Aum Sairam, When seed is sowed, the seed grows and to grows to - TopicsExpress


Aum Sairam, When seed is sowed, the seed grows and to grows to become a large tree bearing lots of fruits that are manifested from within to offer selflessly filled with love by sacrificing themselves by having no expectations of return from the entire Jeevas that took the body of different shapes and sizes on the Earth. The seed took the help from the Nature, which was created by the God himself, who is the Lord of Universe and also Mother Nature for the entire Earth to grow to an individual entity just to sacrifice to be in the mission of God to serve with love from heart. The Gods Leela’s, no one can imagine and it is beyond the imagination of humanity. As the seed touches the Mother Earth, seed grows to a tree as an Individual entity and sustains everything by itself without troubling others and even it has not learned from any one too, to grow to offer the fruits to others with love. The Tree lives healthy & Wealthy by serving the hunger and also by providing shelter to many Jeevas that took various forms of bodies until it exists on the Earth only by having faith on the Mother Nature. The faith the Tree has is, the Mother Nature will provide everything to her to exist to serve others selflessly and most important to note, the Tree does not fell in to trap of Maya illusion and it knows what is its job and from where it has come and where to go. That’s why the Tree surrenders everything at the lotus feet of the Mother Nature, from where it has come and this is called offering everything at the Lotus feet of the God without a thought. The level of Faith of the Tree has on the Mother Nature the God himself is unimaginable and it is beyond our imagination too. Tree without moving an inch from its original place that was selected by the God, grows to become a large tree happily by passing through the toughest times to exist and that is called the Faith which is known has unshakable faith. It is very difficult nowadays to find this type of faith in humanity on God. See the amazing nature of the Tree, it does not expect anything in return from the humanity who consumed her fruits to serve their hunger. Most amazing beauty of the Tree as a selfless entity which is filled with love from heart is, does not even hate when they are cutting the Tree to make use of it, for various things, knowingly that it is going to die. Sacrifices itself without any reaction and having left any traces that it has been sacrificed herself to others to serve. This is how the God created the humanity too to sacrifice themselves for others having leaving any traces of the presence of help done and to walk out silently. Nowadays it is not happening as expected by the God to behave like a Tree. Why not humanity can act like a Tree to sacrifice having leaving no trace of doing help as a favor to others? Humanity was born with the highest gift from the God, which no one has and it is known as the “Power of Discrimination”. This power of discrimination is used to discriminate “Which is good & Which is bad” and “Which is right & Which is wrong”. Even having the special gift of the God, the humanity is not in a position to share the gift of the God which is in form of selfless love that is residing in each one of the heart of Human that enables to serve others without expecting return filled with selfless love. Hence Humanity has to investigate to know from where they have come and where they have to go with the gift they have with them that is Power of Discrimination. Who is the “Lord of Universe” or the “God” it is all the same form and exist on the Mother Earth as a Mother Nature. God is available all times at all the moments and made him easily accessible to avail to each and every one of the humanity to consume him in the form of food and use him in form of material to exist to grow healthy & Wealthy filled with Wisdom to use to discriminate. Since the entire humanity took the birth from the Mother Nature, the entire humanity should behave as the Mother Nature behaves. But why the difference has come in nature of the humanity and why? It is all because of the “I” that has derived from the illusions (Maya) that was created by the attachments. These attachments are evolved from the selfish desires derived from the Materialistic World standing on Maya the illusions, which are temporary but give a feeling to look permanent. To be like Mother Nature, one has to tear the shield of attachment which is like Cocoon, that was build with the materialistic World know as Maya the illusion. How the Tree does, To be away from the Maya and to be like a Tree, one has to hold the God, to hold the God; one has to be in Good Company the Company of God. One has to be in the Company of God or the Good Company; everyone has to practice to see good, to do good, to be good, to think good, to feel good and to act good. These processes of doing act as mentioned above will help to Cultivate love and develop kindness by starting the day with love, filling the day with love and ending the day with love, which leads the way to God. To begin, everyone has to chant the name of the Lord of Universe the God who is residing in entire humanity as a driving force with many names such as Atman, Soul, Light, energy to manage, driving force and so on. In the same way the Lord of Universe the God who is formless is also residing in every plants, trees, animals and so on as Mother Nature. The Lord of Universe that is the God is present as omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. There is one Mantra to chant and to act simultaneously that is “Love All & Serve All and “Help Ever & Hurt Never” to reach God who is residing within of every one irrespective of living and no living entity as “Self”. God knows everything what is happening and everything happens only with his concern. Without his concern or his permission, nobody can touch or do, to anyone or anything thing, which was created by him that is the entire Universe. God is watching each individual of his creation personally and never be in Maya, that God is not watching as God is busy. Whoever thinks that God is busy and not watching, it is sheer foolishness and ignorant as God is residing in each individual as a Self or Atman. Everyone has to develop faith and only Faith makes the individual to grow healthy and wealthy like the Tree. This Message was given by Mother Sai
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 10:06:02 +0000

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