Author Maher Sharaf al-Din said that the regime seeks to suggest - TopicsExpress


Author Maher Sharaf al-Din said that the regime seeks to suggest the existence of the organization (state) of Hamma for luring airline alliance to connect the north and south fire fighter jets, and to help Assads army to re-install the conditions in Horan experiencing sweeping liberalization process. Sharaf al-Din wrote on his page on the networking site (Facebook): channel the world Iran warns of the presence of large gatherings for Daash in the north-east of melancholy and warns of an imminent attack !!. He added: This news comes in tune with a series of news promoted by the horns system (including Almsttron also) some time ago, the aim of pushing more and more mountain to fall into the arms of the Alawite regime. The second objective is the furthest extent of saying there was a Daash in the southern region, thus luring airline alliance to connect the north and south fire fighter jets and help Assads army to re-install the conditions in Horan experiencing sweeping liberalization process. He pointed to honor the debt that the system was negotiating Daash in the black stone on the exit to the shield and not to tenderness !! The assertion by saying: The system wants to create Daash force in southern Syria. He concluded: Since all news of a Daash near the endosperm issued by the media and personalities orbiting system, I carry the Alawite regime - from now on - the responsibility of the liquefaction of any drop of blood under the pretext of Daash attack on a village in the endosperm .. The formation of an armed faction in the endosperm The sources confirmed that the Assad regime, the process of forming an armed faction in the endosperm to attack the liberated areas in the Horan. She emphasized that the defense minister in the government system called the scene of an officer for this purpose. She said: Dean Jaber Mehrez (he was the commander of the 38 air defense, band 24) after he was summoned again by Paragon working on a form, or an armed faction Offensive As is common, the strength of ten thousand armed people, and is now roaming in the endosperm province to gather followers of retarded military or fleeing to sign a contract with a salary of 31000 SP, and tour the villages and visit many of the elders, and meet with each person who supported his mission, and is worth mentioning that he claims that he does not have a formal mandate for this mission. It also stated: According to what we know that the Party branch is OK and Rafe cover for this task, but he was nominated to funding thanks to the Lebanese Hezbollah, and even training, supervision and leadership vested in the leadership of the fighter of this party, and claim that this formation is interested in editing the east Horan and Speedway Damascus Daraa By Page mentioned. Activists from the endosperm and stressed that Iran began attracting young people from the endosperm popular committees to be trained on combat operations in Iran, in order to involve them in clashes with rebels in Horan. The source confirmed that Samir Kuntar, and before Wiam Wahhab, tried to form militias Iranian support and but did not give unpopular in the Jabal al-Arab, and is currently talking with retired Brigadier General Nayef sapiens involved in the massacre of Hama in the eighties, to assist in the formation of an armed faction, and supervision. And transfer media FQ for militants in the endosperm, that there is suspicious movements in the Yellow Hill area and to the north-east of the Khalidiya carried out by terrorist gangs Wafiq Nasser. He activists: There are people from the elders of others questionable Bedouin patriotism and love for the children of the mountain confirmed that the shepherds may have seen suspicious movements and coordinate intelligence high-level, and cars SUVs between people call their chins, and hoist flags black Daash, and other cars (Gibbs and Peugeot Stacins) look they belong to the head of military intelligence in the southern region Wafiq Nasser, head of Air Force Intelligence Jamil Hassan, and with pictures of Bashar al-Assad in and out of these areas in all calmness and tranquility. Activists said: that moves Wafiq Nasser cells coincides with the efforts of the mullahs in Tehran and the Hezbollah militia to establish a military faction in order to put him in offensive military operations against the strongholds of the rebels in Horan, calling on residents not to be dragged into the Great Sedition wants Bashar al-Assads regime, the mullahs of Tehran and Hezbollah awakened in mountain and plain Horan.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 05:56:35 +0000

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