Available on wattpad. DEMIGODS UNITED. Chapter 7 JUSTIN. Has - TopicsExpress


Available on wattpad. DEMIGODS UNITED. Chapter 7 JUSTIN. Has it ever happened with you that even though you are dying from inside, you pretend to the world that youre the happiest person on the planet? If yes, then you might understand how the biggest prankster felt all the time. Justin! A very tall boy with shoulder length, dark wavy hairs and brown eyes. He had a lean but muscular body. Being twenty four years old, he was one of the eldest campers in the camp. There were rumors that Brian London was jealous of him because Justin wasnt immortal and technically elder to Brian. Even though he was the mischief box of the camp along with Lorenzo, he was a down to earth and heart broken guy. He was a person who would burn his own wishes to keep others happy. A Hermesite, son of Hermes. Hermes was the Messenger of the gods and the god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings and guide to the Underworld. Justin was blessed with most of the Hermes skills but he had some unique abilities too. One of them was, being able to understand a winged creatures emotions, thoughts and physical conditions. He could understand what a bird or a pegasus or a dragon or whatsoever creature with wings was thinking or feeling. But there was a time when he used to think that he was worthless. He was useless. Justin was declared as the guy, who was unworthy of anything. Peers labeled him as a talentless person. It made Justin feel like he didnt had potential for anything at all. Justin grew up in a corporate world. His mom was an office person. Her name is Florita, which meant little flower. She was a very beautiful and kind hearted woman. Florita was the only one who had taken care of Justin. His father, as per Florita, was a very busy man and she never wanted to disturb him. Whenever Justin said about wanting to meet his father, Florita would say, Be with me till you can Justin.. because when your father will take you away, we would never meet again. Justin knew the business world a lot even though he was just a teen school boy. Florita had graduated in law but didnt take the bar exam. She was the source for Justin from where he got the knowledge of Latin. With time, latin became a bridge how he could understand romance languages. Florita always took Justin on vacations. They would discover new places together. She was the one who taught him how to travel light... pack his bags... how to avoid trouble in travels... with the people you encounter... As Justin grew up, he started discovering his hidden talents. He learned things he could never do. He concentrated on understanding different languages and speak a little. He began experimenting on how far he could go. Even though Justin was a school boy, he was interested in working as a nurse. Florita was getting worried about him alot. She was worried that why any satyr wasnt coming to take Justin. He had turned fourteen now and still.. he was at home. By now, Justin had realized that he was different from the normal kids. He didnt believed in asking his mother about why he was like this. But he knew that something was pulling him away from his mother which he didnt want to happen. He wanted to be with Florita. He wanted to live with her. Along with Florita, he had one more woman in his life and his heart too. His neighbor, Jennifer Jardin. A girl with french features. Her long dark hairs and black eyes always made Justin look at her whenever she walked past him. Everything was awesome about her. But... one thing!!! Just one thing was very disturbing. Jennifer was crazy about fighting. She loved fighting. Justin was often afraid to meet her. What if she hit him? Jennifer knew that Justin was different. She was the only friend he had. Jennifer always raised his spirits and make him smile. But neither of them knew that even Jennifer was different from the rest and similar to Justin. The two friends were fourteen years old when they discovered it together. It was a bright day. Nothing could have been wrong. Everything was perfect. Justin was sitting outside his house in the garden. The warm sun was making the cool temperature rise slowly. Justin! Justin looked up towards his neighbors house on the left. From the window on the first floor of the house, was peering Jennifer. She waved at him. Justin smiled and waved back. Come here!! Justin said smiling at her. Jennifer smiled and shut the window. Justin wondered if hed said something wrong. He turned to look at the sun. It was half hidden behind the clouds. The view was beautiful. He always had this special kind of feelings for Jennifer. Although he never said it to her, he had always loved her since theyd been together as neighbors. Everything was perfect for him whenever Jennifer was around. But today, something wasnt right. Maybe because Jennifer wasnt with him right now. Hey! Mr. Prankster!! Jennifers voice said from behind him. Justin looked behind and saw