Avocado is a pear shaped fruit known for its miraculous health and - TopicsExpress


Avocado is a pear shaped fruit known for its miraculous health and beauty benefits all over the world. It is also known as butter fruit or alligator pear. Native to Mexico, Guam and Central America, this green fleshy fruit has been in cultivation since time immemorial. This fruit is naturally loaded with myriad essential nutrients and thus is traditionally used for treating several health and skincare problems besides being consumed as a food. Avocados are among the healthiest natural ingredients on the planet and are also considered a complete diet for babies. They contain over 25 vital nutrients including vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K) and minerals such as copper, potassium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Moreover, they also contain essential proteins, fibers and beneficial phytochemicals like glutathione, lutein and beta-sitosterol. However, medical experts advise to go easy on eating avocado as it also contains lots of calories and therefore it’s excessive use may prove highly detrimental for weight-conscious people. Avocado Benefits Through this post we’ll try to make you conversant with the benefits of avocado fruit, juice and oil. Enjoy the read … Skin Benefits Of Avocado: Butter fruit juice leaves your skin soft and supple, when applied on skin. It also helps in soothing the skin effectively. The fruit protects the skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Thus it is an excellent sunscreen lotion. They contain many vitamins such as Vitamin C, A and E, which is essential for the skin. It hydrates all the skin types. The amazing healthy components present in this fruit make it a great choice in skin care. Some of the benefits of butter fruit for skin are: 1. Reduces Marks And Wrinkles: Avocado works well for wrinkles and age spots. When applied with cocoa butter, it helps in lightening scars and spots and gives you a radiant skin tone. 2. Cure For Bright ’S Disease And Psoriasis: The fruit is useful in curing Bright’s disease. The oil extracted from this fruit would highly beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. It gradually removes the scales on the skin. It also helps in the treatment for periodontal disease. 3. Hydrates And Lightens The Skin Tone: The fruit effectively hydrates dry skin and reduces fine lines on the skin. It also offers instant radiance to the skin. This fruit is used in various cosmetics products, such as moisturizers and cleansers. It also controls itchiness caused by dry skin to a good extent. 4. Reduces And Prevents Wrinkles: This fruit protects the skin from toxins, which cause premature ageing on the skin. It also helps in reducing age spots on the skin, when applied directly on skin. 5. Best Sunscreen: Replace your regular sunscreen lotions with this fruit. It helps in protecting your skin from the UVA and UVB harmful rays of the sun. It is also a remedy for removing sun burns and eczema from the skin. It protects the skin from future damage. 6. Antioxidants For Healthy Skin: Butter fruit contains antioxidants, which help in protecting your skin from damage. It improves your skins complexion and density. Medical and skincare experts especially recommend the consumption of avocado juice to those struggling with dull, lack luster skin. It’s also a great natural remedy to relieve dry skin. 7. Clears Skin: They also remove dead skin cells effectively from the skin. It deeply penetrates into the skin to restore the nutrients. It also helps in increasing blood circulation in the skin, which is essential for the skin. The glutamine amino acid present in avocados cleanses your skin and offers it enough protection against harsh environmental factors. 8. Prevents Breakouts: Regular intake of avocados effectively controls acne or breakouts in the skin. It therefore keeps the skin supple and glowing. 9. Fats And Vitamins: Butter fruit is one of the best fruits for the healthy skin. It protects the skin from the bad effect of pollution. It also supplies fats to the skin, which keeps the skin healthy. It helps in maintaining water in the skin, which helps in making the skin radiant and glowing. 10. Nourishes Skin: Avocado oil is easily absorbable and thus penetrates deep into your skin, leaving it well-cleansed, nourished and baby-soft. This helps accelerates the new cell generation and also helps promotes circulation in the body and skin. Hair Benefits Of Avocado: Initially, it was the Egyptians who used this fruit to regulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. We can get the rich vitamins and minerals through the use of raw fruit or avocado oil. The oil gets easily absorbed in the hair, so it suits best for dry hair. This fruit makes the hair shiny and beautiful. It works effectively when it is used as a hair mask. It not only nourishes but also strengthens the hair. The hair benefits of butter fruit include the following: 11. Good Conditioner: Butter fruit works as an effective conditioner for dry hair. It is creamy and heavy. Massaging your hair with the butter fruit paste, results in soft and healthy looking hair. It effectively conditions damaged and dry hair. It also controls frizz hair to a good extent. 12. Protects Hair: The avocado butter also protects the hair from heat and other chemicals. 13. Rescue For Split Ends: The butter fruit oil can work well on dry and brittle hair, which in turn helps in controlling the split ends. 14. Shiny Hair: This fruit contains fats, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for beautiful and shiny hair. 15. Regulates Hair Growth: This fruit is known for stimulating hair growth and controlling hair loss. Hair loss occurs when your hair is severely dry and damaged. This fruit is a good remedy for hair loss. As a moisturizer, it improves the hair condition to a good extent. 