Avindale sat crossed legged on the floor by the fireplace, poking - TopicsExpress


Avindale sat crossed legged on the floor by the fireplace, poking at the red coals with a long stick. Her evening meal sat, barely touched, next to her on the floor. Dry salted fish, a pungent cheese of some kind, a small bowl of grapes, and a hand an half of Honey wine with mint. She hated fish and cheese gave her a sour stomach. She expressed her displeasure for both on the trip from the Flatlands, but obviously it hadnt reached the ears of the kitchen servants just yet. Wine & grapes was about the only thing she could tolerate. Her mind always drifted back to that quiet village by the lake. It was now mid-warm season back home. Well, what use to be home for her. She wondered what Liam & Wyeth were up to, what grand adventure they were on. Wyeth testing out one of his skiffs out on the lake, Liam suffering some plight due to a minor flaw in the design. She giggled softly at the vision of Liam swimming to shore, and Wyeth completely oblivious to his peril, trying to figure out what went wrong. She wrapped her favorite shawl around herself and pulled her knees up to wrap her arms around, before long she nodded off. Her forehead resting on her knees in front of the fireplace, in spite of the fact that there was a large, soft poster bed behind her. Psst....Psst, Hey are you still there? Liam, what are you doing? Your not suppose to cheat, its not fair! Dont worry, it will be alright. Dont believe what is most certain, wait for the blood moon, a painted horse is a sign, lightning will make the wicked blind, an act of sacrifice will lead to vengeance, the prophet will be no more, a much heralded death will end the day. She looked up at Liam from underneath the cart she was hiding under. What are you babbling about? Have you been making that rye beer again? Something dark and ominous suddenly appeared behind Liam, startling them both. Liam reached out an grabbed Avindales shoulders, Just believe me, believe in me he locked eyes with her a moment, then leaned forward to kiss her softly on her lips but.... Avindale jerked awake, a loud popping sound from the fireplace startled her awake. Sweat pouring down her face, heart pounding in her chest. This is how it always happened, the visions that would always came true. She knew at that very moment what was going to happen. Liam was coming for her, and he was going to die!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:42:38 +0000

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