her standing there with boxing gloves in the hands. Was she going to punch him? What are you upto? Justin frowned. Lets go to the club! Jennifer insisted. Im bored.. seriously.. holidays are boring. Justin and Jennifer used to go to a club on weekends so Jennifer could practice her fighting. I dont think we should go today. Justin said trying to use his sixth sense. For some reason, he was feeling.. not good at all. Justin!!!! Jennifer pouted. Please!! Well be going to school for the whole week. I wont get another chance till next sunday. Justin looked around him. The street of their colony was empty. Nobody was outside. Not even a street dog was visible. Where did everyone go? He asked getting up and looking around for at least someone apart from him and Jennifer. This street is never so empty. Jennifer looked around. Oh cmon! She insisted. Is it necessary for everyone to be free on sunday? Maybe it wasnt necessary for everyone to be free on sunday but still... Mom!! Justin yelled turning to his house. Can you come for a minute— He stopped as he saw a man standing at the main door. Only, his lower body was of a... horse??? Justin merely stared at the horseman. What was happening today? Was sun rising from the west? A minute later Florita came out and stood beside the horseman. Justin wondered why wasnt she panicking. Justin.. She called smiling at him. Come inside dear! Justin looked at Jennifer whose mouth was wide open as she stared at the horseman. So... it wasnt just him, even Jennifer could see him standing beside Florita. I dont think we should go there. Jennifer said to Justin in a low voice. Whats wrong with your mother? Cant she see that thing beside her? Jennifer lived with her mother too. But her mother was often very ill so Florita had to take care of both of them. Now also her mother was asleep in her bedroom while Jennifer stood beside Justin, staring at this horseman. Get away from my mom! Justin yelled at the horseman. Or it will be difficult for you trot around. Florita and the horseman looked at each other. Justin couldnt understand what was wrong with her. Why wasnt she panicking at all? Justin.. Jenny! Florita smiled at the two teen agers standing in the garden. Meet Vincent.. the head of the security squad at camp demigods united. What united? Jennifer and Justin asked in unison. They glanced at each. What did you say? Justin asked Florita. Florita smiled sweetly. Justin! She glanced at Jennifer. And Jenny.. Mr. Vincent has come to take you to camp demigods united. Sorry but.. Jennifer interrupted. Were not interested. She gave a look to Justin. Yes! Justin added quickly. Were fine here. We must hurry Florita. Vincent, the horseman said. I can sense her getting closer. He looked around at the empty street nervously. Florita gasped. Justin I want you both to go with Vincent. Justin frowned. Why would I go? Because.... Florita looked very worried. Because its time for you both to go to the right place. And where is the right place? Jennifer asked grabbing Justins hand. Camp demigods united. Vincent said pawing the ground. The satyrs couldnt sense you because you both had a very low aura of a demigod. Thats why you never attracted any monsters. But now... your fathers want you both to move to the camp. Youre getting older and by now you must be in the camp. Justin didnt understand even a word of what the horseman said. He was still trying to believe that Vincent, the horseman existed. What are you talking about? Jennifer snapped. Justin.. cmon lets go. She pulled Justin holding his hand. You cant leave. Vincent ordered. At least not without me. Brian London wont be happy. Suddenly the weather changed. The sun wasnt visible anymore. The weather is changing. Jennifer shifted closer to Justin. It never snows here.. does it? Jennifer was right. Justin wondered why the weather was freezing. Justin! Florita said loudly. Go right now. Take Jenny with you. But mom whats happening? Justin took a step towards her. Khione! Vincent said trotting towards Justin and Jennifer. I knew she would come. He said looking around as the temperature dropped. Justin... we dont have much time.. I cannot take you both against your wishes. Justin knew Vincent was waiting for his permission. He looked at Jennifer. She was very tensed. Even though she didnt say it, Justin could see it. What about my mom? Jennifer mumbled in Justins ears. What would she do without me? She knows youve to leave someday. Florita said shivering in the cold. Shell be happy to see that you both have gone. But if you dont leave now... things will be difficult. Justin had known it that his father was some different kind of person. He had known it that he, himself was different. Obviously his mother was trying to save him. Whos Khione? Justin asked. Well talk about her later. Vincent said offering his right hand to Justin. He glanced at Jennifer. Ladies first! Justin pushed Jennifer lightly. She grabbed Vincents hand and he pulled her up on his horseback. Justin