August 25 Its Not Evolution - Its DEVOLUTION ...because the - TopicsExpress


August 25 Its Not Evolution - Its DEVOLUTION ...because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Romans 8:21 The creation ... The bondage of corruption... Satan is a liar, and the father of it. The methods he uses to corrupt the world are twofold: deception and counterfeit. If mankind could only understand the ways of the enemy, so many things would suddenly become clear, so many questions would be answered. One of the masterpieces of deception that Satan has caused men to believe is the theory of evolution. In the very beginning, in Genesis, God clearly stated that every living thing reproduces after its own kind. There is no evolving into another kind. Dogs will never produce birds and cats will never produce ducks. It is astonishing that scientists continue this deception after the discovery of DNA, because DNA clearly reveals that evolution is impossible. It is astounding that the world so loudly insists that teachers teach evolution under stiff penalties for any who would suggest otherwise. Why do they care so much? Why do they shout so loudly? It is because if there be a Creator, then the ramifications of that are huge. It is because if they were to acknowledge a Creator, they would have to deal with Him, and that they absolutely do not want. They would have to submit the pride of their science to Him, and that they defiantly refuse to do. This is Satans masterpiece. One of them, that is. No, the truth is that nothing evolves. In fact, the truth is --- EVERYTHING IN CREATION DEVOLVES. Genetic mutations never produce a benefit to the organism, genetic mutation always produce disorder. It started with our first parents Adam and Eve. They were created perfect. They were placed under only one restriction - only one fruit was forbidden to them. God plainly told them that eating that fruit would produce death. Satan lied. He told them what God said was NOT true. They ate. And the moment they fell for the lie and rebelled against their Creator, the death principle entered into the world. From that day on, everything began to devolve. Each generation afterwards produced further genetic mutations until this day -there are so many diseases showing this, that it would be near impossible to list them all. The death principle brought corruption into all the world, because God had given man authority over it. When sin came in, EVERYTHING came under the curse of the death principle. Everything dies, even plants and animals. The death principle rules over all the earth. If one would spend some time thinking deeply on this, it would be shocking to realize the extent of it. The principle of devolution corrupts everything in life, even music, art, culture. Every single thing devolves. The promise of the Redeemer provides the creation great hope, because our Redeemer never sinned, and he provided himself as the sacrifice for our sin. When he comes to this beleaguered earth and sets up his kingdom, the death principle will come to an end, ...because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. This is the hope we have - deliverance from the death principle. All that sin produced will be overcome by the life Christ brings. The curse will be ended because the Redeemer is life itself. Satans kingdom will come to a deathly end when the Redeemer comes to this earth, abolishes all evil, and sets up HIS kingdom which will be life to the creation, and that more abundantly. More: Along Emaus Road - a daily devotional along-emaus-road-blog.blogspot/
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 13:20:13 +0000

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