Australian benefit from the teachings of the Prophet in the - TopicsExpress


Australian benefit from the teachings of the Prophet in the province on the water Khalid Ahmed Almtni 350 Number of readings In a new emphasis on the universality of the Islamic religion and the inclusion of guidance Sunnah Per walks of life all the time, resorted to some Australian companies to develop part of the hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him. Hadith which forbids wasteful bottled water Hadith which forbids wasteful bottled water Special forbade wasteful water bottles of drinking water to guide the citizens to keep the water from the waste, which included water bottles a small sign hanging Balvohh bearing the words: Do not go overboard in the water, even if youre on the Nehrjar .. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Commenting on this Dr Ahmed Omar Hashem, head of Al-Azhar University and former member of the senior scientists: What did Australian companies confirms the Aida doubt that people all over the world benefit from the teachings of the Islamic religion, as in the hadith of the Prophet peace be upon him, who According to the means forbidding excessive consumption of water during ablution while the opinion of some of his companions to do so, even if a person is on the river neighbor, confirms that the Prophet peace be upon him to teach his companions and his nation from beyond the dimension and the Prevention of excessive water to benefit in times of other people in need. He pointed out that the teachings of Islam to end extravagance in everything, even in eating and drinking Allah said in the Holy Book, my son, Adam Take Look at every mosque and eat and drink waste not by excess, He likes not the wasters, explaining that what I did Australian companies and passed on some websites stating that the world east and west Osudh and Ibeidah quotes from the guidance of the teachings of Islam and guidance, confirming at the same time that the Islamic civilization was the fount and origin who quote people from it, and this also confirms the greatness of Islam and radiation civilization, and the previously-Islam, which preceded all other civilizations which attests to the universality of Islam and the message of Prophet Muhammad peace God be upon him and Allah Almighty says We sent thee mercy to the worlds. He explained that in this act for Australian companies practical response to all of the allegedly falsely and abused to serve the best and purest of walking on the ground, which the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him, especially that of the abused were from the West, but she wants the wisdom of God to be a reply of kin From the West also everyone knows greatness estimated that the Prophet peace be upon him, and witness all of the people that no matter what some are trying to blur the facts glaringly obvious not attained their goals and objectives to undermine the Islamic religion and His Messenger, peace be upon him and the great truth of God in saying in his book Aziz want that to extinguish Gods light with their mouths, but God refuses to be averse. He called Dr Ahmad Omar Hashim all Muslims to respond to the teachings of Islam and the guidance of His Messenger peace be upon him in maintaining the wealth of their country, especially water, explaining that we apply the west of the initial guidance of the Prophet and follow his Sunnah peace be upon him.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 19:47:17 +0000

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