Australia... Its time to grow up and stand up for - TopicsExpress


Australia... Its time to grow up and stand up for yourself. Political correctness has gone too far with your soft approach. It seems if you say NO to someone wearing a Head Covering then you are Racist... NO, your not Racist, thats our law. (Entering banks, Casinos, Licence Photos etc) But Australia you are bending the rules to try and please everyone and its not going to work. Muslims got outraged that Dogs were used to lead out the athletes at the opening Games Ceremony. Well Muslims, WE are outraged that your Radicals are keen to just kill everyone who does not follow your religion. How can we accept a Religion that does these sort of crimes? Australia, you have brought this war to our Country. Their motto is Do Not Make Peace with the Infidels (Non Believers) Does this sort of thing happen in Japan? Nope! Why? They had balls and put their foot down and said NO to this stuff. Now Muslims have stated they want to bring their Holy War here to Australia... Good One Australia... Take our Guns away, let anyone into our country. Let freedom for every religion (Even if theirs says to kill everyone who does not believe) and hope we all live in Peace! Unless Australia does somthing NOW... Things WILL NOT be getting better.. Rant done!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 04:03:58 +0000

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