August 31, 2014 All over the world - theyre coming to - TopicsExpress


August 31, 2014 All over the world - theyre coming to you! Initial Garden 1,4.71?? handwritten time 7:03 am Clear Water in few bottles surround me. August 30, 2014 9:21 pm Dried Rock super big - theres crack in the middle. 6:30 am White Dove flying. Last Saturday the white dove was going down to where i was and today Saturday its flying on air. 2:38 am From the beast butt now showing the beast only his bottom or image where the water dropping like a shower came from - feeding the plants on the pot to be able to live the plants - its from the ground - planted not from the living water but made from the ground. not from heavens law. To love thy neighbour love each other and helping people came from the obedience of God. Its a sin to use money not to help the ordinary people. You keep continuing on giving wrong management followed by the devils underground. Its what the Philippines will be getting. Miracle is only to those honest to themselves. Clean election and honest management. Freedom is fear from Yahuwah not from the beast government. Abusive power is not Yahwuwahs ruler. Its the devils underground. The figure of 7 million x 12 = 84 If youre that greed it will happen. Earthquake is rising Flooding is rising. Rebuilding again - and it will be growing but never ending and stopping problems and hardships multiplying for disobedience - instead rooted lies and bribes. Oil and industry 2 cups of divination. Two choices either you produced a good craft and blessings from heaven or from the ground. If you follow the heavens blessings - you will get oil and progressive industry no one would harm you. But if its on the ground - its hardships all the time. Mug with a brown or mug colour. Pouring black coffee powder The other cup used shining but used from the ground. 3 record lists a coffee powder 8:39? The meaning of what i said. Oil and industry will be no harm to get it. But they follow the devils obedience to the devil. Its all hardships and miseries. Very far from the heavens blessings. Bribery - dishonesty. Corruption and illegal - you swindled people and its rooted and became a common attitude. Its not heavens will but your own ideal of saving your life. The nicest person on earth is not Yahuwahs follower - to know him - its from his works and his obedience to the real God - Yahuwah in heaven. Chosen people - who already written in the book of life because not all of us has written. Have fear in killing, have fear in doing illegal, have fear in frame up people. Thats the work not from Yahuwah - everything is from evil thinking belongs to the devil.. Its only few will be saved. To know the real Yahuwah. Stealing one peso is a sin. Doing illegal is wrong. You will know from his works. You will know from his background. Individual problems not to worry, its already counted if youre worth to be saved or Yahuwahs follower the mean issue here is how your government helping you or your fellowmen. Not throwing by the personal attacked - the beast government is already written - either you follow the real God or not. Its your choice. Because its set up already Yahuwah made people according to their needs and works - according to the places and destination, the country - you have been recorded. According to the mind of Yahuwah - he knows who followed him. Because its written that the media and the beast government were made for the day of the great tribulation when theres only few who belong to Yahuwah. Theres a taste and tested for your life. My message is all about the Philippines. The last message is when the Lord is coming its his law to follow to be saved. August 29, 2014 At 1:12 am and 2:52 am. This morning - Sydney Time. I saw a middle eastern man - smiling. Seems confident. Another round hole - deep in. An image of a lion then in a second its replaced a sheep. This morning vision. I saw a list of area code thats scheduled to hit. Theres a special people who dont care about the message of the end of time. They having a good time. Going out and physical attraction in a Sauna. At 2:52 am Healing colour - mint colour a big bowl and a small cup. A clear water in a cup and i tried to put some water in a big bowl Mint healing colour. Special white cup on the display and a big white bowl together untouched. Theres a long pathway and a white fences on the side but its so dark till looking at the end. Canal was so dirty. This words, people have evidence. It makes million of millions to flee. Warning signal 4. Another words. Bagumbayan and Province of Bogo. The name of Yahuwah - in a round clear blue frame - on the top the Y down through the bottom from your left you read. How to read books. 6 Books sealed. The word: Executed. Genesis 22 and 26. To read Even to the children of Israel - theres still have chance? To study books. How are you doing - very well. Words... Wogdad, Gan and Fergens. Some words were too quick it will come back soon. I received another vision today. at 12:55 pm and 1:45 pm. Blue rhinestone. Brown Sandal pair but blue strap. Raining - Pouring. Landslides on the news. Ship - upside down on the shore. To read the verse of Daniel 7. Psalm 70 & 71. Gaza W14 or G14. Watching - in my vision. Thick and heavy clear pouring water on the tab that clean my spirit. Like my vision this morning the healing colour of the cup and bowl - with clear water - i was pouring to the big healing colour bowl. it matches to the small healing cup - clear water. August 28, 2014 3:04 - 6:44 am Lining up - cups so many black cups ready to serve - more than a hundred? To watch the ocean. I saw a record of all thats happening have been scheduled. Its like a spreadsheet.. The largest like end. I saw a set time - for the world to come to cover it all. The watch set time (i saw an image). I saw in my vision. The washing of the feet is only an image People are screaming in any ceremony all the time - celebrating. Amos 3:3 (rather to read 3:3-8) Satisfaction decree 2 soldiers covered their ear. Continue to Balony Hiroshima Thick big white square ice (winter) and thick clouds continue to blow. To know the real YHWH the God almighty in heaven its not a division or set apart its the law and above no other than religion could change it. No matter where you are and what religion youre no one can change it. Either youre in poor or rich countries. August 27, 2014 10:29 pm For Israelites: Everyone expanding your enemy 1. Spain 2. Canada 3. India Army called to navigate August 27, 2014 5:20 - 6:40 am 2 rocks now on the ground (last vision) the name on my vision with his photo was Elijah with two stones). Its on the ground this time 2 sharp rock stones. They are moving on the ground. Famous star - so bright and a sad man cried. Its very hard to control your enemy. As it said. 100 sealed - its going to crack I heard the sound - when its opened and rebuild everything. An image of President Putin and it says. Done now. Setting. His one eye - half open like a frog. 3 Black straps on his wrist? Then an image an animal appeared like a big beast. Two men clothed like Italian the place based in Europe and theres this convention hall. A piece of meat? Colour of navy big towel. Black strapped - in a mans top like serving connected the two buttons like a jacket. number 1 and 3. Then theyre joining together. Then another explanation first date of the month and first day of the month. An a lion appeared . Another one .. All nicest people on the platform. Ready and loyal to the most high. Bound to the same road. A young lady on the street, pretty modern and theres a rug disappeared - its gone like an orphan. Another vision is a destruction of a place in the news reported. Last vision a black sauce in the plate ready to serve and gone no left but bone. Its a possible visionary. Ive waited for you? Now this vision also my question the other day. It had a very long news but in paragraph in my last vision. Then I asked to tell me exactly in a vision than writing. Some meaning also: Worshipping in the world is not Yahuwahs law but the mans law and instruction and freedom of beautiful world to follow - lead you to destruction on the street. While the loyal believers of Yahuwah waiting on the platform going to the same journey. And I saw a picture of a person not a woman but human. Its exactly the beast of destruction thats a false believer. Kindness is not only the outside - even a wrong believer lead you to destruction. Like the rug I saw in my vision. No place to stay but destruction in the end. It takes time to be happy but its too short to regret. August 26, 2014at 3.48am In my vision. The sun was covered by a big wall. The sun was shining inside. The rest was too quickly and long to read ..but it will come back to me next time. August 25, 2014 at 3:49 pm - 4:23 pm today. 5:11 pm. Its like a hat upside down inside of it - spell out. Nothing left. 14 killed Palestine? Such an alarming situation in Israel. 2 glasses of no water. One just a tiny drop from the tab. 1 empty and 1 pouring water. The water had washing powder? Became a bit of white or chlorine its too quick. White bubble. Theres a turtle. Pulling out hair - the dry hair even the animals. White Horse a really big white horse with wings (old cloth colour; white and black stripe). Out of nowhere. 1 pair of Black boots so strong - boots for the rain not the fashion boots. Its good for a bad and fighter condition. Split in two - facing in different direction. Super dark blue frame - in Israel? Super big mangoes - 8 of them. A boy going downstairs - while I was watching him. 249 Weather condition? Orange City? Armour ? 14 killed in Gaza. A pair of black shoes so solid and a fighter - strong and going in different direction. Split up. 2:01 pm Elecritified - colour dark orange - fire and lightning connecting - seems not stopping - underneath? 1 Chick - Yellow (little chicken) 2 am. Thick dust dawn (thick form) activities pouring and unfolding soon. Activities - nuclear weapon I saw in the sky like a cloud of fire. Elijah - with two rocks on his two hands. Who was and is coming soon. A high priest. The word deteriorated when the procedure comes to the scroll you dont want to get it someday its done. Because you pray another god but theres no other one. If you dont take my hand or another, you may take one hand. 209 1509 15:09-50 (Israel ... Highly priest. 15 live - an episode in heaven. Theres no any soul to take it seriously. Never doom again. so that when someone die there will be no more never doom again. Two bottles of perfume clear bottle and coloured perfume. About Israel. Before they attack - precisely they pay you. Its the time of error - the time in blood not entertainment. Thick black smoke clouds in Israel.) Another message below. I drink the black coffee still remain for the final one to happen coffee black means earthquake 1/3 still on my cup. If its Volcano (brown with milk) Rush winds. Thick formed in the sky Just in a mirror. Black square appeared again today and yesterday. Black square is USA. Yesterday there were many squares lining up but only one black square then I heard the earthquake in San Francisco, USA. Soil is moving I saw in my vision. Tomorrow as in my vision I will get more message. I have chosen to have a vision and Im lucky, he said. No other one - no another name. No account to. I asked this. Male service has removed and taken away. I take it over to have a vision and give this message to the world. He said. You have a holy news, when I give it to you. In my vision. Watching the screen, eventful activities - lining up for big things to happen on Earth. An earthquake is coming - 8.9. Theres also a punishment of the sun? Photo - a High Priest. Wore in olden days like the High Priest. August 24, 2014 My vision. 10pm. Cleaning the pot after making a mess. (Cleansing). Turmoil of life. He said. Youre born for the real Master. Heavy winds comes. (all has written and given to me. All my vision is not mind I just written them) I will wash my hands. August 24, 2014 1:31 am to 7:11 am My vision this morning. Psalm 89 Today, a ship on the ocean but not so clear seems a navy ship. And not clear but black smoke. Yesterdays vision, was a wood ships Today only one ship on my vision. Sitting down outside where the table full of birds (excretion) dry already. Phews from the birds (that way). Dropped and dried on the table? White wastes. At 3:17 am I asked about religion. Answered in my vision. They carried out here - its all against the Romans. (Romans 3:17). Three ladies they wore tops one was wearing black and a bit of gold, yellow (lady in the middle) and the other one. I had missed it. Its too quick. Dark black smoke along the ocean not so clear. I asked this church faith. It answered me in my vision. Surgery customers Remembered my vision about department store thats how the church nowadays selling like a market. No one is loyal in their heart. You have never found anywhere. R.. i asked about something on this one. Tiny drop of water - their beliefs nowadays. You have to seek me. Not in religious way. Find your own answer. I asked this he made a beautiful creation and the world. You have lost me if you follow them. The Christmas rules the world. And follow Christmas. Believing Saints (at 3:50 am) My questions: He answered in my vision. Its on my palm to give you those blessings. Undo. A million and millions - religious faith not to Yahuwah. Perspective. Presumption. Theres a black square and white squares on the table. To choose from. You have to select on table - thats how your faith. Church supposed to feed the children not taking money. Whats happening? Life in ability not bribery. 