August 25: Astrological Commentaries from Bali: Hello everyone. - TopicsExpress


August 25: Astrological Commentaries from Bali: Hello everyone. What follows is the first of several postings about the nature of the watery element and its three signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. I also wanted to remind you of my four webinars on The Astrology of Prosperity and Lack that begin on September 7 or 8 depending on your time zone. A 12 webinar series The Essential Elements of Esoteric Astrology begins on September 4/5 given under my supervision by my apprentice student, Michael Bartlett, a fine astrologer in his own right. Please see alanoken for details. Thank you and here are my initial commentaries regarding the watery element in the horoscope. Physical life on Earth emerged from the sea and our physical body is still composed of about 70% water. When we note the astrological and metaphysical symbolic meaning of this element—emotions and the astral body—it is no wonder then that the majority of human actions and interactions are governed by the desires, passions, and instinctive responses to our environmental circumstances. It is therefore very easy to understand how the two “watery planets”, the Moon and Neptune, hold such vast power over us. There is a property of water than is important for us to discuss if we are to understand the true nature of the three watery signs. This is the fact that water is called the “universal solvent.” This means that water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid. It may take a while, but the oceans can dissolve the mountains for just as water is the “Mother of Form,” it can easily reabsorb what it has birthed. Water has the capacity to break down the molecular structure of most chemical compounds and absorb the component parts back into itself. This reality gives the astrology student a deeper insight into the tension existing between Cancer and the Moon and Capricorn and Saturn. The reader might do well to stop a moment at this point and contemplate that relationship. But there is a saturation point! There is a point in which water becomes physically polluted from its constant absorbing just as people of the watery signs find that their emotions, their astral body, becomes polluted when they have absorbed too much psychic energy from their environment and the people with whom they are in relationship. Physical bodies of water need to flow, meander, and dilute their pollution content through the addition of additional water in the form of rain and spring run-offs. Water sign people also need the freedom to escape from the boundaries of environmental psychic pollution and move into their own, quiet space in order to cleanse themselves. The situation becomes problematic for the waters of our planet when the rain is also polluted, and bodies of water are clogged with garbage at a rate faster than dissolution or the flow of water’s natural currents. On a human level, clogging takes place when there is no clear space within oneself that is free of personal emotional garbage and sensory overload. Our oceans sink from sea level to a maximum depth (in the Pacific) of over 35,000 feet (11,000+ meters). Much of what takes place in the top layers of the world’s seas is known to science but there are many secrets and inhabitants of the deep that still remain total mysteries. It is the same with individuals heavily influences by the watery signs. On the surface they may appear to be calm (although Scorpio will usually express a “calm intensity”!) and placid. Yet just observe our watery friends for a while and you will see a constant shifting of emotional frequency as well as facial expression and a certain degree of bodily nervousness for like the oceans, watery people are constantly shifting and changing relative to their inner currents. They are also constantly picking up the emotional content and quality of feelings in their environment. Love and blessings to one and all.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:37:25 +0000

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