Autism to me: Autism was the unanswered question for years for - TopicsExpress


Autism to me: Autism was the unanswered question for years for me. Ty was 12 before the official diagnosis came. It was a child that was just different. No one would tell me why. They labelled him developmentally delayed. Autism turned out to be why my Ty-Ty didnt feel pain. Why he couldnt understand danger. Why he would have complete meltdowns in the mall, Walmart, anywhere with large crowds. Why he would get upset over anything and bolt out the door (called wandering) even barefoot & in shorts in the snow. Autism is why he collected little pieces of paper, why he had to have every single monkey he owned (71 at one time) on his bed, lined up in a VERY particular order, before he would go to sleep. Autism is why my son plays with tiny pieces of paper instead of toys. Autism is why Ty HAS TO KNOW every single day, exactly whats going to happen that day & if the routine changes from what he was told, he has a meltdown. Autism is why my son doesnt know a stranger & has no fear of them. He loves everyone he meets. Ty-Ty doesnt hate, he doesnt know how. He has a fuse thats a mile long & when you hit the end of it, you better watch out, because he doesnt know when to stop either. Autism is a worn out piece of paper I waited for 7 very long years for: I love you Mommy on pink paper with the help of a special ed teacher. Autism is why Ty didnt talk until he was 3, didnt use full sentences until he was 5 & he still has speech & language issues. Autism is a label most people are scared of or hate. For me it was a relief. An answer to so many questions. A label I wear proudly on my arm for the whole world to see. Ty doesnt know how to lie. He cant. He doesnt understand it. Everything is brutally honest, and he is honest to a fault. Autism is misunderstood & complicated. No 2 children with Autism will be just alike. It has many forms & many faces. Ty-Ty may have a scar of his head because of craniosynostosis, but he has his heart on his sleeve because of Autism. If youve met him, you love him. If you havent, you should. Ty is my gift from God. I live in fear of what the world will be like for him. Hes been bullied, beat on, ignored, fought some of the hardest battles and he is still ALL LOVE. He talks to God, and he isnt afraid to tell you exactly what God thinks. Hes never been to church because its too overwhelming for him. But he KNOWS. He opened my eyes to the MOST important things in this world. GOD, FAITH, FAMILY, LOVE, FAITH, HONESTY, FORGIVENESS. I love my children. More than life. And I thank God for giving me the gift of Ty. I could go on for hours, but Ill stop here. This is MY STORY of Autism & Ty-Ty.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 18:00:18 +0000

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