Auspicious Omens ⭐️🌝 Every event the man faces in day to - TopicsExpress


Auspicious Omens ⭐️🌝 Every event the man faces in day to day life has something to do with the likely happenings for good or bad or as an indication to take care of. The understanding about Omens will be much helpful in the life. Look at the auspicious omens here. 1 When moving out from the house for some important matter if a cow is seen it is certain the objective will be achieved. 2 If a white cow and calf are seen immediately after morning bath, the day will turn successful and happy. 3 A cow or calf coming near the main entrance of the house without calling after sunrise is considered good for the entire family. 4 A dog seen with uncooked meat or bone in the mouth is good omen. 5 The sniffing of footwear by dog is an indication of successful travel. 6 A dog lingering near the legs of a person is an indication of successful things to happen. 7 Seeing grey coloured cat is good for the day. 8 A black cat entering the house is good. 9 If a cat is seen left side (without crossing) of a person on walk, it is an indication of goods things to happen. 10 Evil forces kept apart and prosperity is assured if a cat gives birth to kittens in the house. 11 Seeing of three black cats together is good for the day. 12 If a cat scratches only one ear three times, it is an indication of guests coming. 13 A horse lifting the right paw is an indication of good things to happen to the owner. 14 If during the jumping of a horse in joy its tail movement speed increases and slams the right foot continuously, the success of owner is certain. 15 Seeing a decorated horse is good. 16 Seeing a white or reddish brown horse is sure indication of good things to happen. 17 If a horse slams his left leg on the ground, the chances of his owner going abroad is more. 18 Seeing two white horses together is good. 19 A horse neighing during the race is sure to win. 20 If one sees a crow coming from south-east direction in the evening, it is a good omen. 21 If a crowing crow passes from left side, it is good. 22 A crow coming from north-east in the early morning is indicative of hearing good news. 23 Seeing a crow sitting on the back of a donkey or camel is good. 24 Seeing a crowing crow with its face south-west directed, it results in financial gain. 25 Seeing a crowing crow with its face south-east directed, is an indication of likely jewellery gain. 26 If a crow is crowing south faced, it is an indication of likely getting a good treat or entertainment. 27 If a crow is crowing north-west faced, it is likely to get grain as present. 28 If a crow is crowing north faced, it is likely to get new clothes or vehicle. 29 If a crow is crowing north-east faced, monetary gain is likely. 30 Seeing a crow on a tree with fruit is indication of getting honour and wealth. 31 A crow crowing in a different pleasant tune near the house is indicative of guest coming shortly. 32 Seeing a crow sitting on the back of a horse is indicative of likely getting of a new vehicle. 33 If an owl hoots on right side, it signals good things to happen. 34 If an owl is seen left side, it is a good omen. 35 Keeping of nails and paws of owl is good for getting wealth. 36 Seeing a hood-spread black cobra is good for prosperity. 37 A sneeze on the occasion of starting a business is highly auspicious. 38 A sneeze during purchase of any article is considered auspicious. 39 Sneeze from behind the back while going out for some work is a good omen of success. 40 At the time of leaving the house for some work if a parrot chirps, it is an indication of success. 41 Breaking of mirror in the house is an indication of likely change of residence. 42 If a bangle vendor approaches from opposite direction, it is good. 43 Funeral procession from opposite direction is a good omen. 44 Hearing of tolling bells or sound from some instrument is an indication of success. 45 If somebody with milk or curd is seen on the way, is a good omen. 46 Seeing a white animal coming from north is good. 47 Seeing a couple coming from opposite direction is indication of good things to happen. 48 While leaving the house or on journey if somebody mumbles the number six, nine, ten, eleven and fourteen, monetary gain is likely. 49 Seeing an elephant, horse, peacock or ox during journey is a good omen. 50 Seeing persons carrying water pitchers during journey is auspicious. Inauspicious Omens 🌚🗿 1 If seen tears flowing from the eyes of cow, it is certain the family head is going to have persistent illness. 