August 31 Birthday Virgins born on this day are down-to-earth, - TopicsExpress


August 31 Birthday Virgins born on this day are down-to-earth, hard working, and efficient. Since, in your view, function is vastly more important than form, you expect practical results from your labors. You excel at bringing order out of chaos by organizing systems and streamlining procedures and techniques. New ideas come easily to you, and you have a knack for formulating them into workable plans. You usually know the best way to get a project up and running and keep it functioning properly. Your forte is your single-minded ability to focus on your concentration on what you are doing, to the exclusion of everything else. Whatever the business or profession of those celebrating birthdays on August 31, admiration is as important to them as financial compensation. You like knowing that your work is considered useful and your efforts are appreciated. You can be rather critical and controlling of others, but you have an independent streak that causes you to resist any attempts to restrain your activities. Although the creative impulse may incline you toward an artistic career, your common sense and realistic take on life are particularly well suited to the world of business and finance. In intimate relationships you are tender and affectionate. You show how much you care by being helpful and dependable. Although some members of the zodiacal family may be more exciting than you, none are more trustworthy or caring. source : What Your Birthday Reveals About You - Phyllis Vega
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 01:11:52 +0000

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