is called along side us to help us in our needs. Yet, not only is the Holy Spirit there for the purpose of aiding us in our times of need, He is also there, when we do not know how or what to pray for, to intercede in our behalf. He is the One who’s not only there to prompt our prayers but steps in and prays for us when we cannot or do not know how to pray. His work in us is aiding us to get to know this Holy God who’ve we committed our lives to obey. Yet, if we are living self absorbed lives with only our wants in mind, we’ll never be able to put the puzzle of our lives together. But as He is at work in us, then we are better able to know and to understand the heart and mind of God. As we do then the puzzles of our lives will be understood and God is able to make something beautiful of our lives. If we’re doing all the work without God’s intervention, we are sure to make a mess out of our lives. Thank God, that He is an all wise God who has sent His Spirit to be at work in us! Amen!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:04:16 +0000

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