1969? Chosen. Black cloth tear apart - beliefs or the believer. 2126. Andrew 1969. Understand ?? The religion out of order have passed away - but not forever. 4:17 to read a verse. Your personal relationships to Yahuwah. He personally chose it. Undone. A piece of wood in my vision not in a second turned into a wood and strong table (solid), unbreakable. I was watching this has made - in my own eyes. Amo 2, 4:2 Prolonged. Biography. Thats how I asked to those no ambition in life but to be chosen. (One piece of wood in my vision turned into a small solid wood table.) At 4:12 am Only the people who seek but religion going to be deserted. (picture in my vision, I saw - a desert land). Secret of the heart matters the most. Not the human activities. 7:50 verses. You lost when someone come. I asked about this. And I heard sounds again (war again). Negros (Philippines). at 7:11 am. Three ladies represents faith. Religious behaviour. Meaning You lost when someone come, I personally asked this. I had a test and failed many times because my journey is my vision. This time another test of relationships in Sydney or my gift? I lost one of them. August 23, 2014 11:59 am Dove from heaven flying down wings - stripe of white/gold 2:59 am to 7:06 am Schedule 4:04 About Moses Theres this thick clouds like a nuclear weapon formed. I could hear war again (twice). Ice full of bucket. Cholera - I saw a word only this word I could read bec. its too quick. 5:55 am Thick clouds - very thick on the air. Bread with your Feast. Sheep that clever yourself. Joining together. 4 old ships in the olden days. Hinder call - reign the lamb. 6:58 am Department store again. As always appeared to me in my vision. A man looking down hes the sun above - and a little rainbow appeared too bright in a day. He was looking down the world. Another vision: A quote saying Hindi ko alam. Beast government always said, in my vision. Comments: The 4 ships in the olden days represents history of battle its repeating again, because of our attitude - we are stubborn. 4 ships joining together and beast government and religion. To remind you Yahuwah has no religion. Church now is pretty modern like a department store, greedy, powerful and thick skin. Arrogant and famous names. Proud to their names run by collecting millions - tithing. Does not belong to Yahuwah but their own. War 3 is coming - its our sins. Muslims and Calamities. When Europe take over the world - thats nearly the end? August 22, 2014 9:55 pm His face is not human but hes human who sits on the throne. Hes like a fox or dog. Grass trimmed forming like a piece of cakes and along the line water covered. Its cut like a cake. Along the line - its all water. Then a slanting formed while the soil became soft. Mirror was moving its like framed or a mirror slanting the soil has moving so soft.. big bomb! Big movements its like a crack and it collapsed. August 22, 2014 2 am - 3:28 am. To read Ephesians 7 The glass window had been wiped out or cleaned up its a black stick wet need to clear the window - its perfectly clear and erase. Theres a sweeping and cleaning. Ice drop formed intact - its produces lightning but still full to strike. Cloud I had seen created a page (notepad) from heaven - watching. (Take Note: Yesterday and the other day) Previous vision Joel verses. Red curtain longest linen or cloth - its used double purposed curtain and carpet. It never cut off.) 3:28 am Big fare allowance ? Shooting? Sweeping - cleansing the world Rice milling filed up - warehouse overflow - a small water from the sack. Must ready to pack your daily bag - Black pen throw on the ground its something that coming - you must ready. Whats coming? Get Ready. This is only the beginning, its worsen. Reaching the top of the world - but not notice The issue banned him. Room - video - full video inside. Room full books - on the side of the shelves full not the centre facing the right direction. Capuccino flowing bubbles - full then suddenly reduces to half. Pocket money?? Ephesians 7. August 21, 2014 My vision. 1 am to 7:15 am. To read Ephesians 3 & 4 and Joel The first vision was the brightness of the sun - its so bright. Vietnam, Volcano continues. Path way. The best day of encouragement. Sealed out (its pouring and out now). Open to everyone. Sports club - image that owned by the devil pointed in a frame as a command - to this business kind of sports and gambling. Program -everything happens for a reason. It has recorded in heaven. Program everything happens - like an expressway counted. Volcano eruption continues. Counted. Red curtain longest one bec. it has used as carpet as well. Never cut off. Its been a reminder that it happens before the millenium? Dont think theres no one recorded what youre doing every single day - its programmed. Its like your education or greater than what you have learned in this world. My dream was about this learning that demonstrates about me. Theres a train station. It happened, this man I knew him. Fell asleep and became like jelly fish then an hour he woke up and alive again. Its scheduled in heaven above - the time scheduled some people or hours deleted and names has been deleted. Written names taken and written names also watching some were sick and recorded. They program your life every seconds - since the first day even when youre sick, fear turn to die). I see a record time in and time out. Its an institution greater than what you learn on earth. Love thy neighbour. You have between the two. (Law of the gentiles and the Jewish). No war instead love your neighbour, your Brother. No war and jealousy. But its happening to the descendants of Jacob and Esau. (Why i had this long message today about my vision? because i asked before I sleep some things that bothered me then it shows me visions and dreams). As it describes righteous have both fear in Elohim. Righteous is honest not corrupt. To live and do work on his honest way. Either rich or poor. To live and do work. Even Businesses to