wasnt interested in having a ride at the moment but he was scared now. Jennifer was already sitting there and he couldnt afford to let her go alone or leave her alone. He was worried that the horseman might canter away alone with Jennifer. But that didnt happen. Vincent offered his hand to Justin and pulled him up on his horseback. Justin sat behind Jennifer and for his own security reasons, he had to grip Jennifer tightly. She didnt objected. Dont come back. Florita said walking back to the door of her house. Just write me a letter every month.. yes.. that will be enough for me! Justin was about to say that he wanted to hug his mother for one last time but Vincent charged ahead. Justin grabbed Jennifer tightly so he doesnt falls. They didnt stop on the way for anything. As they kept moving, the awkward cold weather became normal. Vincent was the centaur who brought Justin and Jennifer to the camp demigods united. He never told Justin why Khione, the snow goddess was after them. He was never told why wasnt he and Jennifer attacked by any monsters when he was at home. Vincent had said that Justin and Jennifer had very low aura as a demigod. But Justin knew this wasnt a coincidence that he and Jennifer, two demigods were neighbors. It wasnt a coincidence that none of them were attacked by any monsters ever and it wasnt a coincidence as well that Khione was coming to Justin and Jennifer the same day when Vincent had gone to get them. Justin was told that he and Jennifer were weak demigods. Thats why no monsters could sense them. It was here, at camp demigods united when he was claimed by Hermes as his son. To his sarcastic good luck, Jennifer was claimed by Ares, the war god as a daughter. Apart from getting separate from his mother, Justin had to lose one more beloved woman. He never thought that one day the girl for whom hed been waiting to say yes, would choose someone else apart from him. Specially a boy whos not only younger than Justin but also younger than Jennifer. Justin never understood what was so special about the Aphrodite kid Luke Hemmings that Jennifer went crazy about him. He was maybe six or seven years younger than Jennifer. Justin didnt protested. But the worst of all happened, when Jennifer was declared as self dependent and permitted to leave the camp. After that there was nothing left in camp demigods united for Justin. He wanted to leave this camp and run away. But something stopped him... something unexpected. He saw Neo when she joined the camp. It was six years ago. The same year when Jennifer had left the camp. The same year when she fell in love with the young Luke Hemmings. But now... things were different. Justin often thought, who would he choose between Neo and Jennifer if they both stood together in front of him. The answer.... let it be! He didnt want the world to know. Right now, Justin was souring above the enchanted hill, which wasnt exactly enchanted at the moment. He was flying on a huge unicorn. A pure white male unicorn. His name was snowbow as it was white as snow and it zoomed around like an arrow shot by a bow. Boss! Snowbow thought. I smell sugar! Ill give you a bucket full of sugared stuff later, snowbow. Justin said. Smell the monsters now. They were encircling above the hill as the war between demigods and monsters continued. Justin had taken the responsibility to rescue all the injured demigods to the hill top so Neo could help them. He had already taken more than thirty of them. They were getting treated by Neo and running down back to the edge of the hill and grass field where the war was going on. Justin was even tricking the monsters either way so the demigods could attack them and turn them into dust. The monsters were easy to defeat if they were attacked before reaching the edge of the hill. They were in a sleep mode... the monsters were bewitched and under someones control. Justin had no idea who had done this. The message, that the monsters could be defeated easily if they were attacked without any warning, was spreading like wild fire. The demigods were taking charge and the number of monsters was going down rapidly. Justin realized that now the monsters werent increasing. Which meant that the secret passages were sealed. No outsider could enter the camp from anywhere. Thats why they werent increasing now. All he needed to do was, make sure that the monsters around the hill were killed. Hill top!!! Justin ordered Snowbow. Go there!! Check! Snowbow thought. Snowbow flapped his wings and turned towards the hill top. The sun was glowing. But the wind was cold and chilly. Justin had to inform the injured demigods that the monsters werent increasing anymore. They must make their best attempts for one last final attack. As Snowbow landed on the hill top, Justin jumped down and walked towards the hut. Boss! Snowbow thought. Justin turned getting irritated. What is it Snowbow? He asked hurriedly. Pull up your pants! Snowbow pawed on the ground. There are girls