Australia: Muslim cleric says jihad attack on Australian soil will - TopicsExpress


Australia: Muslim cleric says jihad attack on Australian soil will be governments fault Muslim cleric Uthman Badar says that the next jihad attack in Australia will have been provoked by...counter-terrorism laws. The guiding principle here is this: if you resist us, we will strike you. If you do not resist us, we will strike you nevertheless. Note also how close Hamas-linked CAIR and other Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S. are coming to saying the same thing, claiming that counter-terror initiatives in New York and elsewhere antagonize and offend Muslims. Will they blame the next jihad attack on those counter-terror initiatives? I wouldnt be surprised, particularly if they can find some of their stooges for jihad among Americas journalists to make the story fly. Christiane Amanpour, Niraj Warikoo, Bob Smietana -- call your offices! An act of terror on Australian soil will be the fault of the government, says Muslim cleric Uthman Badar, by Mark Morri for The Daily Telegraph, November 15 (thanks to Kenneth): A RADICAL Sydney Muslim has warned an act of terrorism on home soil is possible - and it will be the fault of the Australian government. Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar distributed a dossier accusing the governments counter-terrorism laws of unfairly targeting the Muslim community. He also claimed the government was deliberately trying to antagonise Muslims into reacting violently. An act of violence or terrorism is possible by someone who cant be controlled, Badar said yesterday. These laws and the surveillance tactics of ASIO and counter-terrorism police is begging for a reaction from disenfranchised Muslims. The government should be warned. Federal Attorney-General George Brandis said his office kept a watch on any comments that may incite racial hatred. Australia has strong laws against urging violence and inciting terrorism and any accusation of this will be investigated, Senator Brandis said. What race is urging violence and inciting terrorism again? I keep forgetting. Hizb ut-Tahrir is known around the globe as a prescribed terrorist group and is banned in Germany and in many Middle East countries. On Anzac Day eve last year, Hizb ut-Tahrir outraged many Australians with the headline Anzac Day is not for Muslims on its website. It attacked the soldiers who fought at Gallipoli, saying it was a military failure and said Australians were responsible for indiscretions such as burning the belongings of locals in Egypt, brawling, getting drunk and rioting, and contracting venereal diseases due to time spent in local brothels. Mr Badar came to Australia when he was three and grew up in western Sydney. He is currently doing a PHD in economics at Sydney University. He said his group was not concerned about a vow by Prime Minister Tony Abbott when in opposition that the movement would be outlawed once he got into power. He was just playing to the electorate and we are not worried, Mr Badar said. The jailing of a number of Muslims, including those involved in a plot to blow up Holsworthy Army barracks, was again the fault of the government, he claimed. One police source said Hizb ut-Tahrir pushes the boundaries in an attempt to appear relevant. Many members are educated young Australians, but their views are extreme and they have been banned in some places, the source said.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 00:00:32 +0000

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