follow rules from the government. No illegal and bribery. It will perish like Rain. To idolize people - big people it will perish. Evil loves the world. (But in Elohim institution as I saw in my dreams are big and massive rooms everywhere -but theyre empty. Young people going the other ways turn away in that law (this is in my dream) in other direction. No one is in the light and no risk to Elohim. The world is really doom. Theres a light but the young couple turn away pretty modern in the darkness). Disasters come to life after the day of Sabbath. Saturday is holy! Functions. Its written every names. Its computerized. The time to in and time to out. How many times? The time when youre sick.. Youve been deleted every seconds youre recorded. The nature is recorded when it happens. I saw a tornado ready to hit. Some thick formed. Like a tunnel. Made people Main focus - people (walking out) young people they did not follow the light but follow the other way around. I saw in my vision - seems theyre in university - that left empty and no one there means - theres no left for Elohim. Another words. Revenge, events schedule and time each person has a book in my vision. Its keep for their stories. Its standing and one pick one in a day when its something occur, had a longer and smaller books - book mark like and each of them. Carefully on line who is next. I saw this . Its happening. Another words Produce everything on earth. Stubbing Vision. Map has taken half wind every small thing - were cleaning up and sweeping the smallest in each kind. Even the dust picked up and shakes. Rooms - have many division. A pretty big place but empty rooms. Beneath heaven and earth. The call of heaven. Elohim guarded angels - and hes viewing. 2 both wide stairs like when youre going up to watch in the cinema theyre lying down but slanting because theyre in the middle - between the stairs. Many movies showed theres no one for Elohim. Our lives not going but slanting because its unsurely kind to the creator. But soon it will be beautiful. It will be brightness and all for Elohim. The room was empty - no righteous following Elohim. Book mark only for Elohims people. Sudden? But who is willing to pay? Judgment is coming. Red curtain again in my vision was too long even a carpet - long one. Another words: Bukidnon. Red alert turmoil Philippines. Predicting selection and dissolving referencing. Managing of Moses as your manager meaning? His law has written. Recipe (image) like in a magazine its exactly like life as it was explained. Frogs (written) words. Another question I asked I got this years. 1911-2028. 2011-2028. 2014-2028. And December 5 & 6. Last sounds as it said. These words in my vision Woe run away Woe weeping life like a knife night - darkness Dreamed: I was on top of the bus - there were two buses. But my bus and the driver were on top but the bus had three storey I was on the top level 3. I went down and I was with many known people from the town. Theres a lady I knew in this dream shes soft and and nice - so unbreakable she cannot break your heart - yet cannot be trusted when youre gone. She lives to swindle around just to get her ambition. She said in her dreams - she got a leukemia. I asked many questions before I slept and this is too long because its answered me in my visions and dreams. Its explained to me that only the righteous must existed. If youre corrupt right now - you must change for him, Elohim. Its answered me. Keep waking up. (The verses were too quick but my visions were not stopping here - it keeps coming back). August 20, 2014 10:15 pm. Five horses Five Lords Maid ? Maidservant sent the message to me. Vision an image and mind thinking In my vision this lady inside the Arena on a horse and while talking - outside theres a big storm coming the sky turned into darkness. Unusual storm. 2. Dryness 3. Righteouss 4. Reign That words. Yahusha - My Yahusha. Chopsticks I had seen in my vision on a mess given to me as a message. Its a chaos situation many of them needs to be straighten and cleaned up. Put in order. To solve and to watch and see. All to write. All right. (How do you afraid? You will be protected. You love and beyond. Its true. Its written.) I asked in my mind then answered me in writing). By showing the chopsticks, words, images or Photos). August 20, 2014 6 am. Short vision today at 6 am. Righteous, discipline. Not to support criminal. Tabernacle. In Israel as it said - it moves today for another mission. Active events in the world. Occurred activities. In my vision military men position across the ocean and on the desert ready to combat. Israel must careful of the confusion. I heard a conversation like a dream or vision that, Israel ready to move ___ tomorrow. But cant remember the word on that blank line. This month is worst but next month another sign of the moon. The Four Blood Moon. Then again its too quick to listen and read. But this vision will come back to me again. Its a reminder to write. And its only for free. I will share it. My Dream followed this morning. Non-ending polluted water. Curtains had already washed. But it takes few days to clean the water but the water were polluted and it needs to run for a while to clean the pollution or area. The hose is too small and they used a big hose super massive bigger than the bamboo, the one used in the province - to run the dirty water used by washing the curtain. Super polluted. August 19, 2014 My vision at 4 am - 6 am. my vision today. First vision today. These words I want you to get intention. Another words: Heaven knows whats going on. Its his will. Almighty God or Yahuwah in heavens war. Yahuwah words: tyrant word in my vision. to follow his path. And hes serious about instruction. Brown coffee ready to pour - meaning eruption .. sorry I forgot about this morning. But earthquakes and volcano eruption were increasing. Cleaning the world is finally coming. Tray is empty meaning the dish will be served either you are good or bad. Youll be judged. 