Author: Pst. Mrs. Olusola Anjorin Date: 30th - TopicsExpress


Author: Pst. Mrs. Olusola Anjorin Date: 30th October 2013 Topic: MEET HIS DEMANDS Text: Genesis 22: 2 God is never in need, and He will never be. But when you meet His demand it is simply telling you, God is about to meet your needs. From our text, God demanded a burnt offering from Abraham. Not just material things but of his only son; the one he loved. God was specific. This was a deliberate demand from God to establish an everlasting covenant with Abraham and to also bless him beyond measure. Thank God, Abraham did not fail the test of God. When the ALL sufficient God places a demand on you for something, whether precious or not to you, begin to rejoice and celebrate and release that thing fast ,not dialoguing with flesh and blood because what it means is God is about to cause prophecies that has gone on your life to be fulfilled. When God demands for a thing from you, it is not to reduce you but to multiply you. Look at father Abraham. Immediately he obeyed and was about to slaughter his son, God established that promise of “Father of many nations” with him. And God, even the Almighty, had to swear by Himself to a mortal man (Genesis 22: 15 – 18 read) Beloved, is God demanding something from you? Have you obeyed Him? Or are you still struggling and analyzing? Receive Grace to obey now! Because it is only an opportunity for God to fulfill what He has promised you. Sometimes, God may not even place a demand on you but on your own part you know you need God’s intervention in a particular area of your life. Then go ahead and offer painful sacrifice unto the Lord and you will see God responding in love. In Genesis 4:4, the Bible said Abel offered the best firstlings of his flock unto the Lord, and God had respect for Abel and to his offering but the reverse was the case for the offering of Cain. That means there are some offering you do not bring before the Lord so that instead of receiving blessings, it will not turn to curses. When God receives your offerings, He leaves you with a blank cheque, like He did for Solomon Beloved, each time God places a demand on you, do it with speed and great excitement because He is set to meet your needs. MAKE THIS CONFESSION YOUR PRAYER: - Lord, I receive Grace to obey you with dispatch anytime you place a demand on me! PROPHETIC DECLARATION: - This season, the Lord will cause you to receive goodness that will change your status forever!!! MEMORY VERSE: - (Genesis 4:4) “And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. IN-DEPTH STUDY: - Genesis 22: 1 – 19 Type AMEN to claim todays Prophetic Prayers. Like and share after reading.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:00:25 +0000

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