August 6th,2013. Today’s Prayer May Everyone who reads - TopicsExpress


August 6th,2013. Today’s Prayer May Everyone who reads today’s pray be blessed with the Love of God ! O blessed Christ, my teacher, my savior, my God: You have commanded me to love others as myself. Yet it is so often easy to see the faults in others, for I see their outside and compare it against what is inside me. I have inflated my goodness and importance in my own mind, but have judged others for the smallest shortcoming, and I am filled by foolish pride. I vow by this prayer that I will strive to follow your Word, to forgive all who have injured me, to turn loose the petty resentments and grudges that poison the world with hatred, and to overlook the faults of others; and I ask to be pardoned wherever I have done injury to my brothers and sisters, who are your beloved children even though they, like me, are sinners. And I vow, when I fall short of your commandment, to seek out and confess my wrongdoing. Forgive me, Holy Christ, and help me to ever amend my life; this I pray, with faith in the grace you have promised to the penitent sinner. Now unto him that is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Dear Friends , Do something Kind for a Stranger TODAY , maybe buy them their lunch, a cup of coffee , maybe a $20.00 Bill in an envelope ,or a bag of groceries for a friend in hard times or a stranger , Nothing needs to be said except it is a blessing from GOD ,one day when you can please pay it Forward . Signed as Always with LOVE Ali Nagi.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 10:15:34 +0000

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