2 cups. each cup brown coffee like mocha no water yet. Heaven will declare and clear the world. Yahuwah knows in heaven whats going on. Come to an end and new destiny. To read Exodus 15:5-18. Controlled by their god - Allah the world was in chaos. half of the globe was black and half - will be suffering of many disasters and calamities. I saw half of the world from middle to bottom black - on top were on the clouds, smoke, fire and many disasters occured. Even the side table were black and glued. Everything happened in the world reviewed to heaven. I could heard the sounds of the war everytime I go to bed. Many activities of the clouds - I was watching. A big hand watching whats happening of the world - while i was watching - the big hand pointing direction one of the country. Heaven knows whats going on. Collection of the news - and events photograph. I saw vision in time of The Pharaoh riding a horse in to read exodus. Word Ishmael. To read Exodus 15:5:18. A Big hand pointing a photograph. The brown coffee were 2 cups has water added here in this vision. The black colour of anything I saw on my vision represents destruction for a new world to come. The events and the Muslims took over the world and this century - not all we go. Not all Muslims were bad - there were good people too. Chaos all over the place means something. I saw a door open. I was watching outside the door. 11:20 to read this verse. An eagle. Theres a walking I saw his back - like a cow - the horn above his feet. It said. God the almighty God the most high - in heavens war to the world. Pouring water. Bunch of grapes. Tray was empty. A god Allah made war on Earth. Words : Initiate, shavout. People who idolized people on earth and famous people they followed and they loved the world would go perish. My vision images, photos and world events. Written words to read and said to spread my world. They have to pray and return and only Idolized Yahuwah. Thats a sin to idolize the world. Their richness will be gone, and beauty even their names of being idolized and being popular were death. Only your heart to Yahuwah - if youre on his heart. You are saved. You judged by heart not by beauty and fake smile. Hatred heart outside youre pretending to be nice. Chaos is coming the world is facing the world war 3. The new heaven is coming. Everything will be destroy. Some of my vision is too quick. I just have time to read because its too quick .. World events is not ordinary. Its has keep for a long time but its here now. When I had a vision of white cabin all the books just keep now its unfold and each nation will be punished. If youre good and following Yahuwah then youre righteous but you idolizing and getting famous in this world - youre in competition with Yahuwah. You will be punished. If you enjoying the world then Yahuwah is not in your heart. You must dedicate your life to Yahuwah. To follow his instruction. And read his law. Brown coffee ready to pour - meaning eruption .. sorry I forgot about this morning. God knows its his will. God in heavens war. Words: Pouring water, tryant, grapes (dozens) big and fat grapes. Said its the end. That all dish will be served. Come to an end to a new destiny. Leviticus. Number 11:20 and keep watching number 11 will be used. August 18, 2014 2:50am – 6 am One of My vision - Jerusalem. 2-6 am.. keep waking up to write half asleep. The message for Jerusalem. All words were not mine .I just wrote all of them and copied. Theres a casserole full of blood (image). Word: Hear oh Shem! Images: A linen wind blows and one eye appeared (in my vision images). Words: All rotten will throw away. Its sweeping. Doom as dark. They will be an angel. All my wish to have a construction also remember this. The world is really really dark all of these come to an end. (continue written words) When the dome or darkness come you must stay at home. Its in your hand to show I love you! Theres a hand preserved. Then personally in my vision I was my hand with a white soap. Words: I would never leave you Jerusalem. I handle and who destroy you. The story of kind just pull out in heaven. The left hand has given to you Jerusalem. A sign to the world the five fingers (showed: an image). This is my vision about Jerusalem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I saw a nuclear weapon strikes twice those 7 supposively symbolised of us - our faults - unfold nothing in the agenda – or menu meaning any news or prediction but it’s written a long time ago even the time of the creation. 7 names. White cabin square cabin. Open inside – all thick books written sealed for a long time. Candle in a cup hiding for a long time. Ready to open. Undone. But it will open and destroy because of filed up – sins. When the book unfold and open the history begins. Prolonged. An empty road. Bread soft – like a croissant inside spread a jam – so dark worm. A rotten food into a tube processed to throw directly to the garbage. When you light the candle – way back in the history of the dinosaur. Before I woke up this morning, a candle light was burning. It’s written. Hiroshima. I pronounced this word in my mouth. Darkness and lightning appeared too in my vision. Weather condition. The last one quoted .. its too quick. Yahuwah has given and protected. I had short dreamed: In my dream, someone laughing and a loud voices so happy and music I could hear in my ear - one of the doom example. Another woman so bright as the star. Another Vision to the Philippines... For the Philippines Sin unfold multiply 15 x Along the beach was dark and empty. 2 grapes (green) fat moved in the table unclean . Unclean tag “Cult City”. On this bad “written” 11 of may unfold the evidence. Two feet walking barefooted. But one foot the invisible foot cleaning the floor when you eat and it’s compromised it’s the end and it’s ruined. You’re not listen and heard – it’s one of the decade history. Hear Nothing happen. No knowledge? The Philippines is a deep sleep. But it will blow attention. After its called a legend Elijah in Jesus name. It will open and destroy you. Remember. If you tried to flash it in the toilet – you can’t repair it – it has ended (meaning by toilet) hiding for so long. It’s written. The rule of empty and called the Philippines you hear on the cage crying to have outcome (2 comb) images – it will happen. How could you and what have you done? Individual became evil. Dishonesty each rotten. Bribery. Greed. Corruption. August 18, 2014 3:09 pm Catch It. I will never fail what i do and said. My vision today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 17, 2014 Today at around 7 am. Theres a quick vision about children who were part of the extremists? And theres a message like a quote but its too quick. But I hope I will get again next time if its an important message. Its about owning a land. Occupied the world? This afternoon at 3pm. Military Men on a convoy - in my vision its an American or Russian convoy and a van on a private road. Military Men in a convoy - in my vision its an American or Russian convoy? and a van on a private road. A young man has a pale skin. Russian or American? Brown coffee turned to Black coffee meaning theres an earthquake coming from the Volcano eruption. A cute pale green donkey - who said hello on his action right feet up high. A food cooked seems ? This dont get the message. Its a sweet potatoes with coconut milk. Ginatan or Binignit One Brown Cow was running, I could hear him. Theres a building half sinking it will be permanently underwater I dont know which country. The colour of the building that will be sinking is like orange and white? Too quickly.