(Authors note- I realized this would be useful since the - TopicsExpress


(Authors note- I realized this would be useful since the manuscript is still in a extremely rough stage. Thank you for your cosideration) During the waning days of the Song dynasty in China, Qiao Feng emerged to offer his services to the conquering Mongols. From 1274 until 1281, Kublai, the grandson of Genghis sought to subjugate the island of Japan. His hopes were thwarted by a series of natural disasters known in legend to the Japanese as the kami-kaze, or Divine Wind. Tens of thousand of Chinese and Korean conscripts drowned in the Sea of Japan. That meant nothing to Qiao Feng, having studied the magic of death since a child. He succeeded in resurrecting hundreds of undead soldiers and continued the advance. He was mortally wounded by a shapeshifting fox/woman with his own flute made of human bone. In the 23rd century the world is enjoying a relatively uniform era of prosperity and stability. But great evil lurks at the edges of the Western, globalist world order. In 2261, the Siberian Hegemony was established. It was founded by former adversaries in the corporate/military wars for the resources in the Russian tundra. Their leader, the cybersoldier Janos73 forces the leaders of the Russian Independant States in Moscow to recognize the Hegemonys autonomy all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The former Middle East is now a radioactive wasteland after terrorist of many faiths succeeded in ignited a religious war across the region. Jerusalem, Baghdad and Mecca are now silent craters. The United States of America continues as a democracy. But it has been left behind the world in new developments in technology. President Raymond Cortez is trying to end involvement in nearly a centurys worth of oil wars and political upheaval in Colombia and Venezuela with little success. Development has begun outside of the Earths gravity in space. The Peoples Republic of China has colonized the moon and Japanese corporations have erected gigantic wheeled space stations in Lunar orbit. It is in this time that Qiao Feng returns to the world to continue his goal of world empire. In 2269, Qiaos greatest hopes were given their greatest chance with the contsruction of the Star Fortress Gong Gong by the Lunar Combine. The LCSF Gong Gong is named for the Chinese god of water. It is a freighter and refinery used by the Combine to acquire water in space for their own use and for trade with the Japanese L3 corporate zone. Gong Gong is equipped with the finished FoldCore device which enables the vessel to skip the incredible distances in the solar system by means of artificial black holes. It becomes Qiao Fengs crusade to acquire this ship and restore the Middle Kingdom to Asia. Consorting with organized crime groups, military contractors, and renegade elements of Asia bloc intelligence agencies, the Greater Asia Prosperoty Sphere movement is realized. The stated goal of G.A.P.S. is to encourage harmony and peace between between the Pacific Rim nations. But it aroused grave concern in world capitals with its slogan of One Asia for Asians. In the legitimate political world, G.A.P.S. enourage parties who wish the removal of the American military presence in Korea and Japan, as well as the Central Asian republics who were once part of the Soviet Union. In 2274, all of these trends come to an explosion in a conflict known as the Hegemony War. Khanata Inari is a former corporate spokesmodel and idol singer from Japan and the leader of the public face of the G.A.P.S. . In 2270 she suffered a fatal heroin overdose in Taiwan but was restored to life by the science and death magics of Qiao Feng. Qiao Feng enlists the Hegemony general Janos73 to lead the G.A.P.S. military and the Capitol Fortress in Mongolia is constructed. The United States Air Force, under General Lawrence Hama develops the Phantom Mk. V mobile armor. Major Black Dog Rhea Petrakous is put in charge of the 477th Air/Space wing, Tigers. youtu.be/bedj1qC_jwg
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:27:39 +0000

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