Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya 25th August 2014 Written Episode Raj thinks - TopicsExpress


Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya 25th August 2014 Written Episode Raj thinks Avni has changed a lot. Avni comes out, Raj asks what does the lady wants? She says we are still the same, but now our relation has changed; they have turned from boyfriend and girlfriend to fiance’s and soon be married. She says now she will have to behave as her parents would want her to. They celebrate the Pooja, Bhawna tells Sanvri to fill the oil in candle. Sanvri says that Arpita will look into all the work. Avni says that Arpita has an important meeting. Akshit asks will she go the meeting or celebrate festival? Bhawna says that she can go and will return after attending the meeting. Arpita says that she will take care of the candle as well, as she has to prepare for the meeting.Raj calls Avni and asks why is she awake so late at night. Avni says today is Janmashtmi, so we were doing Pooja. Suket comes there. Avni tells him Raj wanted to wish him. Suket asks did the Pooja ended at their place. Raj feels skeptical about the Pooja, then says that they do the Pooja in the day with whole family. Suket says that now we are also your family and will come to the Pooja too. Rajfeels worried about Pooja, Suket says that I, you and Bhawna must go to the Pooja.Bhawna recalls that she had calledMr. and Mrs Kapoor. Akshit says you must leave as I and Arpita will attend them. They leave. Arpita asks why he told mummy when heknew she had a meeting. She says all the Prasad is ready and will come back before their arrival. Akshit asks her to take his car, but she says she will go by taxi or rickshaw.They arrive at Raj’s house. Avni thinks have they arranged about the Pooja well. They come inside, there were people gathered. Jiji and Jija welcome them and introduces them to the family. Raj takes their blessings. Pandit asks to come there. Jija asks Raj why he said that they celebrate the Pooja with the family? But Avni also get worried when she knows they are just his neighbours.Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor says that they are in a hurry. They asks about Arpita when she arrives in the rickshaw. She meets them, andsays she will get the Prasad. Mr. Kapoor asks what is the need for her work. They ask why she uses rickshaw. She says she reach home earlier this way. Akshit says she just work for time pass, and there is no earning. They leave, Arpita asks does he respect her fortaking care of household and her work. Her work isn’t time-pass. She says if he can’t respect her, his love is nothing. And she will travel by car only when she will buy it herself.They do the Pooja, a lady asks to sing the Shlok but Suket says that Madhuri must do it as she is the daughter of the house. Madhuri was worried. Raj supports Jiji, Avni asks does she know the Shlok. Jiju comes from the stairs and shows Jiji the Bhajan from thestairs. Raj watches Jija and gives him thumb up. Pooja was dressed up in traditional dress. Raj thanks God for saving him. He prays thereis no more troubles.Sanvri comes to an old lady and asks you are the mother of Pooja, the girl you left at the orphanage. The lady takes Sanvri’s feet and says she is sorry she can’t earn forherself. Sanvri says that she is lucky that she is your girl, she is a lottery ticket and promises her to give much money in return of Pooja.Bhawna appreciates their celebrations. Suket also appreciates that they worked so hard for it. Avni asks does Jiji know to cook the Prasad. Raj saysthey bought it from the market. Jijisays that she isn’t liking it all.Suket says that as elder I want to give you some Naig (gift). He sees Raj’s worry and says he must begin with him. Raj refuses to takeit as they aren’t worth it. He tells them these people are their neighbours and not their Chacha. Madhuri tells them she didn’t know the Shlok, Jija also tells them that they had bought the Prasad from market. Raj says that we have no experience of any Pooja. Avni says that you people are true to heart, and I know it all as my parents have taught me this. She says we will change all the traditions of the family. She tells Raj they want him to be as he is. She says she will bring the traditions here, and they must mix their craze into it; it will be balanced. Suket agrees, and says they must celebrate their festival as they do. Avni brings children who head for the food. Suket smiles watching them. Suket says what can be better that celebratingit like this. PRECAP: Avni selects Raj’s clothesbut he says he isn’t coming to her friend’s birthday. They argue on this..
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 01:55:25 +0000

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