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ August 17, 2014 11 pm 3 Children I spotted hiding on the corner the one child directly pointed in a light who sat in the middle to get notice. 4 times called me Eliyah? Big building (businesses area in a big city) many people living there – a fire underground hit fires. Polluted canal or drainage. 2 Evil men wore a black tops and pants to strike in the surrounding (big countries in the world). August 16, 2014 2:31 am to 3:51 am My vision and given words in my vision. Written, watching, magazines and hearing words. As a witness to my vision. Simple life. Small trees in the pot (many of them) It would grow in 3 years time. Be honest (Be honest to your daily living. Dont party dedicate your life to Yahuwah. Nuts - big fat like fruits. Special trees Ive not familiar with. Square - super heavy water fell down to the ground (forces) its too heavy. Pouring water down so heavily. Abba - meet Bath tub outside - long empty outside the Sun seems burning hot. An empty basin gold colour inside and light pink outside (faded). Tel Aviv NATO - Movement handwritten no. 2. Lion Post in a magazine. Word I read Beyond and the Lion was roaring I could hear in my vision. Words : Everybody its a shooting keep updating. Building - long narrow - pathway very long path lane inside. Human screen Forget them. Curtain silk green and edges - yellow and its blowing and taken away and theres a wind. Drop to that sound. Walking stick. The Indian nation made assassin. Blood in needle. Familiar vision (woman and man) wore yellow and the other one in green. Human desire - doll enough to have it. Enough violent (to watch and see) Bill banking (must watch) Asian differentiate and the Russia is part of ASIA. God give a human faith all category - substance. World events. at 6:51 am to 7:18 am There comes a time - will come to pass they will work with thee. How many Eliyah? If that equal the way it should be. 36 6 - 1 Theres something else - all were come out in a round made wood its a black smoke about 6 of them - so thick black smoke - came out together. Open the sea (meaning when you follow the real God in heaven everything is on the top of the hills you never counted in the bottom. You lift up as you follow the law and instruction of Yahuwah. Sharp swords made in Metal a hundred of them has made for a pathway or a passing road but for a war fighter. To cover up the surrounding for the outsiders. So the swords became the designed for the lane that secure the area and the sharp above your head - met each other and linked each other of the swords. Its a very long narrow road and a safe place to walk by. It covers the outside and surrounding. Everyone is safe whoever allowed to walk in this lane were only limited to people. 3 pm Youre preserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To check errors .. not yet done. August 15, 2014 5 am . Burned - orange thick formed - like a firmament of fire not an ordinary burning fire. Theres a car stop before the white lane - narrow lane only one lane yet wider than normal lane you see on the straight when you crossing. Narrow white lane - one long pathway (of a kind). The car stop because he cant be part on this lane. He needs to get out of the car and walk. Boots your size only one to fit in. The only one for you - you need to be fully understand the meaning of satisfaction and to know the real God. August 14, 2014 6:30 to 6:51 am today Stone filed up - theres a pathway above the stone a long and narrow pathway but its like a cliff but filed stone around the road i was looking up and between on those file of stones theres a small hole but deep. A child long hair - light blue gown only her back i saw she said shes an angel. Theres a white powder on the ground - like a dust but white. Its history. End of the dark came - a cobra. The end of the Jew Mountain. Mans water or human ruled to feed on from the mountain desires were a human desire or thought until this end. Gold for Alfina. Theres a burn body wrapped in a linen totally burning. But there will be a real gold coming. I saw a little empty house nothing on it but light on it from the outside but never used. No. 2 and with eagle. Theres a long stairs so long that i walked on it in 3 stairs. Strawberry and apple. Long way. I ate the rasberry or fat grapes. The last on my vision Spread black sauce on the pot - while burning. Bottle water on the table turning the table or moving - a display of a map plain on the table. August 13, 2014 vision last night reading the news at 6 am. Its just about the change of the weather. The climate change. Omission. Short message. August 12, 2014 4-6 am Broken glass in the other side (triangle),side by side formed like a triangle but the other side of the glass facing off the whole the city was clear and intact, the other side viewed has broken. It does not showing a building or a car it’s something on it in the future. A little animal look like clay handmade of figurine seems pig or small elephant not so clear – but he’s drinking a black coffee or a black softdrink? It’s in a white plastic cup. Black hole so deep underground formed round. Also the same the black storm hole formed while heaven open as I witness the sky. The oven has been cleaned up and sweep and I could hear clearly and sound. It said. You cannot adjusted the set time. It’s not like a chair adjustable. Fat green grapes are stock for the harvest season. Crystal glass clear empty. “Do not go into medium, people foremost young teenagers”. I could hear the glass being washed like a soap/white liquid in the glass, while it was dropping as I could hear the sound of the glass. There’s something too a piece of wood cut small edge like a bar but shorter and wider its in a small cup.. Ice cream size not open (1 litre) sealed turning around. Solid ancient name in the building so famous and known but empty ruined. The planet earth full of wasting water on the tab for only a small glass of water to wash. Bright full moon so bright – when I turn