Author and Wellness Consultant Jo Ettles is launching her book, - TopicsExpress


Author and Wellness Consultant Jo Ettles is launching her book, The Shed, at The Bolands Centre in Cairns on Saturday, February 1 at 10am, as part of the Vital Woman Workshop with Deborah Johnstone. In the extract below, Jo describes the some of the journey involved when her husband cleaned out his Man Shed! I KNEW I HAD TO STAY AWAY FROM HIM whilst he sorted through some very personal memories and items that were gathered in the shed. I acknowledged that this cleaning was one task my Virgo male had to do own his own. He knew it too, and finally it was time to stop ignoring the obvious and tackle the mess. Two hours had passed, and I had not seen or heard a sound from my Virgo male. I simply had go and check on what was happening. I walked around the side of our home, about 10 meters from the shed. I could see my Virgo male inside, shirt off and head down, deep in thought and surrounded by clutter. The dreaded shed! It stored so many things all in one place…it was becoming evident that the shed symbolised the mind and heart. We often hold on to bad memories and rehash over incomplete goals. We often see these experiences as failures. We keep them all locked away deep down inside, but we find these experiences keep resurfacing, creating uncertainty, frustration, insecurity and chaos in our lives. My Virgo male was in that shed for nine hours that Sunday. Most of us have someone special whom we talk with when we needs words of advice and encouragement. My Virgo male’s late Dad had been that person, and now he was gone. This was no ordinary clean-up. This clean-up was about refocusing and finding that power within – the power that makes you completely confident in all of your own decisions in life, whether they are right or wrong. Once the shed had been cleared and his Ute was full of items that symbolised many memories, Jo’s Virgo male felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He said that when he now looked inside the shed and could see his tools and special items clearly and without distraction, he felt like he was able to focus and plan a more solid future. He was also feeling a great deal of satisfaction because he had started the clean-up, followed it through and completed the job.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:15:00 +0000

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