Australian Post Privatization Debate Continues Despite Government - TopicsExpress


Australian Post Privatization Debate Continues Despite Government Denial The privatization of the Australian Post has triggered a heated debate after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman, Rod Sims, was reportedly convincing Prime Minister Tony Abbott to consider selling government-owned assets. Mr Sims was quoted as saying that privatisation will help boost Australias productivity. He also mentioned that the government should consider its assets in its root and branch review of competition laws. In general, Mr Sims declared that commercial enterprises are better run if left in the hands of the private sector rather than the government. Labor and the unions have criticised the thought of selling the Australian Post. Acting shadow communications minister Michelle Rowland said communities in Australia will be worse off, especially the people living in rural and regional areas who depend on the postal service. Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull remarked that the federal government had no intention of selling the Australian Post. The Australian Post is required by law to provide a letter of service to all Australians and must remain accessible no matter where they live. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The USPS Post Master General Patrick R. Donahoe denies that he is setting up our Post Office for privatization, yet corporations across the world are pushing politicians to do exactly that, saying it will be better run. Look no further than the UPS/FedEx Christmas package delay disaster to see how well this will work. Or what one company did to the water supply in West Virginia when they put profits first. It all boils down to management. You can have good or bad management in government or good or bad management in the private sector. So then it comes down to profit. A private company will raise prices as much as possible to maximize profits. It will cost you a lot more. Government can give the customer better service for less, without the profit. The US Post Office is an excellent example. We do the same service far cheaper than UPS or FedEx, for decades. - CPWU administrator - Tom Dodge This from Peter YUNG LEAN in Australia: Hands Off Aussie Post (CEPU) CAMPAIGN EVENT Tuesday 28 January 2014 Dear Peter, The Hands Off Aussie Post (HOAP) community campaign is underway by your Union - the CEPU. It has become public knowledge over recent weeks of the intentions by the Business Council of Australia (BCA) and supported by some financial commentators and sections of the media for Australia Post to be privatised as part of the Tony Abbott Federal Government Commissioner of Audit review. It will only be with community pressure on the Tony Abbott Federal Government that can stop Aussie Post from being privatised to prevent the beginning of the end with current post office outlets and the present five day mail delivery service to the community. The consequential effect of a privately owned Australia Post shall also result in thousands of Aussie Post jobs being slashed within Australia Post nationwide, make no mistake, jobs slashed are jobs that will never ever return. The HOAP community campaign against the privatisation by Australia Post by the Tony Abbott Federal Government shall involve all Aussie Post workers nationwide - no matter what their occupation or level. It is important that all Aussie Post workers participate in all HOAP campaign events and HOAP activities held within the community and at worksites that are approved and authorised by your Union. So we welcome all Union members, family and friends to hop on board with participation in important HOAP community campaign events to influence the Tony Abbott Federal Government from privatising the community owned Australia Post. HOAP Campaign Event involving ACTU President Ged Kearney When: 2:30pm sharp this coming Tuesday 28 January 2014 Where: Australia Post Sydney West Letters Facility, 2 Weerona Road Strathfield (off Centenary Drive) Who: ACTU President Ged Kearney, Unions NSW Secretary Mark Lennon, your CEPU officers and all Australia Post employees on duty at SWLF and any employee off duty along with their relatives or friends are encouraged to attend this event. Duration: Approximately 30 minutes More info: CEPU Office 02 9893 7822 Shane Murphy 0407 656263 Peter Chaloner 0418 655289 Gil Enzon 0418 658975 TK Ly 0419 220730 Nathan Metcher 0404 854 089 Greg Rayner 0409 651 992 Aaron Stockdale 0410 317 488 [email protected] Footer Click here to download a flyer to print and distribute Authorised by Jim Metcher, Secretary. CEPU NSW Postal & Telecommunications Branch.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:14:56 +0000

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