around. Facing towards me. Stairs to the highest - hiding not ready to use. Hillary Clinton on top of the businesses name. But drowned to the toilet as black water. The tap was no water it became wasted and no use. No requirement and no periodical – faith is a gift. (There were some quotes uncleared yet in my vision). Clear water dropping on my hand and I can hear the sound it’s a big hand? “Send no weapon and stop away there’s no prophecy done”. Authentic name “Michelle” as I can’t pronounce the family name… “Where’s the kingdom for the earth?” Eating fruits with milk being wasted and dropping on the floor August 11, 2014 10 pm Long Narrow road/along this pathway in campus I had a vision about Israel this morning around 6 am. I saw these in my vision. First vision: Touch the screen like a little tablet - as the colour of Israel and theres Gaza colour. Its advanced technology. Second Vision. A massacre 1464 .. it does not say a year or numbers. Third vision: I was reading an article and theres this old man in the olden days - dictated me .. about the history of Israel the land of Israel has already been there before me. Its too quick in my vision to read. But I remembered some words, Gods gift nation - the land of Israel. To know the history of Israel in 1940-41. Another vision: To read Mark verses in the bible and Isaiah 40. And a vision of Fat grapes (green). August 11, 2014 10 pm Long Narrow road/along this pathway in campus August 10, 2014 12 am before I fell asleep The wind blows - Small trees or plants on the ground. Shaking (coffee) and candle (coloured) twice fire. August 10, 2014 6:30 - 7:20 am Words in a sentence. Words: The shoes is unfit. Meaning (not a true faith and not a true religion). Foremost in my vision - this is always in my vision. Barefooted and many shoes and department store. Buying and selling. Shaking (Coffee meaning earthquakes and Volcanoes). Another words: Follow me up because I have chosen by you. Another final words: The walk through of God is suppression. Meaning: Stopped and condemned. Some words: Philosophy Open the fig leaf Dig a skull The Secret History of Babylon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I saw in my vision Above the roof theyre hiding a riffle Yellow note pad Cardboard Religion is selling like clothes or department store Library downstairs - I was looking down. Fresh Salad to eat - good for your soul. August 9, 2014 6:30 am Moon half moon above and below formed triangle of that moon. Words I read: Visel, The Root, Jealousy Matthew Verse 2:17 August 8, 2014 4:30 am Vision Ice land on where i saw his back wore a white robe/olden days his hands wild open. Last vision (the other day) 2 teaspoon dry coffee. This time that 2 teaspoon i put a drop of water - to melt it in the cup. Sandwich with more than a half kilo of peanuts. (August 7, 2014 before i slept last night around 10 or 11? Dream about Obama is missing? and 2 news report in a newspaper so hard to read - first attempt to read and theres another article but its so quick. Before i sleep last night. Maybe next time - i can read both of them). August 7, 2014 6:30 am In a plate a very tiny food poor range and a piece of lemon. Bigger than calamansi. 1:32 pm My vision at 1:32 pm .. take a nap for 5 minutes. A beautiful woman with full of explanation. Persecution of today. I saw a woman on her hands beads like a rosary. A colour of blue using of praying? Pollution like in a canal or drainage. Super polluted. (I will explained the woman wore a big beads and heavy necklace (thats burden) on her neck - on my vision this morning, this afternoon its given me more clarification. A womans fashion is like an attitude of believing God. The colour of the beads were exactly like Gaza an explanation I read on the newspaper. Its the colour painted and also the colour painted on my vision the other day - painted on the wall. And this afternoon, I had a vision take a nap about 5 minutes. Beads necklace - exposed the pollution against righteous. Main cast to gain about the world of corruption. Persecution of today referred to religion of power and greed. Their own way of expressing themselves. Drainage - is pollution. Department store on my vision or a shop .. Inspite of the true meaning of the mannequin or in the true condition - its a robot who will take over someday, its also about the religion who makes money on the world, when its become the building of many but the roots of dry and forgotten trees. Its pollution of the religious belief. Because learning about Yahweh is not about making money - or making you a part of his teaching but learning through heart and mind - as Yahweh read it on your mind not by going to school.. Teachers of righteous is not religion but its a natural power from Yahwehs - when you are written in the book of life). August 6, 2014 10 pm. A man walking so unusual walked jumping kind of. Woman had a super giant and heavy beads on her neck a very strange one. Another woman walking going to the big building - shes walking on the little steps - on that direction to the big building - while walking and appeared to me a dry big tree as in totally dead. August 6, 2014 5:55 to 6:30 am. A big construction I was looking down (on top) and many people were walking on these side of the site along the pathway. A hand up high wore a white long garment (its a long garment like Moses but with white a black line (its too quick). Department store (second time in my vision). Statues and clothes were on display. But then its shaking. On top i was looking this beautiful modern lady dressed up and beautiful walking up on the stairs to get on top of the temple. And the cloth was cut off - as I could see it - a curved small knife with black handled - and I could hear the sound of the knife the cloth was cut off. Another one a department store was like a cave entrance so small, but infront before the entrace cave (designed) door, theres a formed of big palm hand - and on the ground was a parking lot. When you enter its cave. Carpark underground as I saw it - on my right side. August 5, 2014 3:50 - 5:51 am Vision BROWN Bird with long wings. Beautiful peaceful land embarked beautiful boats and private owners of speed boats or boats of any kind. In my vision was also telling me life ended in a week. I did not mention this. Dreamed ISIS Husband and wife but the husband disappeared, the wife just got out from the white car on a parking lot - two ISIS approached the woman, the woman tried to run away. Vision: Super bright sun on my eyes.. So unusual. Words: Even the