inside. Justin groaned and pulled up his pants tightening his leather belt. He walked inside the hut. The hut was very small but now it was holding more than fifteen demigods. Some were looking better since Justin had dropped them here. Gayu was one of them. Everyone, including Justin had been looking for Gayu for hours. Nobody had seen her after she had dropped Ritwik on the grass field. Justin had searched for Gayu around the campus, flying with Snowbow. He had found her crash hanging on a huge banyan tree. She was tangled in the branches. He somehow managed to get her out and brought her to the hut. Now Gayu was looking fine and helping the other injured demigods too. Neos situation was getting worse. She was looking too tired now. Shed been healing the wounded ones since last night. But Justin was glad she wasnt getting a chance to step out of the hut. He found it better to see her tiered than to see her getting caught by the monsters. Are they getting better? Justin asked Neo walking inside the small room which was already full. Neo glanced up at him. She was kneeling beside Tan Sheng Yew, a niker. His hand was burnt. But he looked fine. No! Neo said nursing Tan. They need rest. Tan was merely gaping at Neo as if he was staring at a girl for the first time. Justin didnt like it. He wanted to burn Tan from head to toe. But then, Neo would have to be with him longer to heal him. The monsters arent increasing! Justin said trying to distract Neo. I think the secret passages have been sealed. Neo looked up at Justin. Thats great. She got up looking excited and stepped on Tans burnt hand. Tan yelped with pain. Are you trying to kill me? He snapped. His eyes were shut with panic and pain. Sorry! Neo knelt beside him. Get away! Tan said getting up angrily. Ill go now. He stormed out of the hut. Justin sighed and looked at Neo. He felt much better now. You should be relieved that hes gone. He said looking at Gayu. Gayu frowned. Why should I be relieved? Justin felt nervous. He actually wanted to say that to Neo. Err... I mean hes fine now. He said looking at the demigods. We need all of them. The monsters are decreasing now. We need to make one last final attempt. And after that? Gayu asked. They wont increase? I think theyve sealed the passages. Justin smirked wickedly. Its time to do our job now. Neo thought for a while. Alright then, She said getting up. Well need a plan. I have it!! Whats that? Gayu said helping a little girl to stand up. Well need to fly! Neo said staring out of the window. Well need some treachery. Justin caught her idea. I know what you mean. Explain!!! Gayu was looking very confused. Justin looked at Neo. He wanted to say a lot of things. But he could only manage to speak about the war. Neo, once these demigods are ready, send them towards the slope and tell them to spread the message that the monsters arent increasing anymore. And? Neo asked expecting him to add something to it. Thats it? Justin said. He wondered what Neo wanted him to say. Neo looked sad. Thats it? She mumbled. Thats it! Justin said again. Can you both stop this chinese whisper game? Gayu interrupted. Weve got a war to win. Justin turned toward Gayu. Yea.. He said looking lost. Lets go. He glanced at Neo for one last time. She still looked sad about something but he didnt ask her what was the reason. Err.. Neo. Neo looked up at him. Gayu was busy checking her thunder bolt. He walked to Neo and gave her a side hug. Take care! He mumbled. Stay inside the hut. Well manage the chaos. Neo smiled. I know. She said confidently. She looked at Gayu. She was missing Josh. Oh Josh!! Justin chuckled. Hes running around on the grass fields with the centaurs like a miniac. Can I meet him? Gayu asked squealing. I crashed into that tree because I was following him and I didnt see where I was going. Justin suppressed a laugh. He coughed trying to hide his smile but Neo wasnt good in hiding emotions and feelings. She started laughing. Gayu didnt protest at all. Even she was smiling. A light shimmered near the window and Justin looked there. Brian? Neo said looking amazed. Youre in my hut? Shut up you witch. Brian said trying to look angry. Its just an iris message. Brian was looking around the hut through an iris message. Justin had irritated Brian so many times that by now he knew how Brian behaved when he was angry. But now, Brian wasnt angry at all. He looked worried. He was trying to show Neo that he was angry. Justin could see that behind him Rafa Islam and Renzo Dawn, the two Apollians and the head of the infirmary were peering into the screen so they could see the scene on the other side where Justin was standing. Justin!! Brian said waving at him. I actually called you. He said looking nervous. But you said you were calling Neo. Renzo poked his head in front of Brian. Shut up! Brian yelled and Renzo moved back rubbing his ears. Justin! Brian continued. Im inside the campus. In a moment Vincent will be healed. Neo walked away towards the injured