Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder associated with - TopicsExpress


Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder associated with impairments in socialization, verbal and nonverbal communication, restricted play and interests, and repetitive motor movements. The disorder affects each individual differently, and there is a wide range of functioning associated with the disorder. I personally am affected in many ways. I have a rock solid photographic memory, when I can access it. I have weird food allergies, some that can make me so ill, I cant function. Things like high fructose corn syrup is guaranteed to give me difficulty first thing in the morning. Some people have long-term memory that sucks but great instant recall. When I need to know something about anything, it translates into learning everything every known to mankind about that topic. (Useful asset). My brain works 125% faster than the average neurotypical, and thats a guessed number, its a lot higher versus tea partiers. If I am focused on something and you want to get my attention, often, you have to shake me. Yelling at me just upsets me and could anger me into a red zone, so dont. If I dont get enough sleep, I fail to function and can actually find that I am physically ill. Nothing worse than tossing ones cookies first thing in the morning as a direct result of lack of sleep. I am allergic to one, count em, ONE type of eggplant, to the extent of an analphylactic reaction. ALL other eggplant (and there are 1000 of them), cause me no reaction. I get shingles as a regular occurrence. I can eat new potatoes all day every day, yet I cannot so much as swallow an Idaho as it will not stay down. Caffeine doesnt prevent me from sleeping, AT ALL, amphetamines makes me sleepy and sometimes tons of medication is too little and other times, teeny amounts of medication are too much. I get hideously painful excema-like dry skin from Tide and other commercial laundry detergents. I dont tell lies and cannot suffer them. As a result, I hate April Fools day for EXACTLY that reason. I can eat french fries and baked potato but mash cannot go into my mouth because the texture is just not good. In fact, forcing me to eat such textures can send me into meltdown. I get deathly ill from the carrying agents in MOST perfumes. I go into red zones where I lose control and cannot be held responsible for whoever I happen to hurt. These are usually caused by excessive emotion and when I was little were blown off as redhead temper tantrums. If I say something to you that seems inappropriate, consider, I said it because it was true and I am completely oblivious to the fact that YOU or anyone else might consider it inappropriate. The most effective medicine I have found for dealing with anxieties is meditation. And in honour of learning things for Autism Month, Im pleased to say that Greg Brooks has taught me that there are people out there who have a bottomless pit of patience.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:34:57 +0000

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