August 6, 2014 Schuylkill Haven Borough Council Meeting by - TopicsExpress


August 6, 2014 Schuylkill Haven Borough Council Meeting by Moderator on 08/10/14 Although the room was packed, and there was standing room only, it was business as usual at the August 6, 2014 Schuylkill Haven Borough meeting. Council president, Marlin Berger, denied two Cressona residents the right to speak regarding the fluoride issue, even though they were customers of the Schuylkill Haven water system. I suspect a large portion of the people in attendance were from Cressona, and were there to voice their opinions. But with Berger preventing some residents from speaking again, I suspect the rest of the Cressona attendees didnt say anything, and rightly so. They would have been wasting their time. A courageous four-time cancer survivor from Schuylkill Haven told the council members that her doctors instructed her not to use fluoridated water due to her cancer history. She also cannot use fluoridated water for bathing because its absorbed through the skin. She begged Council to reconsider the decision to start fluoridating the water again but, as was the norm, it fell on deaf ears. A petition was started to collect signatures from people who are opposed to fluoride in their drinking water, and she told Council that her petition sheet was nearly filled just from residents on her little street alone. She added that it took no effort at all to collect the signatures because of the strong opposition to fluoridation. Another resident from Schuylkill Haven said she, too, collected a large number of signatures, just from people on the street where she lived. This poor woman could barely sit on a chair due to bone and nerve pain, yet she believed so strongly that fluoride would make her condition worse that she bore the physical pain to collect the signatures. She told Council that she, too, opposed the decision to start fluoridating again. Mayor Devlin pointed out to Council that the Bucks County, Pennsylvania water system, one of the largest in the state, stopped fluoridating the drinking water in favor of letting its customers decide for themselves whether or not they wanted to use fluoride, as its readily available in toothpaste and other sources. He told Council that other places are advancing by recognizing the possible harmful effects of fluoride and have stopped the practice, while the Schuylkill Haven Borough was going backward. This statement drew applause from the people in attendance. He also asked Council to reconsider, as hes done numerous times in the past. Dave Williams, a Cressona resident whose son displays behavioral changes when he ingests fluoride, handed in more than 100 signatures gathered from Cressona Borough residents near his home. Dave was prevented from speaking a number of times in the past, even though he pays for water from the Schuylkill Haven Borough. He too, said he did not have any problem at all collecting signatures because most people are opposed to being forced to drink fluoridated water. HERES MY TAKE ON THE WHOLE THING: Its clear to me that Marlin Berger is the driving force behind the fluoride issue. I believe hes been stewing ever since fluoride was voted out in 2010, and subsequently stopped in February, 2011. I also believe hes been biding his time until particular council seats were vacated, and he then hand-picked people to run for those seats for the sole purpose of getting votes to put fluoride in the water again. When a person has that much bitterness and hatred inside, you can bet hes not going to do whats in the best interest of the people hes supposed to serve. But I have to ask what the heck is wrong with the other people who voted to put fluoride back in the water again along with Berger? I can pretty much figure out why Bedway voted with Berger because I know his background pretty well. But what about Tucci? Is she related to Berger? Or does she simply have no compassion? Or perhaps she doesnt have a mind of her own and just keeps her mouth shut and does what shes told. And Kurt Montz - hes an intelligent individual who holds public safety in high regard and considers supporting the police department a high priority, and I strongly agree. How can a person be so public-minded in one area and so incredibly blind in another? The Schuylkill Haven Borough council members heard from two more people who are going to be harmed by the decision to start fluoridating again. These people arent opposed to fluoridation simply because of possible negative effects - they will be directly harmed due to health issues they already have. And who knows how much of their afflictions were caused by fluoride in the first place? If the Borough follows through with the decision to start fluoridating again, here will be two more instances of premeditated assault to add to the growing list. And knowing this, Berger is leading his loyal followers down the path to personal lawsuits and actions against the Borough - all in the name of a ridiculous grudge and the biggest ego Ive ever seen. Or is there some other reason that has not yet come to light?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:30:26 +0000

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