demigods so they could talk freely. But Brian was trying to peer in her direction. Justin wondered what was he up to. Are you in the infirmary? Gayu asked stepping ahead. Did you got the antidote? Yea! Brian moved aside. Justin could see a centaur laying on a huge bed. That was Vincent, the head of the security team silver sixteen. Since hed been on bed rest, Ryan, Vincents best friend had been ordering the silver sixteen. Vincent was awake. He was looking towards Justin. Hows he doing? Justin asked staring at Vincent. Much better than yesterday. Renzo said thoughtfully. But he says that the monster which attacked him wasnt a sea of land monster. It was a... Justin! Brian interrupted. Have they sealed all the secret passages? Yes! Justin said confidently. Ritwik, Laura, Ton, Lorenzo and Vidhi. They divided the work and— No time for details! Brian interrupted again. Justin felt like kicking this oldest but young handsome jerks butt but... he couldnt. Now! Brian said very clearly. Clear off all the remaining dust.. We dont have brooms. Gayu said thinking hard. I havent cleaned even my cupboard since last monday. I mean clear off the monsters you fool. Brian snapped. And for not arranging your cupboard... Ill punish you later for that. Gayu was about to say something but Justin didnt had time for this lovely tea party chat. So? Justin asked Brian. Are you coming on the field to help us? I think you can handle the rest! Brian winked. I know you all are built up of mischief. Yea! Gayu said. Justin could see she was angry about the punishment thing. She raised her thunder bolt and a red lightning hit her. Now the roof of the hut had a window too. How amazing is that.. Justin thought staring at the hole. He looked at Neo who said nothing. I think that was Ralph. Gayu gulped. He often does that. Ralph has purple thunderstorms. Neo said. Its alright.. I wont kill you. Oh you cant kill even your enemies. Brian said from the iris message screen. You only know how to create, protect and preserve. Neo got up walking towards the screen. You want a demo about how destructive can be my protection? Justin grabbed her arm and blocked her way. Well see you later Brian!! He said getting a grip on Neo. Now get lost. Brian sighed and walked away. Renzo was still staring at Justin and Neo. But... Brian told all the campers that Neo would petrify them. Renzo said looking lost. Why arent you petrified? He asked Justin. Neo got away from Justin and walked away. He sighed as she got back to work. Believe me! Justin whispered to Renzo on the screen. Im actually petrified when shes around me. Renzo gulped. He didnt even said good luck to Justin. The screen vanished and now, all Justin could see was the view outside the window. At the far way on the grass fields, there were only two giants left. But Justin knew that more of them were already near to the hill slopes. Are you coming? He turned to ask Gayu but she wasnt there. Shes flying! Neo said cleaning a wound on the head of a very young demigod. Justin knew him. He was Taka from the Zeus cabin. Stay inside the hut. Justin told Neo. Neo looked up at him but she didnt say anything. Justin didnt had time to wait for her answer. He walked out of the hut. Wait!! Neo ran after him. Justin was startled. He turned and saw Neo was standing right behind him. He looked around if any monsters had seen her. What are you up to? Justin pushed Neo back towards the hut. Go back! Dont forget Miss Praty. Neo reminded Justin. Shes very important. It was as if some current was passing through his head. Justin hadnt thought about Miss Praty till now. Where did she go? Well find her! Justin promised Neo. Now go inside and please dont come out. I wont come out! Neo promised. Justin felt happy. A girl.. sorry.. The girl he liked was listening to him. A girl who never talked to him before this day. Suddenly Neo stood on her heels and gave Justin a sweet kiss on his cheek. Justin was startled. But he pretended to be normal. You call that a kiss? He asked casually frowning thoughtfully. Neo raised an eyebrow. Get lost!!! She said walking back to the injured demigods. You dont stand a chance. And... the lover boy stood there alone. Plan failed! Justin turned and saw snowbow pawing on the ground sympathetically. Next time... kiss her, before she even says anything. Shut up! Justin said climbing snowbows back. Lets move towards the war zone. Enough of love stuff for one day. Boss! Snowbow thought as he flapped his wings and took off into the air. I was deciding to get a girlfriend but.. none of the ladies in the stable like me!!! They say Im as white as the marble floor of the stable. True that is!!! Justin said absent mindedly. He was taking details about the scene below him and snowbow. Neo had said.... fly and treachery. Justin knew what she meant. The Hermesites were all zooming around on unicorns which meant fly.. the whole Hermes cabin was flying. And treachery.... well! Justin was great in being treacherous. We gotta