Australian Racing Board rejects University of Sydney study offer - TopicsExpress


Australian Racing Board rejects University of Sydney study offer on whip use #horseracingkills #animalwelfare #nowhips The Australian Racing Board has dismissed out of hand a University of Sydney proposal to conduct a study that would use thermographic cameras to determine if whip use caused pain and injury on a thoroughbred horse. Paul McGreevy, who is professor of animal behaviour and animal welfare science, said he emailed Australian Racing Board chief executive Peter McGauran on October 7 asking for permission to conduct a pilot study where 30 thoroughbreds would be examined at a race track with a thermographic camera before they raced and, if the whip was used on them, images would again be taken after the race. However, despite continuing controversy over the need for the whip and the call of animal welfare groups, such as the RSPCA, for its banning, McGreevy received a one sentence reply from McGauran thanking him for the request but stating that the ARB, which represents racing authorities throughout Australia, would not participate in the study. McGauran told Fairfax Media that the ARB did not agree with work previously conducted by McGreevy, who does not believe whips should be used, declaring why would we put our reputation and credibility in the hands of an avowed enemy who is pursuing a research project only for the pursue of proving a pre-conceived position he has reached?. Advertisement However, McGreevy said he was not anti-horse racing but wanted to identify ways through his research, which was peer-reviewed, to ensure animal welfare. He was now looking at conducting the study in India. I talk about ethical horse use. I am not an animal rights activist. I am a veterinary scientist and Ive committed my working life to studying horses and mainly thoroughbreds, McGreevy said. There is a science to this and Im trying to apply science to what is a very controversial area. ... The technology is now with us. Its not going to go away so why not work with it, thats what Im saying. If technology can be used in cricket to ensure fair play, then why can technology not be used in horse sport to ensure not just fair play and integrity but the welfare of the horse. He said the thermographic images would determine whether heat was emitted, and therefore suggest the presence of inflammation around the area the horse had been struck. He said it would also show the impact of the unpadded whip shaft. We could potentially develop a technology that guards against excessive or damaging use of the whip, McGreevy said. Im not sure yet if thermography is the technology ... it could be a different sort of veterinary tool. But essentially what Im saying here is that if we can validate the right tool then we can help give assurances to the observing public that these whip strikes are not damaging the horse. Racing Victoria head of equine welfare and veterinary services Brian Stewart agreed thermography may provide useful information and the racing industry was considering conducting its own study. There was no commitment to a start date, however. Its an interesting concept, Stewart said. It may be one thats worth pursuing. Im not sure what it would add to the argument but it would certainly, I guess, demonstrate where the whip is striking, if its striking on the rump or if there are a significant number of strikes occurring on the flank which is frowned upon. Certainly the persistence of heat for more than an hour or so would be a pretty good indication that there was tissue damage caused by the whip. The issue gained traction again this week when jockey Kevin Forrester was fined $2000 for overuse of the whip on Ballarat Cup winner Mujadale. Forrester vigorously struck the horse from the top of the straight to the winning post in a way that reportedly earned criticism from fellow jockeys. He was also sanctioned for the same offence on Mujadale in his previous start at the Ararat Cup.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 03:23:46 +0000

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