August 6, 2013 by Ben Crystal Last Tuesday, I noted what I - TopicsExpress


August 6, 2013 by Ben Crystal Last Tuesday, I noted what I presumed would be a short-lived strategy by President Barack Hussein Obama to duck responsibility for the multiple scandals that will define his legacy by insisting those scandals are “phony.” However, judging by the defiant attitude Obama and his assorted accomplices, lackeys and lapdog media sock puppets have collectively displayed since then, it would appear that “phony” is the word they’re sticking with to deflect attention from their unprecedented war on the Bill of Rights — not to mention on our collective sanity. Operation Fast and Furious was “phony.” The murders of Brian Terry, Jaime Zapata and hundreds of Mexicans were “phony.” Attorney General Eric Holder’s hostile perjury before Congress was “phony.” The factual revelations that Obamacare is an outright fraud are “phony.” Repulsion at the Democrats’ craven exploitation of tragedies from Connecticut to Colorado (but oddly, not Chicago) is “phony,” as is the Democratic war on the Bill of Rights. The National Security Agency’s illegal wiretapping of Americans is “phony.” The deployment of the Internal Revenue Service as a political weapon against Obama’s perceived enemies is “phony.” And, of course, the terrorist murders of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, are “phony.” As Inigo Montoya noted in the great film “The Princess Bride”: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Obama, Jay Carney and a host of other backroom wire-pullers, shady politicos and cable network talking hairdos use “phony” to describe the aforementioned events — even though we’ve all watched them unfold on the very same networks (in the case of the fading hate-net MSNBC, with some rather creative editing). Hell, the Democrats can keep calling these very real and very sad disgraces they have deliberately wrought upon their own people “phony” until Carney finishes puberty. But that won’t change the fact that Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius lied about every aspect of Obamacare; Holder lied about Operation Fast and Furious; Lois Lerner and others lied about the scope of Obama’s transformation of the Internal Revenue Service into the SS; Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and even Obama himself lied about Benghazi; and all the shrieking nitwits on Dailykos (or wherever) make complete fools of themselves every time they claim someone was “killed by a gun.” Again, “phony” simply doesn’t fit the bill. I suppose the few liberals who still occasionally stumble across their consciences try to ease their disquiet by telling themselves their lies are part of a greater good or that their masters really are breaking the rules now in order to save them later. Surely, not everyone at The New York Times is either a mewling liberal peon or an unhinged leftist wing nut. After all, someone has to refill the toner cartridges; and I’m guessing Maureen Dowd and Paul Krugman would be afraid they’d mess up their nails. Unfortunately for those conflicted souls, silence isn’t golden; it’s consent. History is littered with those who either actively or passively collaborated with the forces of evil. The lucky ones managed to play their cards into billion-dollar empires, like former Nazi collaborator and current liberal hate group sugar daddy George Soros. Others hung on long enough to outlive the communist dinosaurs of the former Soviet Union. They live on as corruptocrats who imprison crappy rock bands, because Pussy Riot is dangerous. Actually, I’ve heard Pussy Riot. They’re not dangerous; they’re terrible. Far more often, however, those who stood up to be counted with the enemies of liberty have disappeared into the mists of history — either because the Allies didn’t have the manpower to arrest every German who looked the other way when the trains rolled into the death camps, or their names were lost somewhere between Kiev and the Gulag, or Al Gore sold their network to Qatari oil barons. They lie; they illegally surveil; they harass; they even kill. And then they tell us that it’s for our own good. It’s the same tale tyrants have been telling to cover their crimes since the biggest Neanderthal in the cave started hoarding all the fertile females. But this is America, not some fictional country invented by Hollywood. And these scandals are all too real, not some fairy tale concocted by Rob Reiner in between visits to Spago. Ask yourself: What would Inigo Montoya do? –Ben Crystal
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 17:52:58 +0000

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