Avocado Health Benefits for Weight Loss & Longevity Fact - TopicsExpress


Avocado Health Benefits for Weight Loss & Longevity Fact “Consuming dietary fats from animal and plant does not make you FAT!” Fats that make you fat are processed fake food trans fats, like hydrogenated vegetable oils. Fats from conventional dairy , meats and eggs will predispose you for weight gain simply because of how the animals are fed. GMO feed and confined living space with intervention of growth hormones to speed up the fatness of the animal and the antibiotic therapy that weakens the immune system of the animal but keeping it alive long enough for market. Stay way from this kind of unlabeled corporate food that will in time do you in like it almost did to me. Holistic Chef Barry lived with Obesity and all diet and poor life style related diseases and and clinical symptoms for 10 years before finding the answers to his serious health crisis. After dropping half his body weight and all 12 obesity related diseases and symptoms of pain just disappeared from his body and all due to right food and beverages as Nature intended for us all along. After living with Obesity for so long today Holistic Chef Barry older and wiser lives with a slim fit body with happiness and no pain ever. Written from the Garden Desk of Holistic Chef Barry overlooking his Thai Earth Kitchen located at the Garden Villa Phuket Thai Spa & Natural Health Retreat located in Phuket Thailand. © Copyright Feb. 26 2014 Notice to the reader Terms of Use : You are free to share on the internet only my Photo, content , and links with out changing anything. And to give my self credit as the author of this content under the name Holistic Chef Barry Anderson. Thank You Recipe ingredients for your Avocado Blanket in Salsa One full generous table spoon of “Amy’s Salsa Medium” Now wait a minute ! People who know Holistic Chef Barry knows very well that the Chef never pulls any punches as he takes every opportunity to BASH the fake process food industry for good reason. But this is different and the Chef estimates that only 5 percent of foods in the process food industry is worth the time and effort to consider as a recipe condiment and one of the chef favorites in this category is Amys fine organic product line of Salsa Dressings. Nothing else comes close in the fine ingredient list of this product . The ingredients read like a who’s who in the culinary gourmet world of essentials for perfecting good taste and organic nutrition all around. The ingredient line up reads as follows : Organic Tomato Puree, Organic Onions,Filtered Water,Jalepeno Peppers,Organic Cilantro,Organic Lime Juice,Sea Salt,Organic Garlic,Spices. “Wow what can I say ?” Lets face it . A lot of people can buy the freshest organic produce and over process it in their own kitchen to such a point that the nutritional value is lost. The more simple the meal is with minimal processing like what Amys does the better it is for your good health. You can visit Amys at Amys Holistic Chef Barry is proud to use many products of Amys Kitchen to bring out the goodness and taste of his creative gourmet health recipes of his own Earth Kitchen in Phuket Thailand. Thank You Amy for all that you have done for my own recipe creations. Kindest Holistic Chef Barry Executive Chef of the Garden Villa Phuket Thai Spa & Natural Health Residence Phuket Thailand in development. Grand Opening end of 2014 beginning of 2015 The beautiful culinary thing about working with Amys natural health condiments is that you can use them as is . Or you can add your ingredients to their existing recipes to create whole new recipes and the sky is really the limit on this one. One Avocado 2 large Romaine Lettuce leaves One table spoon of cooked brown rice ( All Thai Kitchens have rice at the ready always) A table spoon of crush nuts of your choice. Unsalted A few half inch thick slabs of enzyme rich papaya with skin removed. A few pieces of fresh raw coconut chips A condiment of Apple cider vinegar cold pressed, and organic ,with lemon juice ,and raw honey on the side with ground cinnamon powder that you see in the small glass bowl in the photograph. Method of assembling your zesty Avocado Blanket in Salsa The leaf shaped deep dish plate is best used for this food recipe presentation First wash and overlap the 2 large leafy romaine lettuce leaves. Kale ,Chinese cabbage leaf or any large leafy green can be used as well. Spread your table spoon of cooked brown rice across your bed of greens. Slice your Avocado thinly and layer it like a deck of cards across you bed of leafy greens. Then using your mixing bowl blend in your selected table spoon of crushed nuts with your One full generous table spoon of “Amy’s Salsa Medium” Using a spoon work the mixture in and around the slices of avocado . Then place the slices of papaya and raw coconut chips under and along the sides of the raw lettuce leaves. The method for creating the side condiment dish used for adding on top of each mouth full of food as you enjoy. In a small bowl mix and blend to taste . A condiment of Apple cider vinegar cold pressed, and organic ,with lemon juice ,and raw honey on the side with ground cinnamon powder that you see in the small glass bowl in the photograph. How to eat this amazing recipe that only took Holistic Chef Barry 10 minutes to make tops. Simply lift the whole Vegan sandwich up with your hands and bite into it. Put the sandwich down and treat the coconut chips and pieces of papaya rings like you would finger foods. Pour your savory condiment over the sandwich as you desire for taste through out. Natural Health Benefits of Avocado are : Over 5 million results of Google for this one . Avocado truly is a health food that should not be ignored. Avocado is classified as a fruit and provides the good fats for metabolism and yes weight loss and longevity for many people. Is good for heart health and stroke prevention with the Oleic Acid fats of this fruit. Has more protein than most fruits. Is very low for sugar so is an excellent choice food for all Diabetics. For Nutrition Avocado is very high in the mineral potassium and is rich in Vitamin K ( fat soluble) Vitamin B9, B6,B5,C (Water soluble) and Vitamin E ( Fat Soluble) A very good choice for dietary fiber . And is excellent for weight management or reduction of excess body weight . A longevity food that may help reduce the causes of cancer ,diabetes and other chronic health conditions of the body. Reference :medicalnewstoday/articles/270406.php To make connection with Holistic Chef Barry you are invited to visit the following pages here at his personal face book at facebook/barry.anderson.338863 Barrys Weight Loss and Longevity face book page at facebook/weightlosslongevity Beautifully illustrated are 200 Weight Loss and Longevity Recipes including more than 50 Natural Health articles Photographed and written by Holistic Chef Barry himself. Go to this link for another delicious recipe flic.kr/p/kdPe92 The complete recipe collection of Holistic Chef Barry found at this link flic.kr/ps/QgogH
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:10:38 +0000

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