16. Moisturizer For Scalp: Dry scalp often causes itching and other hair problems. The avocado or butter fruit oil goes deep into the epidermis layer thus helps in keeping the scalp moisturized. The oil stimulates your hair follicles, thereby improves blood circulation in the scalp. The oil detangles the hair without leaving it greasy. 17. Softening Mask: Butter fruit and egg yolk would work to make your hair soft and nourished naturally. 18. Vitamin B and E: Deficiency of vitamins might result in hair loss and other hair-related problems. The Vitamin B and E in this fruit helps in strengthening and protecting the hair strands. It also repairs scalp damage, which is the major cause of hair loss. 19. Rejuvenates Scalp: If we speak particularly of the avocado benefits for hair, avocado oil helps rejuvenating and moisturizing the scalp. One can use avocado oil for hair in more than one ways as it’s an exceptional treatment for revitalizing dry, damaged, lifeless hair. It deep conditions your locks and scalp and hence leave them looking lustrous and full of life. Moreover, being a rich source of proteins, amino acids and vitamins, avocado oil also helps promoting the growth of healthier tresses. Health Benefits Of Avocado: Avocados are considered the healthiest fruit among all the fruits. It contains more fat, but at the same time, it is also packed with many nutrients. They also contain several vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the body. This fruit helps the body to absorb nutrients present in other foods easily. The fruit contains phosphorus, Vitamin A, calcium, iron, Vitamin b6, protein, copper, Vitamin c, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, folic acid, dietary fiber and potassium. Avocado benefits are not limited to skin and hair. It has got wonderful health properties too. They include the following: 20. Rich In Proteins: Butter fruit contains the finest quality of proteins. The proteins they contain are far superior to the proteins of bread or any other cereals. The composition is similar to milk, thus the fruit in the juice form is safe for children too. 21. Good Source Of Vitamin E: Butter fruit is rich in Vitamin E, which is an essential antioxidant and also helps in proper functioning of the body. Vitamin E also protects the polyunsaturated fatty acids from free radicals. 22. Cardiovascular Disease: Butter fruit contains foliate in high levels, which prevents the risk of strokes. They also help in protecting good cholesterol, which reduces the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. It also contains polyunsaturated fat, potassium and monounsaturated fat. It contains linoleic and oleic acids in the fruit, which lowers the LDL cholesterol and increases HDL (good) cholesterol. It has high amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, which lowers the risk of cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and obesity. 23. Cancer Fighter: Butter fruit is also known for its anti cancerous property. It can be taken as a smart food option to lower the risks of cancer. Studies have proved that this fruit prevents oral pre-cancerous cells from developing into actual oral cancer cells. Regular intake will also reduce the chance of breast and prostate cancer. 24. Aids In Digestion: This fruit also provides a remedy for digestive disorders. It provides comfort to the sensitive surfaces of the stomach and the vitamins present in it reanimate the crippled cells. 25. Regulates Blood Pressure: Butter fruit contains more potassium and other important minerals than any other fruits, thus helps in lowering the blood pressure level. 26. Improves Eyesight: Butter fruit contains high fiber and carotenoid lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts, eye diseases related to age, and vision problems. Its consumption also improves eyesight. 27. Controls Bad Breath: Persistent use of mouth washes results in disastrous health effects such as cancer. Instead, you may choose this fruit as a remedy for bad breath. It removes intestinal decompositions, which is the actual cause for bad breath. 28. Baby Food: Butter fruits are the first nourishing fruit, which babies can enjoy. This fruit contains monounsaturated fats, which play an integral part in baby’s development. The creamy consistency of the fruit is ideal for the babies. Its consumption provides niacin, potassium, folacin, Vitamin B1and B2, and magnesium. Its regular intake would make the body physically and mentally strong. 29. Anti Bacteria And Anti Fungal Properties: Butter fruit contains anti fungal and anti bacterial properties, which would benefit women in menopause. It aids in insomnia, constipation, ulcer and nervous problems. It also helps in restoring any deficiency in your body. 30. Effective For Weight Management: Butter fruit effectively helps in controlling weight. They have high fat content, which quickly gives a feeling of fullness thus reduces overeating. The mono saturated fat increases the metabolic rate. Studies have found a small amount of weight loss with the consumption of this fruit. Few people have noticed a rapid weight loss with the increased intake of avocado. 31. Arthritis: Butter fruit is an excellent food supplement for arthritis along with soya bean. It helps to stimulate cartilage growth. With anti inflammatory properties, it helps in treating symptoms of hip and knee osteoarthritis. 