distract the monsters so the demigods on the ground can attack them. But the ladies in the stable say.. Snowbow thought zooming towards a gaint basilisk. They like the black unicorns more than me. I love white! Justin yelled. He wanted to raise snowbows spirits. The scene was .... fine. Demigods had already taken the charge and turning the monsters into dust. No monsters were approaching from the forest towards the hill. Cool! Justin told himself. Lets go and have some nectar. He said stretching his arms as snowbow flapped his wings and landed hundred meters away from the basilisk. The basilisk noticed them and slithered towards them. Im single but that doesnt mean Ill be with a monster. Snowbow thought. Bow! Justin said getting down from snowbows back. Its difficult to understand women... but right now I can understand it without any doubt that this one isnt in love with you. The basilisk was nearer now. Im neither interested in becoming a meal.. Snowbow flapped his wings and took off in the air. See ya boss. He zoomed up and soared after the ladies of his stable who were zooming around with one Hermesite each on them. Treachery!!!! Justin thought. He ran as the basilisk slithered after him. He ran towards a giant. A giant who was busy troubling the demigods barrier around the hill. As Justin reached the giant, he crossed his way from between the huge legs of the giant. In a mood to capture and follow Justin, the basilisk followed him and got stuck between the two huge legs of the giant. After all it wasnt as small as Justin. The giant grabbed the basilisks head and pulled it out. He was angry. He tore the basilisk in two parts and threw them randomly. But the pieces turned into dust immediately. Fun! Justin mumbled. More fun!!! He looked around to find some other monster. But now the grass field looked very empty and boring. He wanted to trick more monsters but... none or very few were left. Suddenly he saw Ritwik and Laura approaching from river ebonys bank. Hey!!!! Justin ran towards them. He pulled both of them into a hug but regretted it. The two were dripping with water. I thought you could control water? Justin asked Laura. Well. Laura said squeezing her jacket along with Ritwik. I never knew I was jumping into a water tank. What? Justin frowned. Laura and Ritwik exchanged a look. Long story. They said together. Justin wondered what on earth was their long story about. He tried to figure it out in his mind but only one thing struck his naughty mind. They kissed? Did you shut it? He asked Ritwik and Laura excitedly. Yes! Laura said looking bored. Was it that boring? Justin chuckled. Whoever did this.. Ritwik said ruffling his wet hairs. Is a moron. Who puts monsters into sleep mode? Were lucky theyre like this. Justin protested. We know! Laura interrupted. But who would be such a fool to open the secret passages for monsters and send them here like this? Justin thought for a while. Laura and Ritwik were right. Why would someone behave so foolishly. When the person could have destroyed the whole camp, then why did they just put the monsters in a trance. Did you find Miss Praty? Ritwik asked looking around the empty field. No! Justin said sadly. He looked around and realized that all the monsters were sent back to Tartarus now. And seriously, demigods were cleaning the field with brooms. Look! Laura pointed at the sky. Justin saw what she was staring at. A huge metal eagle was flying towards them. Furow!!!! That was Lorenzos first creation. And surely, Justin could see three people sitting on it. It was Vidhi on the front, then Ton and then Lorenzo at last. Furow landed on the grass field at a distance. Justin, Laura and Ritwik jogged to them. Justin noticed Vidhi looked very angry. She just got down and walked straight to Ritwik. And then without even warning him, she punched him square on his face. Oouu! Ritwik moaned. He clutched his nose. What did I do? Next time before you leave without me, Vidhi explained after punching him. Inform me! Laura hugged Ton and Lorenzo. You guys shut it? Justin asked. Yup! Lorenzo yawned. Im gonna sleep now. Enough of war for one day. No! Ton looked at the war which was over. I wanted to tickle a giant. They like the roots. All of them burst laughing. Justin felt better now. The war was over. It had started last night and now it was almost afternoon. Now Neo was safe and no outside monster was left. Justin heard some trotting sound and turned to see a centaur galloping towards them. It was none other than Vincent. Behind him, two people were sitting and having an awesome ride. Gayu and Josh. Hey guys! Laura called the three. As Vincent stopped, Josh and Gayu got off his back. Last night was awesome! Josh said looking thrilled. Justin and Lorenzo looked at each other. Same thought was tugging on their naughty minds. Last night??? Yea baby! Oh! Lorenzo said thoughtfully. Why Josh? What did you both did that made it so awesome? Oh it was alot of hard work. Gayu answered. We had to work