mars cannot see And in my vision: A flame far away. Words : I keep the ? water. (i dont remember what i was written - half asleep). Rainbow in my vision. Word : Prompt Strength negotiation Vision: Dry coffee in a lead cup two teaspoon. Small bright light like a torch. Life is precious with YHWH liked a diamond than the world around. Words: Sumatra. Black pen its written this one Lifetime . Written in a red pen - Fail ill - 7:30 all were given.. Another vision Physical forward narrow lane to fit in surrounded by beautiful glasses cabinet not even two people would fit in but only one person. Vision Round blue in a department store to fit the manequin. Our lives replaced by robots and the world we lived in only worried about the world - theres no life after death. Another vision Words: Physcial forward Meaning in my vision its your life and choices to dedicate your life to the creator or the world to have everything and being famous. Vison: Many shoes surrounded but its better to have nothing at all to wear them than to believe in paganism. August 4, 2014 11 pm Solid rock pendant replacing my handmade necklace yesterday its moving. Necklace i made yesterday was not good or not real but a trap. Vision became a net or trapping nation. Words in my vision handwritten red pen fall ill 7.30 ? My vision: A black square like up in a building shaking. Anglica/Spanish words Fish Oil like a capsule - stick on your skin. The angel. Two children were running. Had a bowl liquid on dropped and pread out on the floor. No. 5 Blue pendant (appeared twice) Words All of you threaten the little children. The unusual climate change is worsen than ever before. Man made. August 4, 2014 4:20 am - 4:44 am My vision on my mouth talking to myself 1. Their going to bit a big one tomorrow. 2. It speed up 3. The plane war targeted yesterday, the war indeed started. To bit and hit up. 4. Disease would spread out to Vietnam. 5. Vatican is on flame and hiding on shame. 6. The boat on Vietnam wars ready. 7. Aparri (The Philippines) - Vietnam disease On my vision 2 bottle of water shaking A white cloud reachable on land or earth, surrounded by a darkness facing off heaven. A small living and branch of tree lying (never faded) even without water - on my table. (Many times I have this vision). August 3, 2014 11pm living tree lying down on my table. Blue and mint colour is a lucky colour. A little lamb prosecuted and being condemned treated unkindly. August 3, 2014 My vision today at 4-7am. Mint Colour Wall Cement (dont get this message), (I was upstairs) Three stairs - I was on this 3 stairs and I was looking down the stairs were wildly opened - I saw brightness then upon looking the big hole down its closing slowly but down there, theres brightness. Mannequin became human sitting down looking at the mirror - wore a blouse - sleeveless black. (Dont get it). Appeared the 3 stairs again, then again I was on the 3 up stairs. Unusual colours of the sky - the 7:50 am vision. A rainbow colours of the sky turned twisting appeared, a big wind became black covered the way - while done by a big hand (I saw this hand). Eating too much White Rice and Fish on my plate. Is no good for you. My vision today at 4-7pm. Appeared the 3 stairs (twice), then again I was on the 3 up stairs. Unusual colours of the sky - the 7:50 am vision. A rainbow colours of the sky turned twisting appeared, a big wind became black covered the way - while done by a big hand (I saw this hand). Eating too much White Rice and Fish on my plate. Is no good for you. Theres a big and deep silver bowl and then a pestilence or disease is deadly coming our way. Spread out (black colour) on the edge down side of the silver bowl. (I remembered this disease a curse from the Pharaoh during Moses time) This is exactly the same. When the first born of Egypt died of this deadly disease same as this appeared in my vision. Dream Then I had a dream. It appeared to me this place somewhere. China town or in China? My dreamed before this time at 7:50 am. I went down town around Sydney then, I ended up in a big and massive factory in China town. Super big factory - making up foams for make up and its a big block surround then I rode with this young lady dont even know - and its an old man driving in a car. I asked her and we had a conversation. ( I cant remember our conversation) but many people there and unhealthy environment. Illegal hiding on that area. Bribery is also part of the operation. Getting married to stay illegal and very dirty environment. August 2, 2014 My vision today at 4:49 - 7:18 am. Waking up all the time. 1. Black water in a pot covered 1 inch. 2. Looking outside half sun turned into orange. 3. Many frames to post photos on the wall but only one showed off reaction. 4. Empty frames soon will be filled with eruption. One frame volcano eruption. Two choices to be established 1. To be good and respect Yahwehs instruction 2. Everything would be worsen by not obeying him. Number 7.1 An empty big plate nothing to eat there were 2 meaning as a reminder. 1. Theres no one who love the creator anymore 2. But loving the world means happiness, enjoyable remains on Earth. But totally forgotten who made us. Photos of people - travelling and enjoying Plane flying from nowhere? Holiday destination. The night is not for days (As i read it, Propaganda). The night is not for days. As I read. Drone Missiles Destination Mayon Volcano eruption. Terrorist attack is arising and awakening Bad habit or attitude seems brightness of the sun. Theres a war on fighting some are falling soldiers tagged in my vision. Soldiers were died but only few were taken. (this is my second vision). A worse situation paid the price to heaven. Theres a waterfalls clear and beautiful. Mobile phone - bigger than the usual one smaller than tablet, i picked up and use it. August 1, 2014 My vision this morning. IF somethings wrong i cannot sleep at 2 am. This morning At 3 am. A massive dough (super big - for making bread) I prayed when Im worried and I got this message a massive dough. A big hole cartoon black juice someone sipped it (thats disasters coming for judgement). Ramadan? A news in black letter its too quick (it will repeat next time if this is very important). on my vision at 2:21 pm to 3 pm. Plenty of food (sweet potatoes), with brown sugar, heavy rain, rough sea. I had seen a verse 2:21 - a litle box to read to choose from Genesis 2:21, Exodus 2:21, Joel 2:21.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 10:49:28 +0000

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