2 If a dog is seen with footwear in the mouth, the day will turn inauspicious. 3 If a dog is seen with cloth in the mouth, some sort of trouble is ahead. 4 If a dog is seen with dry bone in the mouth, the day is going to be bad. 5 Seeing a dog scratching its legs or swapping its ears is a signal to the work of the day being unfinished or facing hardships during travel. 6 Dog scratching the walls is indication of burglary to take place. 7 If a dog barks in south-west direction looking afternoon sun, quarrel in the family is certain or else fire accident may take place. 8 If a dog looks with head and body in different steps at a woman in the house, it is a signal to likely illness to somebody in the family. 9 A dog weeping in abnormal voice from the top of the house is signal to likely calamity to take place.10 A dog barking from behind is an indication to the danger in store. 11 If the dog eats less than the regular and tears flow, it is a signal for bad things to happen. 12 Seeing a white cat crossing the path is indicative of setting in ill-health. 13 If a cat falls on a sleeping person, it is almost certain great danger including death is in store for him. 14 If a cat jumps to the forehead of a woman, it is more likely she will be widowed. 15 Cat dying in the house is inauspicious. 16 Quarrel of a male cat with a female cat is a sure signal of quarrel in the house. 17 Seeing a horse coming from right side is a bad. 18 If a donkey brays from the front or from behind, it is a signal for bad things to happen. 19 If a donkey howls on the right side, it is inauspicious. 20 Seeing a crow approaching from south-west in the evening is a signal to likely calamity. 21 Group of crows crowing near corner of the house is indicative of danger in store. 22 Crow crowing from roof of the house is bad omen. 23 Crow sitting on the head is bad omen. 24 Seeing crow flying clockwise is indicative of relations with relatives being worsened. 25 Seeing crow flying with a vessel or any other useful article is a signal to bad things to happen. 26 Seeing a crow sitting on the tail of a cow crows is indication of contacting ill-health. 27 If an owl sits on the roof of the house or on the head of a family member, the downfall of the family is almost certain. 28 Seeing the romance of two owls is likely to shorten the life. 29 The crawling of serpent from right to left is a bad omen. 30 The serpent coming crawling from front is signal of enmity. 31 Seeing a snake at the time of starting a journey is bad. 32 Seeing a white snake is bad. 33 Sneezing on entering a house is bad. 34 Sneezing at the time of wearing footwear is bad. 35 Sneezing at the beginning of a travel is bad omen. 36 Somebody sneezing in front or from right side at the time of starting a venture is indicative of loss to suffer. 37 Theft is indicated if the parrot in cage sits quietly with face in north-east direction. 38 Seeing of rainbow after sunset is signal for the family head to become sick. 39 Stumbling or falling while coming out of the house is indicative of blockade in all fronts during the day. 40 Seeing a funeral procession in the same direction one moves is bad for the day. 41 Seeing a deformed person or a beggar at the time of starting a new venture or at the time of coming out from the house is a bad omen to keep the success away. 42 Seeing a person coming from opposite direction scratching his head, at the time of moving out of the house, is signal of failure in the efforts of the day. 43 Meeting a highly drunken person at the time of starting a new venture is inauspicious and may face many hardships. 44 Seeing a person with fuel-wood or fire coming across is indicative of accident. 45 Hearing of mumbling of one of the numbers from one to five, 7 or 8 is indication of trouble in store. 46 Hearing of quarrel among the neighbours at the time of moving out of the house is indicative of failure in the efforts of the day. 47 If flame of the lamp or candle goes off during worship, it is signal for the forthcoming hardships. 48 If window’s glass pane cracks, it is bad omen. 49 Crossing of marriage procession by funeral procession is indicative of failure in married life. 50 Seeing a washer-man or a woman with pressed clothes in hand is indicative of failure of efforts on the day. 51 Seeing a widow coming from opposite side is indicative of failure of the day’s efforts.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:51:06 +0000

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