restlessly. Justin looked at Ritwik and Vidhi. By the looks on their faces, he knew theyd got the actual meaning of last night. Laura was trying to look normal, though Justin knew she was controlling her laugh. Where did you guys do it? Ritwik asked looking serious. Sometimes on the grass fields. Josh looked around the field. And... wherever we got monsters. The six of them burst laughing. Vincent was standing still. But now even he laughed very hard clutching the area where he was severely injured. Now he looked fine. Why are you all laughing? Gayu asked. Long story! Laura said laughing. At this, Ritwik laughed even harder. So! Ton said looking up at Vincent. I see youre fine brother. Did Brian got the antidote? Yes sir! Vincent said proudly. A great man he is! Surely! Josh added. He wants all of us at the head cabin. He wants the details now. The group of eight demigods walked together towards the cabins. They laughed and joked as they enjoyed the unsatisfing victory. But wait... Justin wanted to go back to the hill top. Snowbow had told him, kiss her before she even says anything. He wasnt planning to kiss her but surely he wanted to see her again. Neo might be alone again. As the war was over, all the injured demigods might have gone straight to the infirmary. Justins heart sank. So now she would live alone again? You know what? Lorenzo said as they headed towards the head cabin together. Im lucky I still have Alexis. She was the reason I wanted to come back from that pit thing. If it wouldnt have been her, I might have lost my life. Justin smiled. He didnt had anything to say. Lorenzo looked so happy. Justin couldnt blame him. Lorenzo was his best buddy. And he saw how happy he was. They reached the head cabin. It was located at the very end of all the cabins beside the stow hall. Brian was inside his cabin, waiting for them. So? He said as all of them entered his cabin. How did it go? Justin was so happy for the first time to enter this cabin. He wasnt entering here for a punishment or a prank. He was here to be honored. Ritwik and Lorenzo how they all got divided into two groups and sealed the secret passages. But still Brian looked eager about something. After that? Brian asked looking at all of them. What did you do after that? Justin glanced at Josh. He could say that now even Josh looked confused. Brian! Josh said. I think you didnt heard them— I heard them properly Josh. Brian said trying to keep himself calm. But what happened to the third secret passage? Justin felt like he heard something wrong. Sorry Brian.. He said politely. Can you repeat that? Everyone was wanting the same thing. Brian looked at everyone one by one. Dont tell me you left the third passage? He said looking completely shattered. He sank to his king sized head masters chair. Justin gulped. There were two secret passages, right? You fools!!! Brian grabbed his head in his hands, trying to hide his face. Isnt it obvious? Thats what were saying! Ritwik said. There are two passages. Shut up! Brian snapped. I mean to say that isnt it obvious that if we have secret passage in the water ... if we have a secret passage in the land then we also have a secret passage in the air? The dragon! Vidhi said. What? Ton asked. We saw a dragon in the forest but.. Lorenzo scratched his hairs. But what? Brian yelled. Brian! Vidhi said pulling up some courage. I think it wasnt in a trance. How can you be sure? Gayu asked. I remember it Vidhi explained. It was completely normal and looked like it was waiting for the right moment to do something. Great! Laura said sarcastically. Now we face alive dragons... how amazing is that? If they arent in trance, Brian said getting up. Then I hope Neo is alive. Everyone looked at Justin. Without any instructions everyone ran out of the cabin. Justin was at lead. The woman he loved had left him. But he wasnt going to quit so easily on this girl. Neo had been a reason for him to smile. He wouldnt let the dragons take away her just like that. By the time he was out, followed by his seven mates, the scene was sarcastically incredible. Cabins were set on fire. Demigods were running from one corner to another. Up in the sky, uncountable dragons were soaring. It was a trap! Vidhi said. This was moment they were waiting for! Ritwik! Justin looked for the source of voice. Emma Watson, an Aphroditore as well as Ritwiks girlfriend was running towards them. Emma! Are you alright? Ritwik said as she stopped beside him. What happened? The.. witch! Emma said trying to catch her breath. Neo? Justin asked. No!!! Emma protested. The witch. Miss Praty? Laura asked. Yes! Emma nodded. The dragons took her. What? Josh snapped. Why her? No idea. Emma looked towards the hill top. They might be heading there now. She pointed towards the hill top. Justin ran ahead. He called snowbow. He called him mentally. And the unicorn read his boss thoughts. He came souring down and landed in front of Justin. Gayu was already up in the air, thundering the