Australia, along with the USA and most Western European Countries, - TopicsExpress


Australia, along with the USA and most Western European Countries, finds itself with a serious problem on its hand. Unreconstructed radical fundamentalist Islamic fanatics, born in their Countries. Apologists for Islam fail to admit that Islam is not just a Religion of hatred - it is inextricably linked to a barbaric legal system called Sharia. In other words, the Church is the State. Australian PM Tony Abbot rightly has labelled IS as a ‘Death Cult. Thanks to all the surveillance techniques and police powers about which lunatic NZ leftists have been railing for the last few weeks, a horrific terrorist attack in Sydney’s CBD has been thwarted. Unlike earlier imported conflicts (Serb v Croat) the Children of Islamic Immigrants are perpetuating and inflaming their homeland hatreds. The question on many People’s minds is no longer ‘How did it come to this’ but ‘how do we get rid of this plague?’ The answer is ‘with considerable difficulty.’ It took Spain 700 years to evict the Moors who essentially did exactly what their latter-day colleagues have done. Immigrated to Western Countries and gradually took over sectors of each Country, introducing Sharia Law and Islam’s entrenched subjugation of Women, abuse of Children and murder of non-Muslims. It took a successful Military Campaign against the Islamic enclaves after which the vanquished were offered the choice of converting to Christianity, leaving the Country or execution. · A first step might be a very Public Declaration by Federal Parliament that Australia & other Countries are a ‘Sharia Free Zone’ · Halt all immigration from Muslim Countries. · Arrest and deport anyone found to be ‘radicalising’ young Men. · Close down all Mosques · Declare Islam to be a proscribed ‘Religion.’ It is a barbaric form of Government masquerading as a Religion. · Offer adherents the choice of publicly renouncing Islam, deportation or internment. · Establish internment Camps in remote locations with Men held in Camps far distant from those for Women and Children. · Reintroduce capital punishment by firing Squad for those convicted of terrorist acts on their soils. If the above measures were implemented, the problem would be over in less than ten years rather than seven hundred. Japan is brilliant in not allowing Islam / Moslems to live there.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 20:47:35 +0000

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