Austim Day! Well let me share something can help people with that! - TopicsExpress


Austim Day! Well let me share something can help people with that! LIMU! I know many of you with children like mine feel like just dealing with it and keeping on with the day to day battles. I am here to say STOP!!! There is something that I believe can help you because it helped me. I am not saying it will I am saying it may. I know that everything I tried from medicine to special diets never worked but this did and I had nothing to loose. I will share his story with you. Take what you will from this but I feel like I should share. If you want to know more feel free to contact me. If it doesnt interest you no problem. There are several others I have met that have positive outcomes from this as well. This is his story.... My family and I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you so much for introducing us to LIMU. Some people may not know why our thanks are so important. My son Lane is autistic. He was diagnosed at the age of four. We were blown away when we found out he had it. He had severe food allergies as a baby and we almost lost him because he was severely dehydrated due to not being able to keep food or liquids down for a long period of time. We battled the food allergies and got him situated with that only to find out two short years later that he was battling Autism. Our happy little world seemed very sad all of the sudden. We watched Lane over the years, have birthdays and Christmas where he would cry because he had to open his gifts instead of being happy about them. He did not play with other children, he preferred to play alone. He had severe temper tantrums and the shrillest cry you can imagine. He suffered from migraines and couldn’t sleep. He was not very verbal until he was five. He would never look at you if you talked to him and you were lucky if you ever got an answer. Today Lane loves to play with other children, he sleeps well, no more headaches, tantrums are rare, and he said this was the best Christmas he has ever had. He laughs often and plays a lot. He will carry on a conversation with most anyone. He smiles. Every morning when he gets up he asks for his LIMU and before he goes to bed he reminds me to give it to him. He says it makes him feel better and when I asked him what that meant he said “I just don’t feel those bad things anymore. I don’t hurt.” Now, I don’t beg for hugs, he just offers them. For a mother who has waited 8 years to have her son express love to her, that’s irreplaceable. I am glad that you have extended your knowledge of a great product to us and I will gladly pass it on. Lane’s story is LIMU; he is living the LIMU experience thanks to you!!!!!!!! #PutGod1st #Limu #LimuLife #LimuNation #BeMore
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:14:34 +0000

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