dragons and turning them into dust. Josh was running around with the centaurs. Lorenzo was flying on Furow. Ton was grabbing the dragons with the roots and crushing them. Vidhi and Laura were helping some demigods who had got burnt severely. Ritwik was nowhere to be seen. Justin dodged the ugly dragons as he made his way to the hill top. He had to reach there. But.... No.. This wasnt possible. Justins heart sank. The hut... its ceiling was thrashed aside. The view inside it was clear. Nobody was there. No! Justin said. Shes in the forest. Ritwiks voice said. Justin looked beside him. A flying man.. no ... a robot.. wait! What? Whats that? Justin asked him as they zoomed together. Youre a super hero? Time to be a super hero! Ritwik said. My armor to thrash around in the air! Cool! Justin said. Give me the details later! Ritwik nodded and zoomed ahead. Im not that advanced. Snowbow thought. He was thinking about Ritwiks armor for sure. Lets find her! Justin said to snowbow. The two zoomed downwards. As snowbow reached a bit lower, Justin jumped off him. He fell on the forest floor with a thud and went tumbling on the slopes. Remember not to be a super hero without an armor. Justin reminded himself. He got up and looked around. Neo!!!! He yelled. The dragons were flying above him but they didnt find Justin tasty enough to eat. Neo!!!! Justin yelled again. Justin! Justin looked behind him. Neo came running from a corner of the forest. But she wasnt alone. A girl and a boy were with her. And of course, how could Haulster be left behind? Justin wanted to strangle that little puppy which was in Neos arms. Why was he so important for Neo? Neo came running and hugged Justin. He was dazzled but as usual, he pretended to be normal. They want me! Neo said. You guys run. What? Justin thought she was mad. She wants us to go back! The girl said. Justin looked at the other girl. It was Emma! !! Ritwiks girlfriend. Of course she knew Neo. Ritwik was a very close friend to Neo. And the boy.... Justin felt scared. Scared to lose Neo. The boy was Luke Hemmings. The guy for whom Jennifer had fallen years ago. I told her I could try charm speaking but.. Emma paused to breath. I wasnt planning to come here. Luke said. But couldnt leave my sister alone. Justin felt thankful that Luke was here for his sibling Emma, not Neo. There you are! Ritwik appeared behind them. Ill kill this dog someday for sure. Justin looked at Haulster, completely asleep in Neos arms. I couldnt leave him. Neo said. They were thrashing the hut. Welcome Ton! Ritwik said bowing formally to a dancing root. A dragon zoomed above it but was caught by the root and turned into dust. Ton materialized beside Emma. Lets go back to the head cabin. Ton said smiling. Neo will be safe there. It was a matter of seconds. Of course the huge group and noise attracted the dragons. A huge three headed dragon soared above them. Ton was thrashed aside along with Ritwik and next moment they both were motionless. Luke was grabbed by a dragon and taken up in the air. Emma was running to get away but a black fire snarling dragon grabbed her and took off. Justin pulled Neo closer looking up. Nothing was there. It all happened so fast, it was difficult to believe. Neo was shivering with fear. Justin hugged her protectivly. Nobody could take her away from him. Nobody had the right to do that. For a minute there was complete silence. Justin looked at Ritwik and Ton, they lay motionless. Dont leave me! Neo mumbled hiding herself in his chest. Im close to you. Justin said confidently. Were together.. dont worry. He could hear Neo sob very softly. Why would someone want her? She didnt even had any powers. A branch moved and Justin looked up. A blue dragon was settled on the branch very peacefully. Then suddenly it screeched loudly. Justin could see various dragons souring up in the air. He held Neo tightly close to him. But Neo was crying now. As if she knew the dragons would take her away from Justin. A tear rolled down his cheek, thats when Justin realized that hes been crying too. He realized how much Neo mattered to him. A thumpy sound behind him made him shiver. Next ...... something hit him hard on his head and he fell on the ground. It ached badly. Justin! Neo yelled. Justin couldnt see her but he knew she was crying even more now. He heard some flapping and thumpy noise behind him. Neo was still yelling his name. He didnt understood why, but a thought struck his mind. He had ran after a girl, who had left him because she found someone who looked better than Justin? And here... some girl was waiting for him to get up and be by her side and he couldnt do even that for her. As he felt drowsy, Neos crying faded. She was still calling his name. But now it was very distant. Maybe his love was gone. It was gone to far. Neo Justin mumbled before his body gave up and everything went black.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:01:58 +0000

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