32. Heart Health: Avocados are extremely helpful when it comes to maintaining a hale and hearty heart. They are rich in folate – an ingredient essential for a healthy, problem free heart. One cup is enough to satisfy your body’s 23% of the daily folate requirement alone. Additionally, monounsaturated fats, glutathione and vitamin E in the avocado are also very beneficial for human heart. Not only this, avocado’s high folate content also makes it an ideal food for preventing strokes. 33. Better Nutrient Absorption: Avocados are found to be very effective in boosting the absorption of certain nutrients plus they also improve human digestive system. Likewise, it also helps preventing constipation and facilitates immediate weight lose. 34. Glutathione Source: Avocados are a rich source of glutathione, an antioxidant important in preventing ageing, cancers, and heart disorders. Furthermore, the abundance of vitamin E makes it an amazing ingredient to keep numerous health issues bay. 35. Boosts Immunity: Many beauticians and skincare experts also recommend the use of avocado oil over the face daily so as to keep up the moisture level and hence maintain the juvenile glow for long. Moreover, because of high dietary vitamin E, it also helps booting the immunity of skin against stress and other environmental hazards. 36. Increased Resistance Against Free Radicals: A study conducted in the recently concluded year finds that avocado can help boosting cell’s ability to fight to the free radicals. The research was done on yeast that was exposed to free radicals; the oil multiplied the resistance of yeast cells against the free radicals to many folds. So, on the basis of the results, medical experts believe that these benefits of avocado oil could apply to human cells as well. Avocado Beauty Treatments: One can also create their own beauty treatments with this inimitable fruit. Find a few excellent recipes below: 37. Avocado Hair Mask: Avocado provides great hair treatment in combination with egg yolk, olive oil and yogurt. It nourishes you hair and moisturizes it from inside out, leaving it rejuvenated and well-revitalized. To prepare the treatment, pulverize the avocado first and then add some olive oil, yogurt and egg yolk to it. Stir well to get a consistent paste and work it over your strands evenly, covering them with a plastic wrap afterwards. Let the mixture sit in your hair for almost half an hour and then rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo as normal. 38. Avocado Body Butter Recipe: To create avocado body butter take one fully ripped avocado and after removing its pit and skin mash it up in a small bowl. Apply the paste onto your skin, paying enough attention to the rough skin areas like knees, heels and elbows. Let the butter exercise its magic over your skin for almost half an hour and then wash off with cool water. 39. Avocado facial cleanser recipe: This recipe cleanses the skin pores and frees your skin from any dirt, grime, excess oil and other impurities. While a variety of such cleansers are available in market, you can also prepare your own at home. For making an avocado facial cleanser, you’ll be in need of one egg yolk, half cup milk and half avocado. First of all beat the egg until it is frothy and then add mashed avocado and milk to it. Stir the concoction to get a lotion-like consistency. Use the resultant mixture then to cleanse your face regularly. It removes harmful toxins from your skin and leaves it looking younger and radiant. 40. Avocado Hand Scrub: This blend makes use of lemon for scent; oats helps quick and easy absorption of avocado oil and provides gentle exfoliation making your hands soft and smooth. To get the treatment, simply take some mashed avocado in a bowl and add to it egg white, oats and a little amount of lime juice. Stir the mixture well and massage your hands with the resultant paste. Hold on for 20-25 minutes and wash your hands finally with tepid water. 41. Oily Skin Avocado Mask: Avocado mask for oily skin involves the use of lemon, egg white and ripped avocado. Lemon acts as a natural astringent and controls the production of oil by the skin whereas egg white strengthens and nourishes you skin with high protein content. Avocado oil balances the mixture. To prepare the pack you need to combine avocado, egg white and lemon juice in a blender and whirl until you get a smooth paste. Use the mask onto your skin for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water at the end. 42. Avocado Moisturizing Mask: The moisturizing avocado oils join forces with a natural antiseptic agent, honey and relieving yogurt to gently cleanse, eliminate redness and soften up the skin while firming and refining skin pores. Take two fully ripped avocados and mash it after pitting and peeling. Now add yogurt and honey to it and stir well. Apply the paste over your face and leave it on for almost fifteen minutes. Rinse with tepid water. 43. Moisturizing Eye Mask: Avocado moisturizing eye mask is best at relieving eye dehydration and irritation. Preparation of mask doesn’t involve any intricate steps, just mash up a fully ripped avocado and combine it with aloe vera gel. Stir well and spread evenly on pre cleansed under eye skin. Let it sit virtually for ten minutes and then wipe away. Splash tepid water over your face finally. Nutritional Value Of Butter Fruit: Butter fruits are enriched with energy, which comes from its fat content. It also has high soluble and insoluble fiber content. Its high intake results in lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides level. It also helps in lowering cancer and diabetes risk. This fruit also contains sufficient minerals and vitamins, which are essential for your diet. The Vitamin C and E present in butter fruit help in making the immune system strong.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 07:21:33 +0000

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