August 9, 1771: No. 10.—CRAWFORD TO JAMES TILGHMAN. - TopicsExpress


August 9, 1771: No. 10.—CRAWFORD TO JAMES TILGHMAN. STEWART’S CROSSINGS, August 9, 1771. SIR:—I understand by Captain John Haden, the bearer of this, that there is an agreement entered into by a number of the inhabitants of Monongahela and Redstone. They have entered into a bond or article of agreement to join and keep off all officers of the law, under a penalty of fifty [pounds], to be forfeited by the party refusing to join against all officers whatsoever. I understand this was set on foot by a set of people who have made a breach of the law by driving out men from their homes for which there was a King’s warrant issued against them, together with a notion propagated by Colonel Croghan that those posts would not fall into Pennsylvania. He told me it was the opinion of some of the best judges that the province line would not considerable so far; as it would be settled at forty-eight nifles to a degree of longitude, which was the distance of a degree of longitude allowed at the time the charter was granted to Mr. Penn. He has since told these people that they had no right to obey any precept issued from Pennsylvania. He has run a line from the mouth of Raccoon [creek] up the Ohio to Fort Pitt, and thence up Monongahela, above Pigeon creek; thence across till it strikes Raccoon creek ten miles up It; and says he has one more grant of 100,000 acres to lay off in a paralleI with that. Many surveys he has cut to pieces and sold to sundry people, that have been returned to your office, some of which are not above three or four miles from Fort Pitt. He has done so with one of mine and many others. It is a great pity there is not a stop put to such proceedings, as it will be attended with very bad consequences. I am informed there is a large number of signers already to the paper; when I see it, I will give you a more distinct account. I am, etc. P.S.—I shall be down this fall and pay off to the land office for the different lands I am concerned in or have undertaken to transact. William Crawford is the 6th great grandfather Jeffery Lee Goodlove
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 12:16:12 +0000

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