August meeting recap: Excellent meeting last night at the Rogue - TopicsExpress


August meeting recap: Excellent meeting last night at the Rogue Public House. We had a nice variety of representation by club officers, veteran area huckers and some fresh blood. Most importantly, we got a lot of disc golf business done. We heard the Treasurer’s Report from Rex. The Club recently bought the rest of the replacement locks for Dexter, and it came in slightly under budget. We are also in the middle of depositing registration monies for the Eugene Celebration at the same time we are paying bills associated with it. In other words, we will have a better idea of where things stand after the September event. The Celebration planning is coming along great. The event is sold out, so now the TDs are buffing and shining it up. There are two ways you can still help: keep your eyes open for an announcement about a work day; and we are still looking for more sponsors. We will also be doing the Trash Dash Dubs on the Friday before (Thanks Cory H for running that). Last but not least, Tobiah just enlisted the services of a renowned videographer to chronicle this year’s festivities and competition. The Bag Tag finale has started coming into focus. Keep your eyes on the Facebook page for the details. It will be held the weekend of Oct 4-5. In the meantime, keep battling it out! If you haven’t had multiple numbers by now, you aren’t getting in the mix. There will be a Eugene-area Discraft Ace Race this year. Saturday, Sept 20 at Camp Serene. Online registration begins Monday. This also has its own Facebook page that will be your source for updates and info. Each year our club participates in the national Ice Bowl program, which we directly support Food for Lane County. We have really been doing great work to the point that we are consistently Top 10 in the country. For 2015 we will again have Jim Johnson TD the event. It will be held at Dexter on Saturday, January 24 (The Saturday before the Super Bowl per tradition) and again be one round of 27 holes with a twist. We are still working on the Dexter signs project, as well as our club logo. While discussing the signs, Doug H told us of the state running around putting the sign posts in using heavy equipment – and causing damage to the trees. I will be following up with them to let them know that we are not pleased with being held strict restrictions on what we do, only to have the “authorities” do way more damage than we ever would have. Finally we got to the hottest topic of the night – the future of the Willamette Valley Winter Series. This is a series of 10 or so events held at a variety of parks, many of which are temporary installations. This had been run until the middle of last season by Andrew Rich, at which time Tobiah Mosier took over. Tobiah announced that he could not run it this year. The good news is that there is enormous support to keep this awesome tradition going. The one change that we most likely will make is that we’ll utilize a pool of TDs, maybe 3-4, that will each run 2-3 events. We will also establish a committee tasked with planning and running these events. We are going to hold a meeting on Wednesday, Sept 10 to work out the details. Here are the people that have already agreed to attend: Miles M, Ricky O, Warren H, Ben A and myself. Warren is going to get ahold of Yose with SOWs to get their schedule so we can continue our cooperative scheduling. I will put the meeting announcement up shortly. Others are welcome and encouraged to attend. Long live the Willamette Valley Winter Series! This WVWS meeting will take the place of our normal September club meeting. Our October meeting will be an all-member meeting at lunch time of the Bag Tag finale. Plenty more details on that to come. That’s what I remember… any other attendees with clarifying remarks should add them below.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:56:48 +0000

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