Autumn. Fall. For me, Jody, it has always been the most - TopicsExpress


Autumn. Fall. For me, Jody, it has always been the most beautiful, joyous time of the year, (even though it is followed by the looong, c-c-c-cold winter months, which I do not SEEM to APPRECIATE nearly as much as I DID when I was younger, LOL). However, Autumn for me has always been the culmination of BEST of what all the seasons have to offer! Autumn, of Fall, offers us mainly warm , temperate days and soothingly cool nights, which are so enjoyable for sleeping. (No need for the A/C). I like how windows can be opened, even a smidgen, and the cool, fresh smelling are can permeate the home, and how comforters and blankets can be hung out on the clothesline, and be brought indoors at the end of the day, and we can cuddle up in the fresh-air smell and warmth! Autumn is all about football games and smores. Campfires in the backyard and apple cider. The GORGEOUS hues of fall cannot be beat and nothing can compare to it.....even the BEAUTIFUL Spring explosion that bursts forth each year, for when we see the bright yellows and the brilliant oranges, the greens and the deep reds and maroons, how can one NOT feel invigorated AND cozy at the SAME TIME??? I know I want to shout yet curl up with my Babas crocheted blanket and a good book, macintosh apple scented candle burning and apple cider in hand, all at the SAME TIME!!! Fall brings with it, in my mind, a myriad of mixed emotions. For it is a time when we want to get outdoors and enjoy AS MUCH OF THE FAIR WEATHER REMAINING before old Mr. Winter settles in, as we possibly can....hence attending those football games, rooting for our team, enjoying those tailgating parties (if thats your thing), attending Fall Festivals, attending Wine Tasting Festivals, County Fairs, and Church Bazaars. September is the month that usually ushers in the first day of Fall. Since I was a YOUNG girl, September has always been one of my favorite months. I used to enjoy taking my vacations in September....but of course, once the children became school-age, that became a bit of a problem with it being the very BEGINNING of the year. The many reasons I loved September have varied over the years. One happened 25 years ago, when my now husband, Butch, proposed to me in September of 1989. Then, the following year, on September 22, 1990, we were married!! (We also began dating in the Autumn, October of 1988). So, no wonder why Fall is so special to me: it brought me my knight in shining armor, my perfect Prince, the One Who has stood by me all these years through thick and thin, no matter what life has brought us, and the One Who has loved me and never forsaken me, no matter what! Another reason I love Fall, is that,(to my surprise 5 mos. after we were married, we found out a wonderful surprise), we were expecting our first bundle of joy, our son, Brenden! I remember celebrating our first wedding anniversary feeling HUGE...hahaha...but so delighted because I was expecting that baby! Well, another Autumn delight, Brenden was born on November 20th, and he was our pride and joy, for his entire 21 years of his life! Never once did he ever disappoint us.....well, okay, to tell the truth, yes he did! Once, I had left the lid on a gallon of paint loose, and he stood on top of it and tipped it over when he was about 2 years old. Well, the Colonial Red Paint ran all over our pantry and our old kitchen (before it was remodeled)!!! But hey, how could we be angry at such a cute, adorable, gorgeous, lovable, amazing little boy?!?!? And after all, in a round about way, it WAS THIS Mommas fault for not having the lid on that gallon of paint securely! :) Seriously, I DO think THAT WAS the ONLY THING Brenden DID that was not acceptable....he was a very obedient, compliant, faithful, loving child....and an even more loving, faithful and respectful young man. He was the epitome of what I would think every parent would want for a child....Butch and I often say we are not worthy of our children, for we are truly and sincerely blessed BEYOND ....with all 4 of them! They are so good to us, and we do not deserve them. (well, okay, SOMETIMES I wish the girls would CLEAN their room...but hey...hahaha)....
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:56:58 +0000

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