Australia, USA, China, Japan, India, etc, etc are all out - TopicsExpress


Australia, USA, China, Japan, India, etc, etc are all out looking for the downed flight MH370. Where the heck is Malaysia in this search. Theyve not even sent a sampan or an ultralight aircraft to participate in the search. All youve done is to treat the poor grieving relatives with such shameful contempt that is unbecoming of a civilised country - that is if you Malaysians are a civilised bunch. Malaysia, you are a disgrace. I put it to you that since the plane is full of Chinese people and people from other parts of the world - essentially mainly non-bumis - that is why you mongrels are dragging your feet in the search and making a mockery of the tragedy. If that plane was full of haj pilgrims, I am sure that you would mobilise everything that can float or fly and everyone with heart-beat into the search. And what is more insulting is having a person like Hishammuddin - who has threatened to draw Chines blood - leading the investigation ( see, malaysiakini/news/82020). PLEASE SACK THIS MONGREL! He doesnt care about the Chinese or other non-bumis. All he and his government is concerned about is to pin the blame on the Anwar Ibrahim. But the one thing I concede to you. As a country youve tried your best to be on the world stage and to be known throughout the world. Well youve succeeded beyond your wildest dreams. Even that f#&king mamak - that Mahatir fellow - could not dream of this much coverage when he put up the two towers. FYI, Im an ex-Malaysian and I despise the racist government of Malaysia.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 10:19:58 +0000

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